2012/1 (54) ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Year: 2012 Volume: 54 Issue: 1 List of Abstracts [ URL "ETFN-586-version1-volume12num01.doc"] ARTICLES (Article, Author, Page) Thomas Römer 3 Abraham´s righteousness and sacrifice: How to understand (and translate) Genesis 15 and 22 Ivana Procházková 16 The Torah within the heart, in the feet, and on the tongue: Law and freedom in psalm 119 f perspective of cognitive linguistics Andreas Pangritz 38 Zur theologischen Begründung der Ethik Petr Tomášek 55 Der Masoretische Text als Zeuge einer mündlichen‚Überlieferung und Lernens der Hebräischen Rabbinischen Zeit Štěpán Lisý 88 Preliminary remarks for the comparative study of mysticism Pavel Hošek 108 Preliminary remarks for the comparative study of mysticism BOOK REVIEWS Pavel Filipi 116 Retelling Matthew by Jiří Mrázek Elena Sidorová 118 Walter Brueggemann, The Word that Rediscribes the World