Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy GAČR  P401/11/1688 Výstupy 2011 – 2015. MONOGRAFIE 2012 Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev. Pravoslavné teologie ve 20. st Západ. Brno: CDK, 2012 (The Ways of Orthodox Theology in the West in the Twentieth Century 978-80-7325-290-8. 2015 Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev. The Ways of Orthodox Theology (Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015), pp. 385. [978–0–88141–505–6]. (Revised Pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západ. Trans. Tim Noble). Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev. Wrestling with the Mind of the (Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015). [ISBN: 978–0–88141–514–8]. 2016 ????? ????, ????????? ????????, ??? ????, ????? ??????? ???? ????????????? ?????????? ?? ? (????? «??????????? ??????????») (??????.: ???????????? ???, 2016) [ISBN 978-5-89647-339-8 Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev. Cesty pravoslavné teologie ve 20. st Moscow: Izdatel'stvo BBI, 2016) Revised Version of Pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na published. Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev. Mnohohlas pravoslavné teologie Století (Brno: CDK, 2016, forthcoming). special issues of journals 2012 ??????????? ????? 16: 3–4 (2012). ISSN 1310-7909. 2013 Communio Viatorum 55:3 (2013) ISSN: 0010–3713. 2015 St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 59:1 (2015) ISSN: 0036-3227. Communio Viatorum 57:3 (2015) ISSN: 0010–3713. Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 56:1-2 (2015) [ISSN: 0024-5895]. Kapitoly 2011 Parush Parushev: “Romantické vlivu na počatku ruskěho slavjanofilskěho hnutí”, in Ivana No et al., Křesťanství a Romantismus (Prague: CDK, 2011), 64–83. ISBN 978-80-7325-250-2 (2012 NONE) 2013 Ivana Noble: “Vztah člověka k prostoru a k transcendenci na ikonách a obrazech”, in Karel Hanuš, Jan Vybíral (eds.) Sensorium Dei: Člověk – Prostor – Transcendence (Brno: CDK, 2013 978-80-7325-322-6. Ivana Noble: “History Tied Down by the Normativity of Tradition? Inversion of Perspective Theology: Challenges and Problems”, in  Colby Dickinson, (ed), The Shaping of Tradition: C Normativity, (Leuven: Peeters, 2013), 283–96. ISBN: 978-90-429-2936-4. Ivana Noble and Tim Noble: “A non-synthetic dialectics between the Christian East and West point for renewed communication”, in Christine Büchner et al. (eds.), Kommunikation ist Mö Theologische, ökumenische und interreligiöse Lernprozesse. Festschrift für Bernd Jochen Hi (Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag, 2013), 273–81. ISBN: 978-3-7867-2993-8. Ivana Noble and Tim Noble: “Orthodox Theology in Western Europe in the 20th Century”, in: Online (EGO), published by the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz, 2013-07 URN: urn:nbn:de:0159-2013070204 Kateřina Bauerová: “Mateřství jako prostor pro jiného druhého: rozhovor matky Marie Skobco Cixous”, in Karel Rechlík, Jiří Hanuš, Jan Vybíral (eds.) Sensorium Dei: Člověk – Prostor (Brno: CDK, 2013), 79–93. ISBN 978-80-7325-322-6. Kateřina Bauerová: “Setkání hésychasmu se sofiologie u Solovjova, Florenského a Bulgakova” (ed.), Filokalie: Kniha, hnutí, spiritualita. (Velehrad: Olomouc, 2013), 118–31. ISBN: 978 Tim Noble: “Poutníkova bible. Bible v Upřímných vyprávěních poutníka svému duchovnímu otci Poutníkově cestě,” in Robert Svatoň (ed.), Velehradské dialogy I. (Olomouc: Refugium, 2013 978-80-7412-133-3. Tim Noble: “Budování duchovniho místa v hesychasmu a u Ignáce,” in Karel Rechlík, Jiří Han (eds.), Sensorium Dei: Člověk – proctor – transcendence (Brno: CDK, 2013), 67–80. ISBN: 97 Parush Parushev, “Filokalie a raná slavjanofilská spiritualita: od duchovního hnutí k utop Karel Sládek (ed.), Filokalie: Kniha, hnutí, spiritualita. (Velehrad: Olomouc, 2013), 105– 978-80-7412-144-9. Parush Parushev, “Mission as established presence and prophetic witness in culturally Orth in Mihai Malancea and Vladimir Ubeivolc (eds.), Evangelical Mission in the Eastern Europea Contexts: Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine (Chisinau: Universitatea Divitia Gratiae, 20 ISBN 978-9975-4386-0-5. Parush Parushev: Scientific Review and Commendation for Kostadin Nushev, St Maximus The Confessor’s Anthropology and the Development of Orthodox Moral Theology [???????? ?????, ???????????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ?? ????????????? ??? (Sofia, BG: Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” Publisher, 2013). ISBN: 978-954-91538- Bulgarian). 