2007/1 (10) ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Rok: 2007 Ročník: 10 Číslo: 1 Název: Výklady a časy: Biblické a hermeneutické studie Uspořádal: Jan Roskovec Obsah Předmluva Aleš Pištora Čas a svědectví Josef Černohous Jákobův zápas na Jaboku Jiří Dvořáček Znamení proroka Jonáše. Exegeze Mt 12, 38-42 Radka Fialová Podobenství o fíkovníku v etiopském Zjevení Petrově Peter Cimala Spor o svobodu. Svoboda v listech Pavla zpohledu dějin b Jiří Jan Starozákonní theofanie u sv. Hilaria z Poitiers Ondřej Kolář Vzkříšení ve smrti. Reflexe a kritika jednoho eschatolog Jiří Just Biblický humanismus Jana Blahoslava Ondřej Macek Crimina et praxis pietatis haereticorum. Náčrt vnitřního Josef Lédl Misijní akomodace v díle Mattea Ricciho a jeho druhů Monika Šlajerová Proces smíření. Palestinská hermeneutika události, ident Celé číslo ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-sat_2007_1.pdf"] ****************************************************************************************** * Čas a svědectví ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Aleš Pištora Abstrakt: Summary: Time and Testimony. The article addresses the issue of t after, by philosophers. The first part of the article deals with any meaning in contemporary philosophy. Consequently, the questio raises the issue of testimony, within the context of self-underst the exploration of the problem of time. Human identity is not sta of self-confirmation takes place on two levels of time. It occurs the other. The article makes an attempt to develop Ricoeur’s reco of exploring how time is expressed in speech: in the metaphoric l author understands every speech act as testimony. Only then – if Citace: PIŠTORA, Aleš. Čas a svědectví. Studie a texty Evangelické teolog Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-cas_a_svedectvi_ ****************************************************************************************** * Jákobův zápas na Jaboku ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Josef Černohous Abstrakt: Summary: Jacob’s wrestle at Jabok. The thesis of this article is, „afterward“ but he did not accept it. When he wrestles „after“ th constituted (Gen 33:10). Citace: ČERNOHOUS, Josef. Jákobův zápas na Jaboku. Studie a texty Evangel Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-jakobuv_zapas_na ****************************************************************************************** * Znamení proroka Jonáše. Exegeze Mt 12, 38-42 ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Jiří Dvořáček Abstrakt: Summary: The sign of Jonah. Exegesis of Mat 12:38–42. In the peri his miraculous acts are a result of his alliance with Devil, (Mat reference to the sign of Jonah. In my exegesis I have concluded, judgment and call for repentance) of Jonah, but also his person ( of Jonah Jesus announces to the Scribes and Pharisees that no oth and which they have already witnessed but refused to accept. And to underline the seriousness of the situation and to appeal to th down manner and both enclosed by the expression of Jesus’ importa Solomon, who was seen in some Jewish circles as an exorcist and a have been part of his ministry, and that on the one side led crow devil on the other. Citace: DVOŘÁČEK, Jiří. Znamení proroka Jonáše. Exegeze Mt 12, 38-42. Stu Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-znameni_proroka_ ****************************************************************************************** * Podobenství o fíkovníku v etiopském Zjevení Petrově ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Radka Fialová Abstrakt: Summary: The Fig Tree Parable in the Ethiopic Apocalypse of Peter Lucan parable of the Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:6–9). The barren fi its growth, and is clearly identified with Israel. The fig tree h figs from a fig tree to refer to the deaths of righteous men enab author of the apocryphal apocalypse may have seen the only chance messiah, who can be identified with Bar Kochba. Citace: FIALOVÁ, Radka. Podobenství o fíkovníku v etiopském Zjevení Petro Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-podobenstvi_o_fi ****************************************************************************************** * Spor o svobodu. Svoboda v listech Pavla z pohledu dějin bádání ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Peter Cimala Abstrakt: Summary: A Freedom Controversy. Freedom in the Letters of Paul in theology of the apostle – eleutheria in Greek (freedom/liberty). study by Johaness Weiss appeared, the paper emphasizes the last 3 G. Dautzenberg’s review (1990) of two key monographs on the subje the comparison and the aim of this paper is to prove the validity methodological, but theological and exegetical as well. One part presumptions and stresses the diversity in this area of New Testa the letters of Paul is by no means over. The shifts in the unders some reliable starting point for “a new perspective” on freedom i Citace: CIMALA, Peter. Spor o svobodu. Svoboda v listech Pavla z pohledu Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-spor_o_svobodu__ ****************************************************************************************** * Starozákonní