Mgr. Alena Glajchová, Ph.D. ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Work alenag(zavinac) [ MAIL "alenag(zavinac)"] consulting hours by appointment ORCID: 0000-0002-1015-8130 [ URL "https://"] Scopus ID: 57201189461 [ URL " detail.uri?authorId=57201189461"] Profila in SIS [ URL " index.php?do=ucit&kod=97880"] (subjects, schedule) WhoIs [ URL " osoba/1787753920248578"] ResearchGate [ URL " Alena-Glajchova"] specialisation health and illness, vulnerability, gender, migration, emotions Alena Glajchová completed her doctoral studies at the Department of Anthropology, Faculty University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. She focuses mainly on topics in the field of sociolo medicine. Her long-term research focuses on formal and informal care provision, transnational care, populations, health inequalities. He is also interested in topics falling within the socio sociology of emotions and sociology of migration. In the field of social work, she focuses discrimination, marginalization and the provision of health care to vulnerable individuals ****************************************************************************************** * Select Bibliography ****************************************************************************************** • PAŘÍZKOVÁ, A., GLAJCHOVÁ, A. Trust in maternity care: challenges for healthcare professi migrant women. Kontakt. 2024, 26(2), 126-132. DOI: 10.32725/kont.2024.027 • PAŘÍZKOVÁ, A., HIRT, T., RUMPÍK, V., GLAJCHOVÁ, A., ŘEZÁČ, K., PĚCHOTA, J. Comparison of policies of selected European countries concerning holders of international protection. 129, 91-118. DOI: 10.37040/geografie.2024.002 • PAŘÍZKOVÁ, A., ŘEZÁČ, K., HIRT, T., GLAJCHOVÁ, A., RUMPÍK, V., PĚCHOTA, J. Metodika eval práce. 2024. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita. ISBN 978-80-261-1202-0. • PAŘÍZKOVÁ, A., HIRT, T., GLAJCHOVÁ, A., RUMPÍK, V., ŘEZÁČ, K., PĚCHOTA, J., GALETA, P. M analýzy integračních potřeb držitelů mezinárodní ochrany. 2023. Plzeň: Západočeská unive 978-80-261-1140-5. • GLAJCHOVÁ, A. Zrození a stárnutí: dvě životní etapy optikou konceptu zranitelnosti. Plze univerzita, 2022. • HLAVÁČKOVÁ, E., HOLÁ, J., MORAVCOVÁ, M. Job satisfaction among nurses working in standar care: „That nurse is a jack-of-all-trades!”. Kontakt. 2021, 23(4), 289-296. DOI: 10.3272 • GLAJCHOVÁ, A. "It’s better to treat a Vietnamese woman than a Czech": Strange interactio healthcare professionals and women in the context of perinatal care. Kontakt. 2019, 21(4 10.32725/kont.2019.041. • HREŠANOVÁ, E., GLAJCHOVÁ, A. Staré a cizí: Zranitelnost a intersekcionalita ve zdravotní Výzkum. 2018, 19(2), 75–101. DOI: 10.13060/25706578.2018.19.2.427.