2014 Ivana Noble: “Společnost v zrcadle dějin podle Karla Skalického a Georgije Florovského”, i Štěch a Roman Míčka (eds.), Církev a společnost: Karlovi Skalickému k 80. Narozeninám (Čes Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Teologická fakulta, 2014), 60–70. (ISBN: 978- Ivana Noble: “Předmluva: Od hermeneutiky textu k hermeneutice zkušenosti”, in Zdenko Širka Cristian Panaitescu (eds.), Hermeneutika zkušenosti v křesťanské tradici (Prague: Univerzi Evangelická teologická fakulta, 2014), 7–11. (ISBN: 978-80-260-7183-9) Tim Noble: “Springtime in Paris: Orthodoxy Encountering Diverse Others Between the Wars”, Oliver Schuegraf (eds.), Den Blick weiten: Wenn Ökumene den Religionen begegnet: Tagungsbe Wissenschaftlichen Konsultation der Societas Oecumenica (Beiheft zur Ökumenischen Rundscha Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014), 295–310. ISBN: 978–3–374–03920–3. Parush Parushev: "Theological Education and Academia: A Convictional Theological Perspecti Learning", in Ábrahám Kovács and Zoltán Schwáb (eds.), Academia for the Church: Eastern an European Theological Perspectives (Carlisle: Langham Monographs, 2014), 135–51. ISBN: 978- 2015 Ivana Noble, “?? ?????? ??? ????????? “?????????” ??? ?? ?????? ???? ?????????????”, in Pe Michel Stavrou (?. ???????) (eds.), ?????? ????????????? ?? ??????... ? ?????????? ??????????? ???????. ???????? – ??? – ?????????? [The time remaining is short... (1 Cor 7,29): The Forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Sy Problems. Prospects] (Athens: En Plo [‘?? ???], 2015), pp. 273–302. [ISBN: 978-960-9550-63 Kateřina Bauerová, “Mystery of Divine-Human Cooperation in Freedom and Creativity: An Exam Life from the Russian Diaspora in France“, in J. Geldhof, D. Minch, & T. Maine (eds.), App Threshold of Mystery: Liturgical Worlds and Theological Spaces (Regensburg: Verlag Friedri 155–65. ISBN: 978-3-7917-2741-7. Články 2011 ERIH / SCOPUS Ivana Noble: “‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’: Critical Work with Methods in the Hermeneutics of John Breck”, Communio Viatorum 53:2 (2011), 51–62. ISSN: 00 Ivana Noble: “The Holy Spirit Blowing across the Eastern-Western Borders”, Communio Viator 1–7. ISSN: 0010–3713. Ivana Noble: “Review of Bruce T. Morrill: Divine Worship and Human Healing”, Communio Viat 91-94. Jrec: Ivana Noble: “Žebřík mezi zemí a nebem: Jákobův sen v duchovním výkladu Jana Klimaka a Pet Teologická reflexe 17: 2 (2011), 144–63. ISSN: 1211-1872. Kateřina Bauerová, “Teologie světla v pravoslavných ikonách”, Studie a Texty 18:1 (2011), Jneimp Tim Noble: “A Writ Good Guide: The Bible in The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim’s Progr European Baptist Studies 12:1 (2011), 20–35. ISSN: 1213-1520. 2012 Jimp Kateřina Bauerová:  “Emigration as Taking Roots and Giving Wings: Sergei Bulgakov, Nikolai Mother Maria Skobstova”, Communio Viatorum 46:2 (2012), 184–203. ISSN: 0010–3713. Tim Noble: “Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Russian Orthodox Mission to Alaska”, Comm 54:2 (2012), 164–83. ISSN: 0010–3713. Parush Parushev: “Review of Aristotle Papanikolaou, The Mystical as Political: Democracy a Orthodoxy“, Communio Viatorum 54:2 (2012), 232–37. ISSN: 0010–3713 Jsc: Ivana Noble: “The Reception of Palamas in the West Today: A Response to Norman Russell”, T (2012), 55–62. ISSN: 1105-154X. Ivana Noble, “????????? ? ????????????? ?? ?????? ? ???????? ????? ?????? ??. ?????? ???? ???????? ? ?? I kreativnostta na choveka v duhovniya zhivot spored Sv. Simeon Novi Bogoslov i Sv. Ignats Bulgarian. The Role of Human Freedom and Creativity in Spiritual Life according to St Syme Theologian and St Ignatius of Loyola],  ??????????? ????? 16: 3–4 (2012),  22–44. ISSN 131 Ivana and Tim Noble: “A Latin Appropriation of Christian Hellenism: Florovsky’s Marginal N ‘Patristics and Modern Theology’ and its Possible Addressee”, St Vladimir’s Theological Qu (2012), 269–88. ISSN: 0036-3227. Kateřina Bauerová: “???????????? ? ????????????? ????????? ?? ???????, ???????? ???? ??????????.” [“Apofatich katafatichnite izmereniya na ikonite, izrazeni chrez svetlinata”. Bulgarian. “The Apophati Dimensions of Icons Expressed by Light”.] ??????????? ????? 16:3–4 (2012), 111–24. ISSN 13 Kateřina Bauer: “Review of Many Women Were Also There: The Participation of Orthodox Women Ecumenical Movement by Eleni Kasselouri-Hatzivassiliadi, Fulata Mbano Moyo, Aikaterini Pek Ecumenical Review 64:3 (2012), 416–19. ISSN: 0013-0796. Tim Noble: “???????? ? ??????????? ?? ????? ? ?? ?????: ?????????? ?? ??. ??????? ? ‘????????? ??????? ?? ???? