2002/2 (8) ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Year: 2002 Volume: 2 Issue: 8 Jan Milič Lochman Teologie a univerzita: pr?i?spe?vek k akademicke? spir Jiří Hoblík Maxima prorokova posla?ni?: Zatvrzeni? (Iz 6) Jiří Kašny Smi?s?ena? manz?elstvi? v kanonicke?m pra?vu Josef Smolík Poka?ni? jako radika?lni? obrat v kr?est?anske?m c?ten Martin T. Zikmund Hroma?dkova pr?e s Lutherem Pavel Košťál Obraz prave?ho kr?est?ana u Mate?je z Janova Book reviews Full text whole issue (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-tref_2002_2_8.pdf"] Cover (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-00_obalka.pdf"] Content (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-00_obsah.pdf"] ****************************************************************************************** * Teologie a univerzita: pr?i?spe?vek k akademicke? spiritualite? ****************************************************************************************** Author: Jan Milič Lochman Abstract: THEOLOGY AND UNIVERSITY: A CONTRIBUTION TO ACADEMIC SPIRITUALITY In this lecture given on the occasion of his being awarded a Histo by theological faculties to the academic spirituality of universit Dei per assiduum studium adipisci valet scientiae margaritam quae reflections in three stages: (1) A university is a community based and beauty of the gift of knowledge. (2) Ethical issues are once a research, particularly in regard to those who are in any way disad the academic world and in society, to demytho- logise academic res to the curse of Sisyphus. Cite As: Jan Milič Lochman. "Teologie a univerzita: pr?i?spe?vek k akademic Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-01_lochmann.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Maxima prorokova posla?ni?: Zatvrzeni? (Iz 6) ****************************************************************************************** Author: Jiří Hoblík Abstract: MAXIME DER PROPHETISCHEN SENDUNG (JES 6) Die vorliegende Studie versucht die bisherige modeme Erforschung d hypothese, die oft als Ausgangspunkt für die Suche nach dem Urspru vor, die die Darstellung der außergewöhnlichen prophetischen Sendu Es wird auch das sehr sorgfältig aufgebaute Textgefüge beschrieben Nachfolgerschaft Jesajas verrät. Doch kann man im Text auch den ur aufgreifen konnte. Diese theophanische Vision wurde auch zum erste 9b und 11b wurde die prophetische Unheilsbotschaft zwar nicht ziti geschieht. Ebenso darf man den Charakter des Visionsberichtes nich Cite As: Jiří Hoblík. "Maxima prorokova posla?ni?: Zatvrzeni? (Iz 6)." Teol Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-02_hoblik.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Smi?s?ena? manz?elstvi? v kanonicke?m pra?vu ****************************************************************************************** Author: Jiří Kašny Abstract: MIXED MARRIAGES IN CANON LAW For centuries the regulations of canon law relating to mixed marri unilaterally pro- tect the faith of the Catholic partner in a mixe be baptised in the Catholic church and brought up in the Catholic while not underestimating the difficulties that may arise in mixed is necessary to respect the religious freedom of both partners. Th ecumenical movement. Cite As: Jiří Kašny. "Smi?s?ena? manz?elstvi? v kanonicke?m pra?vu". Teolog Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-03_kasny.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Poka?ni? jako radika?lni? obrat v kr?est?anske?m c?teni? stare?ho za?kona ****************************************************************************************** Author: Josef Smolík Abstract: REPENTANCE AS A RADICAL CHANGE IN CHRISTIAN READING OF THE OLD TES The author draws attention to the growing role o f the Jewish rabb the OT practically disappeared from Christian worship for many cen elements in its tradition and started discovering the Jewish under time and wholesome understanding of reality that present the chall covering a plurality of meanings in hermeneutic approaches can be Cite As: Josef Smolík. "Poka?ni? jako radika?lni? obrat v kr?est?anske?m c? Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-04_smolik.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Hroma?dkova pr?e s Lutherem ****************************************************************************************** Author: Martin T. Zikmund Abstract: HROMADKA’S DISPUTE WITH LUTHER The author of the article puts forward the thesis that the Czech t identify with Luther’s concept of the relationship between the law whole. In distancing himself from this Lutheran principle he was i Socialist government, but also by certain liberal theological tend Cite As: Martin T. Zikmund. "Hroma?dkova pr?e s Lutherem." Teologická refle Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-05_zikm.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Obraz prave?ho kr?est?ana u Mate?je z Janova ****************************************************************************************** Author: Pavel Košťál Abstract: THE IMAGE OF THE TRUE CHRISTIAN IN THE WORK OF MATĚJ OF JANOV Matěj of Janov belongs primarily to the current of moral reform wi be found in the second half of the 14th century in the Czech setti sees as someone who offers himself up completely to Christ and ser the sake of God denies himself and brings before God his contrite avoid the impression that in spite of many differences it is compa Cite As: Pavel Košťál. "Obraz prave?ho kr?est?ana u Mate?je z Janova." Teol Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-06_kostal.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Book reviews ****************************************************************************************** Full text (pdf) [ URL "ETFENG-360-version1-07_recenze.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] .