2023/3 (65) ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Year: 2023 Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Ondřej Fischer The Role of the Spirit in Rohr’s Theological Anthropolog Belden Lane Personal Reflection on Rohr’s Influence on my Thought Ladislav Heryán Richard Rohr and the Paradigm Shift in Trinitarian Theol Petr Gallus The “Theology” of Richard Rohr Štěpánka Paluchníková Richard Rohr: Trinity, Christ, and Creation Ondrej Lazúr Liminality as a Principle of the Life of Christian Commu Denisa Červenková Between Soul and Spirit: Rohr’s Transformational Spiritu Content (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-826-version1-content.pdf"] Cover page (pdf) [ URL "ETFN-826-version1-cover_page.pdf"] ****************************************************************************************** * The Role of the Spirit in Rohr’s Theological Anthropology ****************************************************************************************** Author:: Ondřej Fischer Abstract: This introductory essay comments on the diversity of positions bet semantic fidelity to Christian doctrine and its impact (or lack th reflects the complexity of life, has become an alternative to inst Keywords: Trinity; Spirituality; Interdisciplinarity Citation: Ondřej Fischer. "The Role of the Spirit in Rohr’s Theological Anth DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/00103713.2023.3.1 [ URL "https://doi.org/ published: 01.09.2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Personal Reflection on Rohr’s Influence on my Thought ****************************************************************************************** Author:: Belden Lane Abstract: This paper describes Rohr’s shift from the traditional Trinitarian expression of the flowing nature of the Divine. Jesus, through his projecting pain elsewhere and be loved by the reality that surroun meditation and practice of his words in his presence. Keywords: Trinity; flow; suffering; spirituality; anthropology Citation: Belden Lane. "Personal Reflection on Rohr’s Influence on my Though DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/00103713.2023.3.2 [ URL "https://doi.org/ published: 01.09.2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Richard Rohr and the Paradigm Shift in Trinitarian Theology ****************************************************************************************** Author:: Ladislav Heryán Abstract: This paper describes Rohr’s shift from the traditional Trini-taria expression of the flowing nature of the Divine. Jesus, through his projecting pain elsewhere and be loved by the real-ity that surrou meditation and practice of his words in his presence. Keywords: Trinity; flow; suffering; spirituality; anthropology Citation: Ladislav Heryán. "Richard Rohr and the Paradigm Shift in Trinitari DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/00103713.2023.3.3 [ URL "https://doi.org/ published: 01.09.2024 ****************************************************************************************** * The “Theology” of Richard Rohr ****************************************************************************************** Author:: Petr Gallus Abstract: Based on R. Rohr’s book The Universal Christ, this arti-cle presen hermeneutics, his biblical interpretations and some important theo current literature to particular topics. As concluded in the end, Keywords: Richard Rohr; critique; universal Christ Citation: Petr Gallus. "The “Theology” of Richard Rohr." Communio Viatorum. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/00103713.2023.3.4 [ URL "https://doi.org/ published: 01.09.2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Richard Rohr: Trinity, Christ, and Creation ****************************************************************************************** Author:: Štěpánka Paluchníková Abstract: This article aims to present Richard Rohr’s Trinitarian and Christ principal starting point for a dynamic process of „becoming“. The Rohr‘s view of Christ is in many ways controversial, it undoubtedl Keywords: Universal Christ; creation; panenteism; Trinity Citation: Štěpánka Paluchníková. "Richard Rohr: Trinity, Christ, and Creatio DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/00103713.2023.3.5 [ URL "https://doi.org/ published: 01.09.2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Liminality as a Principle of the Life of Christian Communities in the Reflections of Ric ****************************************************************************************** Author:: Ondrej Lazúr Abstract: This article analyzes Richard Rohr’s reflections on the anthropolo in which he specifi-cally addresses the context of liminality or t paper, we pay attention to the concepts or authors that Rohr relie concepts related to his understanding of the potential of liminali pastoral potential of the concept of liminality, which Rohr most e in the context of Christian communities, which could remain misund Keywords: community; liminality; liminoid; Richard Rohr Citation: Ondrej Lazúr. "Liminality as a Principle of the Life of Christian DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/00103713.2023.3.6 [ URL "https://doi.org/ published: 01.09.2024 ****************************************************************************************** * Between Soul and Spirit: Rohr’s Transformational Spirituality in Pastoral Work ****************************************************************************************** Author:: Denisa Červenková Abstract: In this paper some typical features of the spirituality of Richard spirituality, are described. I focus on several distinctive charac formative nature of spirituality, on contemplation, and on the emb general tendency of contemporary spirituality, especially that whi spirituality in non-religious settings. Keywords: contemporary spirituality; spirituality; contemplation; the Enneag Citation: Denisa Červenková. "Between Soul and Spirit: Rohr’s Transformation DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/00103713.2023.3.7 [ URL "https://doi.org/ published: 01.09.2024