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ????’ ? ‘??????????????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????’” ??????????? ????? 16:3-4 (2012), 92–110. ISSN: 131 Bible and the Pilgrim in East and West: The Use of the Scriptures in The Way of the Pilgri Pilgrim’s Progress”, Bogoslovska Misl. This is a revised version and translation into Bulg article “A Writ Good Guide: The Bible in The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim’s Progress Parush Parushev: “Philosophical Grounding and Theological Development of the Slavophile Mo Russia” (English) ??????????? ????? 16:3–4 (2012), 45–62. ISSN: 1310-7909. Parush Parushev and Kostadin Nushev: “?????????”, ??????????? ????? 16:3–4 (2012), 5–9. IS 2013 Jneimp Ivana Noble, “L’avenir de la « diaspora » orthodoxe”, Contacts 65:243 (Juillet-Septembre 2 ISSN: 0045-8325.  Ivana Noble, “Napětí mezi eschatologickým a utopickým pojetím tradice: Tillich, Florovskij Tension Between The Eschatological and the Utopic Understandings of Tradition in Theologie Twentieth Century: Tillich, Florovsky, Congar], Teologická Reflexe 19:1(2013), 34-52. (ISS (English translation due in 2016 in Harvard Theological Review) Ivana Noble, “Various Christian Traditions in One Ecclesial Body”, Baptistic Theologies 5: (ISSN: 1803 – 618X) Tim Noble: “Between the Swiss Train and the Eschaton: Mission in a Time of Waiting”, Bapti 5:1 (2013), 147–62. ISSN: 1803-618X. 2014 Jsc Kateřina Bauerová: “The Play of the Semiotic and the Symbolic: The Authenticity of the Lif Skobtsova”, Feminist Theology 22:3 (2014), 290–301. ISSN: 0966-7350 Tim Noble: “The Praxis of Celebration: The Subversive Power of Liberation Theology and Hes Studies 38:2 (2014), 165–83. ISSN: 0024–6964. Tim Noble: “Living in the Truth in the Past and the Present in the Czech Republic”, Forum (2014): Reconciliation – Justice – Peace, 151–68. ISSN: 1661–4216. ISBN: 978–3–03727–059–2 2015 Jimp Ivana Noble, “Three Orthodox Visions of Ecumenism: Berdyaev, Bulgakov, Lossky”, Communio V (2015), 113–140. ISSN: 0010–3713. Ivana Noble: “Words and Music Born out of Silence. Liturgical and Hesychast Influences on and lex credendi in Vladimir Lossky and Fr Dumitru St?niloae”, Questions Liturgiques/Studi 96:1-2(2015), 82–101. ISSN 0774-5524 Kateřina Bauerová, “Geographical and Imaginary Spaces: Sergei Bulgakov and Joanna Reitling Communio Viatorum 57:2 (2015), 193–209. ISSN: 0010–3713. Tim Noble, “Mutuality in Ecumenical Encounter”, Communio Viatorum 57:2 (2015), 107–112. IS Tim Noble, “Review of Andrew Louth, Modern Orthodox Thinkers”, Communio Viatorum 57:2 (201 ISSN: 0010–3713. Tim Noble: “’The Pathway into the Kingdom of Heaven’: The Indigenization of Russian Orthod Alaska”, Mission Studies 32:1 (2015), 32–46. ISSN: 1573–9789. Jneimp Ivana Noble, “Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy: Introduction to the Th Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 56:1-2 (2015) xx–xx [ISSN: 0024-5895]. Ivana Noble and Tim Noble, “The Starets-Disciple Relationship According to Mother Maria Gy Theologies 7:2 (2016), 88–100, ISSN: 1803-618X. Ivana Noble: “Tradition and Innovation: Introduction to the Theme”, St Vladimir’s Theologi 59:1 (2015), 7–15. ISSN: 0036-3227. Kateřina Bauerová, “The Masculine and the Feminine Dimensions of Being Human in the Icons Reitlinger and Mother Maria Skobtsova”. Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 56:1 0024-5895]. Kateřina Bauerová, “Tradition as Symbolically Mediated: Response to Aristotle Papanikolaou Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 59:1 (2015), 105-111. ISSN: 0036-3227. Tim Noble, “Mission Born in the Place of Encounter Between East and West”, Logos: A Journa Christian Studies 56:1-2 (2015). xx –xx [ISSN: 0024-5895]. Tim Noble: “Ignatian and Hesychast Spirituality: Praying Together”, St Vladimir’s Theologi 59:1 (2015), 43–53. ISSN: 0036-3227. Parush Parushev: “Going forward to the Roots: Reflections on the emergence of Ivan Kireyev Integral Knowledge”, St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 59:1 (2015), 79–90. ISSN: 0036-32 Forthcoming: Jimp Ivana Noble, “The Tension Between The Eschatological and the Utopic Understandings of Trad Theologies of the Twentieth Century: Tillich, Florovsky, Congar“, Harvard Theological Revi 2016 ISSN: 0017-8160 Jneimp Parush R. Parushev: “The Social Engagement as an Expression of What the Church Is,” Logos: Eastern Christian Studies (forthcoming). Konference Organizátoři: 2012 Mezinárodní doktorandská a postdoktorandská vědecká konference: “Presence and Absence of I Modern Orthodox Theologies”, Praha, 3.