2000/2 (6) ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Rok/Year: 2000 Ročník/Volume: 6 Číslo/Issue: 2 Daniel Larangé, Jan Dušek Sémiotika a Bible: Pařížská škola Ota Halama Posvátný obraz a Jednota bratrská Jörg Frey Hlubinně-psychologická exegeze Eugena Drewermanna Josef Smolík České církve v krizi roku 1938 a v době německé ok Ondřej Stehlík Hospodin a (jeho?) Ašera (probíhající reorientace Martin T. Zikmund Byl J. L. Hromádka luterským teologem? Několik poz Filip Susa Recenze: Eberhard Jüngel: Das Evangelium von der R Viktor Ber Recenze: L. S. Schearing - S. L. McKenzie (ed.): T Jan Štefan Recenze: Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe Jindřich Halama Recenze: T. Machula (ed.): Teologické studie Jan Heller Recenze: Z. B. Bouše: Epilegomena Petr Sláma Recenze: Jan Heller: Vocabularium biblicum septem Plný text celého čísla (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-tref_2000_2.pdf"] Obálka (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-00_obalka.pdf"] Obsah (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-00_obsah.pdf"] ****************************************************************************************** * Sémiotika a Bible: Pařížská škola ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Daniel Larangé, Jan Dušek Abstrakt: SEMIOTICS AND THE BIBLE: THE PARIS SCHOOL The article gives a very brief description of the exegetical appro concentrating primarily on the “Paris school”. This approach is ba R. Barthes. The first part of the article gives a brief outline of 1960s. The second part deals with the contribution made by the sem of biblical hermeneutics. Citace: LARANGÉ, Daniel a Jan DUŠEK. Sémiotika a Bible: Pařížská škola. Te Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-01_larange_a_dusek.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Posvátný obraz a Jednota bratrská ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Ota Halama Abstrakt: HOLY PICTURES AND THE UNITY OF BRETHREN The problem of holy pictures and their veneration has an important of them in the praxis of the Church and we can find cases of icono holy pictures. The Unity of the Czech Brethren is a child of Utraq Taborites and the way of handling them from the Utraquists. That i of the Taborites, and of the radical Utraquists such cases can he beginning, followed by a period of refining their standpoint in po the life and teaching of the Unity we can find a fulfillment of th Citace: HALAMA, Ota. Posvátný obraz a Jednota bratrská. Teologická reflexe Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-02_halama_o.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Hlubinně-psychologická exegeze Eugena Drewermanna a evangelický výklad Písma ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Jörg Frey Abstrakt: DIE TIEFENPSYCHOLOGISCHE EXEGESE EUGEN DREWERMANNS UND DIE EVANGEL Dieser Aufsatz ist eine kurze Zusammenfassung wesentlicher Kapitel Citace: FREY, Jörg. Hlubinně-psychologická exegeze Eugena Drewermanna a ev Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-03_frey.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * České církve v krizi roku 1938 a v době německé okupace ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Josef Smolík Abstrakt: CZECH CHURCHES IN THE CRISIS OF 1938 AND DURING THE GERMAN OCCUPAT The article reviews the situation of Czech Christianity before Wor brought the different churches closer together in their defense of conservative Catholics fell prey to the idea of ihe Holy empire of sphere of diplomacy and intelligence service, while the Protestant dominant attitude of the Czech churches was that of human and ecum Citace: SMOLÍK, Josef. České církve v krizi roku 1938 a v době německé oku Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-04_smolik.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Hospodin a (jeho?) Ašera (probíhající reorientace starozákonní biblistiky) ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Ondřej Stehlík Abstrakt: YHWH AND (HIS?) ASHERA This article contains a transliteration, Czech translation and bas are invoking YHWH for blessing concurrently with (his?) Ashera. Al thoroughgoing discussion started. In this discussion it was more a East Religion studies was necessary. In the circles of academic sc religions of surrounding nations formed some kind of „continuum" s toward diversification was a slow and long lasting process. Thus w religion as a subset of the pre-exilic Jewish religion. This thesi archeology of Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Palestine. Citace: . Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 159-16 Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-05_stehlik.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Byl J. L. Hromádka luterským teologem? Několik poznámek k Hromádkově reflexi luterské vy ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Martin T. Zikmund Abstrakt: WAS J. L. HROMÁDKA A LUTHERAN THEOLOGIAN? (A few remarks on Hromád Hromádka was at least in his younger years considered a Lutheran t his reservations concerning certain features of Luther's theology incisiveness of Luther’s teaching, Hromádka repeatedly proclaimed toward state authorities are ascribed to his alleged Lutheran orie views and practical attitudes. Citace: ZIKMUND, Martin T. Byl J. L. Hromádka luterským teologem? Několik (2000), s. 170-177. Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-06_zikmund.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Recenze: Eberhard Jüngel: Das Evangelium von der Rechtfertigung des Gottlosen als Zentru christlichen Glaubens ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Filip Susa Citace: SUSA, Filip. Recenze: Eberhard Jüngel: Das Evangelium von der Rech (2000), s. 178-180. Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-07_susa_recenze.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Recenze: L. S. Schearing - S. L. McKenzie (ed.): Those Elusive Deuteronomists: The Pheno Deuteronomism ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Viktor Ber Citace: BER, Viktor. Recenze: L. S. Schearing - S. L. McKenzie (ed.): Thos (2000), s. 180-183. Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-08_ber_recenze.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Recenze: Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Jan Štefan Citace: ŠTEFAN, Jan. Recenze: Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe. Teologická reflexe Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-09_stefan_recenze.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Recenze: T. Machula (ed.): Teologické studie ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Jindřich Halama Citace: HALAMA, Jindřich. Recenze: T. Machula (ed.): Teologické studie. Te Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-10_halama_j_recenze.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Recenze: Z. B. Bouše: Epilegomena ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Jan Heller Citace: HELLER, Jan. Recenze: Z. B. Bouše: Epilegomena. Teologická reflexe Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-11_heller_recenze.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Recenze: Jan Heller: Vocabularium biblicum septem linguarum (hebraico-graeco-latino-angl hungarico-bohemicum) ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Petr Sláma Citace: SLÁMA, Petr. Recenze: Jan Heller: Vocabularium biblicum septem lin Reflection. 6/1 (2000), s. 191-192. Plný text (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-167-version1-12_slama_recenze.pdf"] This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) [ URL "http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/"] .