2009/1 (15) ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Year: 2009 Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Jan Černý Typologie přístupů t pojmu zkušenosti v současné katolic Jan Štefan Boží vlastnosti podle Barthovy dogmatiky Pavel Filipi Absence anathemat v reformačních konfesích Českého původ Tim Noble Teologie osvobození ve svém dějinném kontextu Martin Prudký Desatero netradičně aneb k problému vykládání a interpre Jiří Lukeš Review: Dennis R. MacDonald: The Acts of Andrew Peter Cimala Review: Gerd Theißen: Úvod do Nového zákona Práce přijaté a obhájené v roce 2008 Whole issue full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-teologicka_reflexe_151_2009.pdf"] Cover page (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-00_obalka.pdf"] Content (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-00_obsah.pdf"] ****************************************************************************************** * Typologie přístupů t pojmu zkušenosti v současné katolické a evangelické teologii ****************************************************************************************** Author: Jan Černý Abstract: Typology of approaches to the notion of experience in contemporary The article examines the status of experience in different types o relationship between the experience of Christian faith and a commo liberation theology) and the theology of religious pluralism think otherness think of it as a discontinuity. This relationship has to group of theologies, experiencing God in the midst of the transcen first group of theologies, the second one stresses the radical par the author introduces the concept of “experience as interruption” interrupting both the Christian tradition by the cultural context Cite As: ČERNÝ, Jan. Typologie přístupů t pojmu zkušenosti v současné katol Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-01_cerny_01_dvojstrany. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Boží vlastnosti podle Barthovy dogmatiky ****************************************************************************************** Author: Jan Štefan Abstract: The attributtes of God according to Karl Barth’s church dogmatics The study represents a slightly modified version of a lecture give of Barth’s extensive doctrine of the perfections of God from KD II of the biblical revelation is a God with many attributes. The doct substituted his own term “perfections” instead of the established of the perfections of God’s relationship to the world, but of the freedom and of the revelation of God as the unity of his selfunvei ingenious combinations of biblical exegesis and the repeated treat between the various perfections of the divine loving (e.g. it is p within the individual perfections of the divine freedom (e.g. the the Omnipresent takes rooms, the Eternal becomes time). In conclus relevant paragraphs of the dogmatic works and monographs of German to which this doctrine was successful, based on how far it contrib Cite As: ŠTEFAN, Jan. Boží vlastnosti podle Barthovy dogmatiky. Teologická Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-02_stefan_01_dvojstrany This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Absence anathemat v reformačních konfesích Českého původu ****************************************************************************************** Author: Pavel Filipi Abstract: Das fehlen der Annthematisierungen in den Reformatorischen konfess Leicht gekürztes Referat für die Konferenz der niederländischen un Particularity“ (Prag 2. 5. 2008) erörtert die Tatsache, dass die Konfessionen tsc und Helvetica posterior – keine Verwerfungsätze beinhalten. Im Fal im Fall der Bohemica ist dies auf die Intervention des Brüderpries der reformatorischen Konfessionen eine zweifache Funktion: eine ap die Irrtümer und Missbräuche Roms; in beiden Fällen wollen die Kon latente selbstkritische Funktion. Cite As: FILIPI, Pavel. Absence anathemat v reformačních konfesích Českého Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-03_filipi_01_dvojstrany This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Teologie osvobození ve svém dějinném kontextu ****************************************************************************************** Author: Tim Noble Abstract: Liberation theology in its historical context This article places the development of Latin American liberation t history, and the concomitant search for legitimacy, it sets out to church in Latin America. It then shows how ecclesial and theologic the specific needs and situations of their own cultures, marked by the claims that liberation theology is Marxist, it moves on to loo changing society. Cite As: NOBLE, Tim. Teologie osvobození ve svém dějinném kontextu. Teologi Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-04_noble_01_dvojstrany. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Desatero netradičně aneb k problému vykládání a interpretace Bible ****************************************************************************************** Author: Martin Prudký Abstract: A non-traditional view of the decalogue: the problem of interpreti The article critically evaluates a new monograph on the Decalogue text and positions him in the context of contemporary research. It detail from the given facts of the Hebrew text and builds up the s relevant contexts. On the other hand, however, he cultivates a gra “further meanings” in rather unusual reflections. The current stat Cite As: PRUDKÝ, Martin. Desatero netradičně aneb k problému vykládání a in Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-05_prudky_01_dvojstrany This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Review: Dennis R. MacDonald: The Acts of Andrew ****************************************************************************************** Author: Jiří Lukeš Cite As: Recenze: Dennis R. MacDonald: The Acts of Andrew. Teologická refle Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-recenze___rane_krestans This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Review: Gerd Theißen: Úvod do Nového zákona ****************************************************************************************** Author: Peter Cimala Cite As: Recenze: Gerd Theißen: Úvod do Nového zákona. Teologická reflexe. Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-recenze___dynamika_vzni This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Práce přijaté a obhájené v roce 2008 ****************************************************************************************** Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-354-version1-prace_prijate_a_obhajen This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] .