–5.2.2012.   2013 Mezinárodní doktorandská a postdoktorandská vědecká konference: “Tradition and Innovation Different Streams of Orthodox Theological Thinking in Exile and Its Impact on Ecumenical D 17.–19.5.2013. 2014 “The Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy”, Praha, 21.–25.5.2014. 2015 Mezinárodní vědecká konference: “Ecumenical Reception and Critique of 20th Century Orthodo Exile and Diaspora”, Praha, 22.-24.5.2015. Mezinárodní konference a přednášky 2011 Mezinárodní konference: “Living to Tell: A Gospel Informed Perspective on Human Rights, Ju IBTS, Praha, únor 2011. Přednášky (Invited Main Speakers): Tim Noble: Rights of the Indigenous People and the Orthodox Mission to Alaska. Parush Parushev: The Concept of Sobornost’ and the Communal Dimension of Human Rights: An the Russian Orthodox Thought Mezinárodní doktorandská a postdoktorandská vědecká konference: “Roots and/or Borders? Neg difficult aspects of Ecumenical and Intercultural Conversations”, IBTS, Praha, únor 2011. Přednášky: Ivana Noble (Main Speaker):  Roots and/or Borders? Negotiating the difficult aspects of Ec Intercultural Conversations: Introduction to the theme. Tim Noble (Main Speaker):  The cultural and the religious aspects of the usage of anathema Iconoclast Controversy. Kateřina Bauerová (Main Speaker):  Roots and borders in the life and work of a Czech artis Mezinárodní konference: Society for the Study of Theology Conference: “Holy Writ? Authorit York, Anglie. 11.-14.4.2011 Přednáška: Ivana Noble: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”: Critical work with p methods in the hermeneutics of John Breck Mezinárodní doktorandská konference: Eros and Religio, Praha, 8.5.2011 Přednáška: Kateřina Bauerová: “All I saw and all was one – only one picture of female beauty”: The me Vladimir Solovyov Mezinárodní badatelský seminar, Redcliffe College, University of Gloucester, 24.5.2011 Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Tim Noble: The Orthodox Church and Mission Today: Reflections on a Trip to Greece  Mezinárodní konference: Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology VIII: “Tradition and the History”, Lovaň, Belgie, říjen 2011. Přednášky: Ivana Noble: History Tied Down by the Normativity of Tradition? (Inversion of Perspective Theology, its Challenges and its Problems Kateřina Bauerová: Emigration as Taking Roots and Giving Wings: Sergei Bulgakov and Mother Tim Noble: “Your History Shall Be My History”: The Indigenization of Russian Orthodox Trad University of St Kliment of Ohrid Faculty of [Orthodox] Theology, Sofia, 22-23.11.2011 Přednášky (Invited Speakers): Ivana Noble: “Moral and Spiritual Dimensions of the Ladder of the Divine Ascent according Climacus and Petre Ţuţea“; “The Role of Imagination in Symeon the new Theologian and Ignatius of Loyola“ “Symbols of the World, the Church and the Kingdom of God in the Sacramental Theology of Al Schmemann“ Tim Noble: “Mission in Contemporary Western Theology”. 2012 Mezinárodní konference: “Despise Not The Counsel of the Poor: Convictions on Religious Fre of States and the State of Powers”, IBTS, Praha, 30.1–2.2.2012 Přednáška (Invited Main Speaker): Tim Noble: The Glory and Honour of the Nations” (Rev 21:26): A Theological Journey into th Religious Freedom. Mezinárodní doktorandská a postdoktorandská vědecká konference: “Presence and Absence of I Modern Orthodox Theologies”, Praha, 3.–5.2.2012.  Přednášky: Ivana Noble (Main Speaker): Presence and Absence of the Orthodox Theological Reflection of Ideologies and its Ecumenical Impact: Introduction to the Theme. Parush Parushev (Main Speaker): Religious Aspects of the Journey from the Slavophile Movem Panslavic Ethnophiletism. Kateřina Bauerová (Main Speaker):  “Places Where the Russian Emigrants in Prague Lived in Mezinárodní konference: The Legacy of Fr. John Meyendorff (1926-1992) St Sergius Orthodox Institute, Paříž, 9.-12.2.2012 Přednáška (Invited Main Speaker): Ivana Noble: Patristic Synthesis or Non-Synthetic Dialectics? A Critical Evaluation of Joh Contribution”. Mezinárodní konference (Athens, GR): Reception of Palamas in the West Today, 3.3.2012 Přednáška (Invited Speaker) (po skypu) Ivana Noble: “The Reception of Palamas in the West Today: A Response to Norman Russell”. Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network, konference: Where We Dwell Pathways for Dialogue in the 21st Century Assisi,  17.-22.4.2012 Přednášky: Ivana Noble (invited speaker): “Unity – A Wounded Vision and a Discerned Gift:  Response t Agnes Brazal and Paul Avis“. Ivana Noble, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev, Kateřina Bauerová: “Going forward to the Roots: T of Pre-Eschatological Absolute Reference Points and Their Critique in Orthodox Ecclesiolog Century (Russian) Diaspora”: Group presentation: Ivana Noble: The Neo-Patristic Struggle b Reference Points and Love Oriented Space with the Supremacy of the Transcendent Other. Tim – Spiritual Depth Cultivating the Virtue of Hospitality. Parush Parushev: Integral Knowled of Love - Its Presence and Absence in the Slavophile Ecclesiology. Kateřina Bauerová: Soph without the Church Borders: The Excluded Voice? Mezinárodní konference: “Dialogue Inside-Out: Ecumenism Encounters the Religions”, 17th Ac Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica Belfast, (Sevérní Irsko), 23.–28.8. 2012. Přednáška: Tim Noble: “Springtime in Paris: Orthodoxy Encountering Diverse Others Between The Wars”. Mezinárodní konference: “The Forthcoming Council of the Orthodox Church: Understanding the Saint Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paříž, 18.–20.10. 2012. [ URL ""] Přednášky: Ivana Noble (official ecumenical observer and invited speaker): The Future of the Orthodox Observer’s Point of View Tim Noble: “The Orthodox Art of Conversation: The Contribution of Nikolai Berdyaev’s Ecume in Paris” Mezinárodní konference: Philokalia: The Book, the Movement, the Spirituality, Praha, 13.-1 Přednášky: Kateřina Bauerová: Philokalia and Russian Religious Renaissance: hesychasm in Encounter wi Parush Parushev: Philokalia and Early Slavic Spirituality: From a Spiritual Movement to Ut 2013 Mezinárodní konference: “Evangelical Mission in the Eastern European Context: Bulgaria, Ro and Ukraine,” 22.-23.3.2013, Kishinev, Moldova. Přednáška (invited main speaker): Parush Parushev: “Mission as Established Presence and Prophetic Witness in Culturally Orth Mezinárodní doktorandská a postdoktorandská vědecká konference: “Tradition and Innovation Different Streams of Orthodox Theological Thinking in Exile and Its Impact on Ecumenical D 17.–19.5.2013. Přednášky: Ivana Noble (Main Speaker): Tradition and Innovation – Reflection on Different Streams of Theological Thinking in Exile and its Impact on Ecumenical Dialogue. Introduction. Tim Noble (Main Speaker): Ignatian and Hesychast Spirituality: Historical and Current Enco Parush Parushev (Main Speaker): Kireyevsky's Notion of Integral Knowledge and its Impact o Theology. Mezinárodní seminar: “Orthodox diaspora: a place in-between, a place of encounter, a place Amsterdam Centre of Eastern Orthodox Theology, Free University (Amsterdam, NL); červen 201 Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Ivana Noble: An Introduction: The Impact of the Russian Religious Renaissance on the Neo-P Theology.     Mezinárodní konference: “Mission of God” Consultation of Orthodox and Evangelical Leaders Orthodox Initiative, Orthodox Monastery of St. Vlash, Albania. 2.-6.9.2013 Přednáška: Parush Parushev: Challenges, Opportunities and Resources for Orthodox/ Evangeli in Mission. Mezinárodní konference: LEST IX (“Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology”), “Mediating M Understanding Liturgies”, Lovaň, 23.–26.10.2013. Přednášky: Ivana Noble: Words and Music Born out of Silence: Liturgical and Hesychast Influences on L Vladimir Lossky and Fr. Dumitru Staniloae Kateřina Bauerová: Free Creating: An Example of Liturgical Life of Russian Diaspora in Fra Tim Noble: The Still Heart of the Celebration: Liberation Theology, Hesychasm and the Tran of Liturgy Mezinárodní vědecká konference: Ecumenical Research Forum, Hamburg, 8–11.11.2013. Přednáška (Invited Main Speaker): Ivana Noble: “The Contribution of Ecumenism to Theological Education” Mezinárodní vědecká konference: “The Poor and the Church”, Heythrop College, Londýn, 3.12. Přednášky (Invited Speakers): Ivana Noble and Tim Noble: “The Importance of Non-Possession”. 2014 Institut Catholique (Paris): 12.3. 