theofanie u sv. Hilaria z Poitiers ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Jiří Jan Abstrakt: Summary: Old Testament theophanies in St. Hilary of Poitiers. The St. Hilary’s De Trinitate. The first part of the article deals wi a crucial part of the ancient theology. According to this concept as well as the New Testament ones. The main distinction between t adhered to the same concept, although the conclusions it drew fro interpretation of the Old Testament theophanies themselves. St. H of Moses – used by Arians as a crucial argument for denying Son’s Testament accounts of creation. With the same intention he interp the burning bush (Ex 3). On these passages St. Hilary demonstrate Citace: JAN, Jiří. Starozákonní theofanie u sv. Hilaria z Poitiers. Studi Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-starozakonni_the ****************************************************************************************** * Vzkříšení ve smrti. Reflexe a kritika jednoho eschatologického modelu. ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Ondřej Kolář Abstrakt: Summary: Resurrection in death. A critical reflection of one mode Is it theologically plausible to think of the resurrection of an following the moment of death? The genesis of the concept of resu G. Lohfink, J. Ratzinger, A. Ziegenaus). It is demonstrated that consummation and its atemporal variety tends to disparage the cur Citace: KOLÁŘ, Ondřej. Vzkříšení ve smrti. Reflexe a kritika jednoho esch Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-vzkriseni_ve_smr ****************************************************************************************** * Biblický humanismus Jana Blahoslava ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Jiří Just Abstrakt: Summary: The Biblical Humanism of Jan Blahoslav. Jan Blahoslav, a His translation theory materialized in the rendering of the New T evaluation of spoken as well as written word in the specific task for the liturgical use and consistently abandoning the colloquial draws mainly on Augustin’s tractate De doctrina christiana, acqua – Preachers’ Flaws), and also frequently refers to the works of t reflected in the elaborate iconographic conception of the first e Citace: JUST, Jiří. Biblický humanismus Jana Blahoslava. Studie a texty E Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-biblicky_humanis ****************************************************************************************** * Crimina et praxis pietatis haereticorum. Náčrt vnitřního života tajných evangelíků 18. s Vilémovicích ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Ondřej Macek Abstrakt: Summary: Crimina et praxis pietatis haereticorum. A sketch of the 18th century, we encounter the term “secret protestant” at variou to the history of research into this matter in the Czech historio interrogations to which secret protestants in the vicinity of the into the history of the first decade of the existence of this con testimonies may be divided into the following groups: testimonies Upon this material a reconstruction is attempted of the inner rel the conclusion, the question whether the secret protestants may b Citace: MACEK, Ondřej. Crimina et praxis pietatis haereticorum. Náčrt vni fakulty. 2007, sv. 10, č. 1, s. 154-201. Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-crimina_et_praxi ****************************************************************************************** * Misijní akomodace v díle Mattea Ricciho a jeho druhů ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Josef Lédl Abstrakt: Summary: Missionary accommodation of Matteo Ricci and his compani to take account of the problem of inculturation. They took seriou was common to all people. They were truly convinced about the uni claimed by European culture. In that they differed from the missi was identified with European culture only by way of accommodation deep penetration into Chinese culture, so that nowadays, they are numerous translations from Chinese as well as studies of various for identity. Citace: LÉDL, Josef. Misijní akomodace v díle Mattea Ricciho a jeho druhů Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-misijni_akomodac ****************************************************************************************** * Proces smíření. Palestinská hermeneutika události, identity a starozákonního textu. ****************************************************************************************** Autor: Monika Šlajerová Abstrakt: Summary: Process of reconciliation. Palestinian hermeneutics of e identity-groups in Israeli-Palestinian context have to undergo. T to the current field of Palestinian Old Testament hermeneutics. H analyses critically the contribution of the contemporary Western political theology for the Palestinian context. The spiritual bas study. The conclusion draws attention to the Bible as a sacred an take interest in responsible exegesis by ensuring balanced approa Citace: ŠLAJEROVÁ, Monika. Proces smíření. Palestinská hermeneutika událo 224-252. Článek ke stažení (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-548-version1-proces_smireni__