• Kalendář


Naši kolegové z Theology & Contemporary Culture research group spolupořádají on-line konferenci s názvem "Media Philosophy and Theological Aesthetics of Algorithms“, která se bude konat zítra, tj. ve čtvrtek 24. 6. 2021 od 10.00 hodin.

V případě zájmu se obraťte na kontaktní osoby uvedené v přiložené pozvánce.

"The 2020/2021 workshop of the AG Medienphilosophie aims at debates on the intersection of media philosophy and theology with a specific focus on algorithmic based technologies, their operations and aesthetic practices. From a media philosophical standpoint, we want to initiate a debate on theological legacies in thinking algo rithms and conversely ask for operations and aesthetic practices that highlight the functionality of algorithms. How do algorithms allow for other mediums to do or per form media philosophy? What kind of aesthetic practices such as images, film, sound or especially algorithmic based media reveal theological implications of algorithms? What kind of sense of reality do algorithmic based media show? Perhaps only aesthetic theory can salvage the art or the advent of “artificial intelligence”.

Začátek akce 24. června 2021 v 10:00
Konec akce 24. června 2021 v 17:00
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Univerzita Karlova

Evangelická teologická fakulta

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221 988 216

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