2014 Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Ivana Noble: “Caught in between the West and the East: Struggles for national and ecclesia determination in the Czech Lands after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire”. Mezinárodní vědecká konference: “The Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy” 25.5.2014. Přednášky: Ivana Noble (Main Speaker): Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy: Introduc Kateřina Bauer (Main Speaker):  The Masculine and the Feminine Dimensions of Being Human i Sister Julia Reitlinger and Mother Maria Skobtsova Tim Noble (Main Speaker):  Mission in the Encounter between East and West. Parush Parushev (Main Speaker):  Social Engagement as an Expression of who the Church is. Mezinárodní vědecká konference: The Catholic Church in Dialogue: Ecclesiam Suam and Its Le 16.6.2014 Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Ivana Noble: “From a Schism to Sharing God's Gifts beyond the Institutional Borders: Refle Catholic – Hussite Relations”. St Mary’s University in cooperation with Heythrop College, University of London, 16.6.2014 Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Ivana Noble: “The Tension Between the Eschatological and the Utopic Understandings of Trad Theologies of the Twentieth Century: Tillich, Florovsky, Congar”. (English version of prof from Prague). Mezinárodní konference: 18th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica: “Catholicit The Ambiguous Relationship between Diversity and Unity”, Budapešť, 21.–26.8. 2014. Přednášky: Ivana Noble: “Modernist Controversy in the Czech Lands and the Rise of the Contesting Cath (Old Catholic, Czechoslovak, and Czech Orthodox Churches)” Tim Noble: “Contested Catholicities: Praxis between Space and Time“. Pontifical University of St Thomas (Angelicum) (Rome): Summer School for doctoral students Eastern Europe: Through the Lens of the Film Director: Exploring Religion and Culture in C Medium of Film:  8.9.2014 Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Ivana Noble:  “Christ Images in Czech Films”. Taizé International Youth Meeting in Prague, 30.12.2014 Ivana and Tim Noble (workshop): “Seeking for Faith in Current Czech Film”. 2015 Mezinárodní vědecká konference: “Theosis / Deification: Christian Doctrines of Divinizatio KU Leuven, Lovaň, 29.–31.1.2015. Přednáška:   Ivana Noble (“Keynote Speaker with His All Holiness, Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Constant and Ecumenical Patriarch and Professor Rowan Williams, Cambridge University”): “An Experie to Deification: Lessons Learned from Hesychasm, Ignatian Spirituality and (Post) Modern Ph Mysticism”. Přednášky:   Kateřina Bauerová: “Theosis and Pleroma in East and West: Integral Wisdom”. Tim Noble: “Theosis and Pleroma in East and West: Integral Freedom”. Parush Parushev: “Theosis and Pleroma in East and West: Integral Knowledge” Mezinárodní vědecká konference: “Ecumenical Reception and Critique of 20th Century Orthodo Exile and Diaspora”, Praha, 22.-24.5.2015. Přednášky: (Main Speakers) Ivana Noble (Main Speaker): “Ecumenical Reception and Critique of 20th Century Orthodox Th and Diaspora – Introduction”. Kateřina Bauerová (Main Speaker):  “Geographical and Imaginary Spaces: Sergei Bulgakov and Reitlinger in Prague”. Mezinárodní vědecká konference: “Political Orthodoxy and Totalitarianism in a Post-Communi Helsinki, Finland, 28.-31.5.2015.         Přednáška (invited speaker): Ivana Noble: “Theology after Totalitarian Experience”. Mezinárodní vědecká konference: “Christian Faith, Identity and Otherness: Possibilities an of dialogue in ecumenical and interfaith discourse,” 31.8–2.9. 2015, Sidney Sussex College England. Přednášky (invited speakers): Kateřina Bauerová: “To Live Otherness Between the Geographical and the Imaginary Spaces: S and Joanna Reitlinger in Exile” (31.srpna 2015) Ivana Noble: “On What Common Path Do We Embark When We Converse With Others? Three Differe Ecumenism: Berdyaev, Bulgakov, Lossky”. Mezinárodní vědecká konference: Metropolitan of Diokleia Kallistos Ware: The Witness of Or West (Volos, Greece 20.–22.11.2015) Přednáška (invited speaker): Ivana Noble:  “The Reception of Philokalia, the Meaning of Prayer and the Neptic Tradition Metropolitan Kallistos Ware”. Veřejné přednášky a prezentace a účast na konference 2011 Kateřina Bauerová: Postgraduate International Research Seminar, IBTS, Praha, 20.4.2011, př Maria Skobstova: Hagiography as a Spiritual Inspiration 2012 Parush Parushev, Postgraduate International Research Seminar, IBTS, Praha, 11.1.2012, před and development of Bulgarian Orthodox Theological Education and Theological Thought: An At Critical Overview” Ivana Noble: Postgraduate International Research Seminar, IBTS, Praha, 15.2.2012, přednášk the Living Tradition in the Neopatristic Theology. 