The SciFlow digital publishing platform is an online text editor that facilitates the writing of theses and scientific articles, and it is for scientists and students. SciFlow includes a large number of templates and citation styles, as well as links to reference managers. It can also be used to create other documents or reports, either for working alone or in teams.
The biggest advantages of SciFlow include:
a large selection of scientific journal templates and citation styles and a continuous increase in the number of templates based on user recommendations (now also the Czech version of the ISO 690 citation standard)
co-authors can write and comment at the same time with tracking changes and versioning
easy to reformat, easy to insert tables, equations and special characters
pre-existing connection to Mendeley and Zotero citation managers
exports to DOCX, PDF, HTML or JATS
spelling and grammar check (English and German)
To access SciFlow, you need a university e-mail address in the form of or
More info and how to access here.
Charles University
Protestant Theological Faculty
Černá 649/9
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
221 988 603-4 library hall
221 988 105 director
E-mail: library (at)
IČO: 00216208
DIČ: CZ00216208