Services in detail

Lending services

The library is open to the general public and you can read and study in the library without being registered. If you want to borrow books from the library, you will need to register.

Charles University Library and Circulation Rules

Registration in library

To register, you must own one of the Charles University identification cards.

Fill in a electronic application registration form. Registration is free of charge for users from CU. It's based on university card for users from Charles University. For users outside CU see price list.

How to find a book

Most of our collections are freely accessible. Books are sorted thematically according to various fields of study.

To find the book you need, you can either browse through a section that interests you, or you can search our electronic catalogue.

To discover the exact location of the book, write down both shelf marks. Location 2 (e.g. EC G02 for ecumenics) tells you which shelf the book is on, Location 1 (e.g. IK 46929) is the number according to which the book is placed on the shelf (the books are not in alphabetical order).

In-house loan

Many of the books can be checked out of the library, however some of our books are non-circulating. These include old and rare books, dissertations, journals, samizdats, and reference books. Non-circulating books are marked by a red tape on the back of the book.


Books are lent out for a period of one month and you can prolong the loan period of a book twice for a further month (i.e. three months altogether). For details, see borrowing rules.


If the book you are looking for has been borrowed by another library user, you can  place a request on it (either ask the librarian to do so, or place the request youself via the internet).

Self-service renewals and book reservation

You can renew your books or reserve books yourself after logging in to the UKAZ discovery service (Sign in). Use your CAS/SIS username and password.

Last change: October 4, 2022 09:56 
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Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty


Černá 649/9

110 00  Prague 1

Czech Republic


221 988 603 library hall (currrently unavailable)

221 988 105 director

E-mail: library (at)

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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