2013 Ivana Noble: Profesorská přednáška, ETF-UK, Praha, 15.3.2013, přednáška: Napětí mezi escha utopickým pojetím tradice: Tillich, Florovskij, Congar. Historický ústav Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Brno, 15.4.2013. Přednáška (invited speaker): Ivana Noble: Cyril a Metoděj v východné slovanské tradici Parush Parushev: A class for Doctoral level Bulgarian Orthodox Students in the Faculty of Kliment of Ohrid University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 18.6.2013: “Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness Orthodox Theological Thought”. Tim Noble: Post-Graduate and Staff Seminar, International Baptist Theological Seminary, Pr přednáška: Liturgy Transforming and Transforming Liturgy in Liberation Theology and Hesych Parush Parushev: Faculty of Baptist Theology at the University of Bucharest and the Instit Theology in Bucharest, for M-level students, 27.11.2013, přednáška: Patristic Sources of C 2014 Ivana a Tim Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Brno, Presentation of the book Sensorium Dei. 25.2. guests) New York University’s Prague Institute for Democracy, Economy, and Culture in cooperation Foundation (Prague): European Identity and Religion: Spiritual dimension of European ident of religious traditions in European integration. 10.10.2014 Ivana Noble (Invited Speaker) prezentace a diskuze Slovenské združenie katolíckych intelektuálov OK21 (Praha), 11.10.2014 Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Ivana Noble: “Teologie Mistra Jana Husa“ Stolní společnost Evropa (Praha): 20.10.2014, Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Ivana Noble: Náboženské tázání a vztah ke spiritualitě v současné české společnosti a kult 2015 Post-Graduate and Staff Seminar, International Baptist Theological Study Centre, Amsterdam Přednáška (Invited Speaker): Tim Noble, “The Concept of Freedom as an Integrating Motive i Ivana Noble, Studentský spolek pro soudobé dějiny východní Evropy, Filosofická fakulta UK, 26.3.2015, a Round table „Contemporary Russian Orthodoxy and its Relationship to the State Martin C.Putna, Professor of Russian Studies, and Lev Roirman, a journalist from Free Euro Ivana Noble, Lovaň, Belgie, 6.5.2015,  international doctoral seminar, „Spirituality of he and commenting on texts. Ivana a Tim Noble, Výjezdní zasedání ETF UK, Poličany, 5.6.2015,  presentation of the outc project Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy. Ivana Noble, Emauzský klašter, Křesťanská akademie,Prague, 13.6.2015, „Aktuální úkoly ekum spolupráce“, panel discussion (together with Tomáš Halík, Pavel Černý, Martin Vaňáč and Pa Víkendový seminář IES, ETF UK, “Středověk ještě neskončil – dědictví středověku v církvích 6.-7.11. 2015, VOŠ Jabok. Přednáška (invited speaker): Kateřina Bauerová:  Jakub Böhme v r (7.11.2015) Conference Participation / Attendance 3.-8.3.2015      Ivana a Tim Noble, Badatelský pobyt spojený s konferencí “Pravda, soucit proměnění” pořádanou organizací Spiritual Directors Europe (SDE), Slovinsko. 1.8.2015          Kateřina Bauerová, Účast na ikonopiseckém kurzu v Sázavě. 6.11.2015        Ivana a Tim Noble, „Le vingt-et-uni?me si?cle sera spirituel ou ne sera p Bernardins, Paříž. Badatelské pobyty 2011 York: Society for the Study of Theology, “Holy Writ? Authority and Reception”, 11.-13.4.20 Tim Noble). Řecko (Soluň, Volos, Athény): 14.-22.5.2011 (Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Pa Paříž: St Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, 2.-7.6.2011 (Ivana and Tim Noble). Londýn: 7.-14.7.2011 (Ivana a Tim Noble) Lovaň: 8th Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology “Tradition and the Normativity of Hist 26.-29.10.2011. (Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová a Tim Noble). Bulharsko: 20.-27.11.2011 (Ivana a Tim Noble, Parush Parushev). 2012 Paříž: mezinárodní konference: The Legacy of Fr. John Meyendorff (1926-1992), 8.-12.2.2012 Assisi: Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network: Where We Dwell in C for Dialogue in the 21st Century, 16.-22.4.2012 (Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble Parushev). New York, USA: St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Fordham University, 29.4–5. Tim Noble, Parush Parushev). Belfast: 17th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica: Dialogue Inside-Out: Ecume the Religions; 23.