Year: 2019
Volume: 61
Issue: 3
Tim Noble | |
František Ábel | |
Petr Gallus | |
Karl W. Schwarz | |
Zbyněk Marjanko | |
Pavol Bargár |
Author: |
Tim Noble |
Cite As: |
Noble, Tim. “One Hundred Years.” Communio Viatorum 61, no. 3 (December 31, 2019): 231–34. |
Author: |
František Ábel |
Abstract: |
Our modern understanding, especially among Protestant scholars, of Paul’s concept of freedom in Jesus Christ in Galatians is based primarily on assumptions inherited from the Reformation, chiefly the theology ofMartin Luther. Luther approaches Galatian freedom from the standpoint of late medieval theology and soteriology, filtered through the doctrine ofjustification. From Luther’s perspective, freedom in Christ means to be free, in the Spirit, from the dominance of the law and anything or anyone else except God. This essay reexamines and reinterprets the concept of freedom in Christ from the point of view of sociocultural dynamics in first-century Roman Empire, focusing particularly on the question of identity and its importance and role in Graeco-Roman society of that time. |
Keywords: |
freedom, Christ, identity, Paul the Apostle, Galatians, Martin Luther |
Cite As: |
Ábel, František. “Freedom in Christ in Galatians: A Matter of Identity.” Communio Viatorum 61, no. 3 (December 31, 2019): 235–55. |
Author: |
Petr Gallus |
Abstract: |
The Chalcedonian Christology is the field on which Christology still plays. However, it has been also a subject of serious and growing critique. The question ofthe article is, therefore, simple: What to do with Chalcedon today? Shall we keep it or abandon it? The text sketches shortly the origin of the Chalcedonian formula and shows the important stations ofthe following struggle with Chalcedon in the early church, in the Reformation and in Schleiermacher’s critique. Trying to take seriously the importance as well as the legitimate critique of the Chalcedonian concept, the article sees the answer in a critically differentiated approach to Chalcedon: Christology has to go with Chalcedon beyond Chalcedon - in order to keep up the important differences but. at the same time, to overcome its problematic substance thinking and aporias resulting from it (as coming up e.g. in the doctrine of commitnicatio idiomatum or of enhypostasis). |
Keywords: |
Christology - Chalcedon - communicatio idiomatum - enhypostasis - two-natures doctrine |
Cite As: |
Gallus, Petr. “The Importance of the Chalcedonian Distinction.” Communio Viatorum 61, no. 3 (December 31, 2019): 256–88. |
Author: |
Karl W. Schwarz |
Abstract: |
The survey describes the end of the former Evangelical Church ofthe Augsburg and Helvetic Confession in Austria and the formation of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in Bohemia and Moravia in 1918. In this connection, President Masaryk’s “American״ ideal of separation between state and established churches is analysed. Investigating confessional and ethnic conflicts in the 20th century, the survey presents a contribution to the process of healing memories. |
Keywords: |
Evangelical Church in Austria, Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren; Lutheran Church; Austria-Hungary; Masaryk, T. G.; First World War; Charta Oecumenica |
Cite As: |
Schwarz, Karl W. “Zum Hundertjahrjubiläum Der Evangelischen Kirche Der Böhmischen Brüder: Rückfragen Und Anmerkungen Aus Österreichischer Perspektive.” Communio Viatorum 61, no. 3 (December 31, 2019): 289–302. |
Author: |
Zbyněk Marjanko |
Abstract: |
This paper presents a systematic ethical reflection on the ethical dilemmas inherent in the insurance industry from the perspective of a Christian theologian. The author is active in the insurance sales sector, hence he provides a first-hand insight into the ethical dilemmas dealt with in this line of work on an everyday basis. How are the insuranee companies and their agents fallen when their (un)ethical practices had to become a subject covered by legislation? The author proposes for discussion a set of ethical standards for the insurance industry, emphasising the interdisciplinary relationship between theology and insurance ethics. |
Keywords: |
Ethical standards; insurance; professional ethics; conscience; solidarity |
Cite As: |
Marjanko, Zbyněk. “Insurance Industry from the Perspective of a Theologian.” Communio Viatorum 61, no. 3 (December 31, 2019): 303–17. |
Author: |
Pavol Bargár |
Abstract: |
Review of the book: WALLIS, Jim. America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America. Grand Rapids : Brazos, 2016. ISBN: 978-1587434006. |
Cite As: |
Bargár, Pavol. Book review: Jim Wallis, “America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America.” Communio Viatorum 61, no. 3 (December 31, 2019): 318–19. |
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