–28.8.2012 (Ivana a Tim Noble). Londýn, Oxford, Paříž: 19.-28.10.2012 (Ivana a Tim Noble, Parush Parushev). 2013 Oxford: Ripon-Cuddeston College, 1.–19.4.2013, Research and writing (Parush Parushev). Amsterdam: VU University. 18.–22.6.2013. Research and participation in International Semin Theology (Ivana a Tim Noble) Bukurešť: Faculty of Baptist Theology, University of Bucharest. 25.–28.11.2013.  Teaching, international conference, and presentation of results. (Parush Parushev). Londýn a Essex, 30.11–10.12.2013: Research and participation in International Seminar, inc presentation of project, and visit to the Orthodox Monastery of St John the Baptist, Tolle Essex. (Ivana and Tim Noble) 2014 Paříž: Institut Catholique, Institut St. Serge, Centre Sevres, Paris, France 10–15.3.2014. Noble) Brazilie: Faculdade Jesuita, Belo Horizonte and Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Jan 22.3–17.4.2014. (Tim Noble)   Amsterdam: Research Trip, VU University. 29.3–5.4.2014. (Parush Parushev) Řím: Pontifical Oriental Institute. 5–10.5.2014. (Ivana and Tim Noble) Londýn: St Mary’s University, Twickenham, 14 – 18.6.2014 Mnichov: Institute of Orthodox Theology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. 13–16.11. 2014. ( Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble). Londýn, Cambridge, Oxford: Heythrop College,; Institute of Orthodox Studies, Cambridge; Re College, University of Oxford, England. 29.11.–15.12.2014. (Ivana and Tim Noble) 2015 Ljubljana, Slovinsko, 3.-8.3.2015 (Ivana and Tim Noble) Helsinki, 28.5.-2.6.2015 (Ivana and Tim Noble) Paříž, 23.–28.6.2015 (Ivana a Tim Noble) Londýn, 7. – 21.7.2015 (Ivana a Tim Noble) Paříž, 19.9.–7.11.2015 (Ivana a Tim Noble) Radio: 2012 Ivana Noble:  Rozhlasový pořad 24.-28.9. a 1.-5.10.2012, ČRo3 Vltava, 6:50 –6:55 h.; 10 x 2013 Ivana Noble, “Jak se zobrazují Cyril na ikonách v Srbsku a Bulharsku”, ČRO, Radiožurnál,  přítomnosti”, 7. července 2013 v 22:40, on zobrazuji-cyril-s-metodej em-na-ikonach-v-srbsku-a-bulharsku—1232217 Cyklus ranních úvah Ivany Noble  - “Řeč obrazu a příběhu. Úvahy o ikonách a jejich biblick Čro Vltava, vše na Navigation=+generic3:^%22834x %20%C3%BAvaha%22$&query=Ivana+ Noble&from=&to=&porad=834x_Rann%C3%AD+%C3%BAva ha&offset=0 1. Dobrá ikona (16.9.2013 6:50) 2.Cesta na horu proměnění (17.9.2013 6:50) 3. Ten, který na obraze není vidět (18. 9.2013 6:50) 4. On musí růst (19.9. 2013 6:50 ) 5. Hrát si s ohněm .(20.9.2013 6:50) 6. Posměvači (23.9. 2013 6:50) 7. Slovo a ticho (22.9. 2013 6:50) 8. Samařanka (25.9. 2013 6:50) 9. O stáří a moudrosti (26.9. 2013 6:50) 10. Plášť (27.9. 2013 6:50) Ivana Noble, “Ranní úvahy”, Čro Vltava, vše na N +generic3:^%22834x_Rann%C3%AD%20%C3%BAvaha%22$&query=Ivana+Noble&from=&to=&porad=834x_R an %C3%BAvaha&offset=0 1.Nedotýkej se mě (1.7. 2013 6:50) 2.Cesta do Emauz (2.7. 2013 6:50) 3.Vyjednávání prostoru (3.7. 2013 6:50) 4.Svítilna v noci (4.7. 2013 6:50) 5.Cyril a Metoděj (5.7. 2013) 2014 Ivana Noble: ČR 2 Radiožurnál, rozhovor s Magdalénou Trusinovou, Ženy v Bibli: Hagar, Křes vysíláno 12. července 2014 v 09:05 nabozenstvi/krestanskytydenik/_ bibli-hagar--1372810 Kateřina Bauerová: ČR 2 Radiožurnál, rozhovor s Magdalénou Trusinovou, Ženy v Bibli: Dína, magazín, vysíláno 23.8.2014, 9.05 enstvi/ krestanskytydenik/_ bibli-dina—1390771 Kateřina Bauerová: Cesty pravoslaví na Západ v minulém století. Doteky Víry ČRo radiožurná 22.00 hod.[]=%C4%8 CRo+Radio%C5%BEurn%C3%A1l&por %C3%ADry&zobrazNevysilane=0&offset=100  2015 Ivana Noble, „Žijeme v době, na kterou budeme muset najít nějakou odpověď“ (Rozhovor s Evo Plus, 24.5.2015, p_po=101031 Televize: 2012 Parush Parushev: Televizní pořad “Coming to faith””Ethical imperatives of the Sermon on Th of interviews for Hristiyanstvoto –TV channel of the Bulgarian Christian TV Studio 865, re March 2012, Parush Parushev: Televizní pořad“Is the End of the World near?”an interview for Hristiyans – TV channel of the Bulgarian Christian TV Studio 865, recorded on 07 December 2012, http: Divadlo 2014 Kateřina Bauerová: “Amortale”, příprava scénáře společně s Hanou Strejčkovou s využitím te antropologie Oliviera Clémenta, divadlo Ponec, Praha, premiéra 4.12. 2014, see http://www. playbill/detail/id/51493. Art Exhibitions 2013 Exhibition: „Ikony a obrazy biblických příběhů” by Fr Dobromir Dimitrov and Ivana Noble, B institut v Praze, Klimentska 6, Praha. 2014 Davor Džalto, Exhibition of Icons and Posters, Jabok, Praha.