2018/2 (31)

Rok: 2018

Ročník: 31

Číslo: 2

Název: Jazyk a víra: Soubor studií Petra Pokorného

Uspořádal: Petr Pokorný


Jan Roskovec:

Petr Pokorný pětaosmdesátiletý

Petr Pokorný:

Jazyk v přírodních a humanitních vědách včetně teologie

Petr Pokorný:

Problémy překladu Bible

Petr Pokorný:

Vstup evangelia do řecké kultury

Petr Pokorný:

Víra a umění v Bibli

Petr Pokorný:

Lidský život – dar i závazek

Petr Pokorný:

Ježíš a víra

Petr Pokorný:

Pojem merimna, merimnaó v Kázání na hoře/rovině

Petr Pokorný:

akademický biogram, II. část

Celé číslo ke stažení (pdf)

Jazyk v přírodních a humanitních vědách včetně teologie


Petr Pokorný


Language in science and humanities. The human world is shaped by reduction, coding and structuring the experience in language. This way the language represents also a link between humanities and science. It is a means of thinking and critical reflection and it is able to express the fact that reality transcends the language world. The paper examines the different functions of language as lexical network, grammar and pragmatics in sciences and in humanities.

Klíčová slova:

language, metaphor, denotation and connotation, time concept, transcendence, eschatology


POKORNÝ, Petr. Jazyk v přírodních a humanitních vědách včetně teologie. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 31, č. 2, s. 1-13.

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Problémy překladu Bible


Petr Pokorný


The Problems of Bible Translating. When applying the linguistic Theory of translation (LTT) in translating the Bible (here we concentrate on the New Testament), we have to be aware of the fact that the time difference cannot be ignored. The impact of the translated text on the present reader would never be identical with that of the original text on its ancient addressees. Today the ancientness of the Bible increases its attraction in spite of the fact that it is difficult for understanding. This means that the gap cannot be bridged by the translation only. The text can be brought closer to the contemporary reader only by means of a meta-text (additional information, homily, commentary). From a good Bible translation the reader may deduce what passages demand an explanation which can be offered by translation only. The second part of the paper discusses the reasons for a new translation of the already translated text and the related problems.

Klíčová slova:

Bible, New Testament, Bible translation, Linguistic Theory of Translation (LTT)


POKORNÝ, Petr. Problémy překladu Bible. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 31, č. 2, s. 15-23.

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Vstup evangelia do řecké kultury


Petr Pokorný


The Introduction of the Gospel into Greek Culture. The first generation of Jesus’s post-Easter followers helped successfully to introduce the Gospel into Greek culture by translating Jesus’s sayings into Greek, the language in which the literate sections of the population communicated throughout the Roman Empire. In their vision of the world, the resurrection of Jesus meant that what Jesus introduced into history though the whole of his life story was acknowledged by God – namely that evil, which separates humankind from the source of life, is not the ultimate reality. In the first generation, they already started to develop theology: they elaborated their religious experience using terms and concepts which, through a transformation of the Jewish apocalyptic ideas, expressed the mutual relationship between two dimensions of human hope: hope in a just judgement over the history (of this age) as a whole (the Last Judgment) on the one hand, and a personal hope in death on the other. This enabled them to find a sense of direction in society and at the same time to express the unique value of each individual human life. The theological integration of the various Christian groups was not a simple process, but a lasting influence was attained only by those who participated in it and who were able to maintain roots in the past by retaining Jewish Bible as the first part of their liturgical texts (the Old Testament) after they had been expelled from the synagogues. The historical figure of Jesus of Nazareth, to whom the texts of the New Testament refer, became a reference point for their thought and actions. This enabled during the whole period of the existence of the church, to uncover tragic failures and to admit that there were times of alienation of the church’s proper calling (reforms and Reformation). The expansion of Christianity was not communicated by mass media, for which Christians did not and could not have the resources, but through personal contacts and openness of their communities. Even after the year 313, they did not use the theatre (the most influential form of mass communication of that time) for propagation purposes, but spread the Gospel through personal relationships and letters. The latter included both letters written by teachers and apostles, and letters that individual Christians exchanged among themselves (examples of which have been preserved in Egypt).

Klíčová slova:

early Christianity, communication of the Gospel, Greek language


POKORNÝ, Petr. Vstup evangelia do řecké kultury Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 31, č. 2, s. 25-35.

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Víra a umění v Bibli


Petr Pokorný


Faith an Art in the Bible. The essay deals with the literary aspects of some biblical texts and their role in world literature. The individual problems are illustrated by individual texts: Genesis 28,10–15a, Jacob’s dream at Bethel, illustrates the crossroads of great cultures and religions through a key story of an individual protagonist. A special paragraph is devoted to the way in which the religion may shape the art at all. Mark 4,26–29, the parable of the growing seed, serves as the basis for understanding the Christian concept of history (this age and the coming age). The comment on Mark 14,66–72, the story about Peter denying Jesus develops the observation of Erich Auerbach on the special plebeian feature of biblical literature with its non-ideal protagonists and its attraction for readers (hearers) from the lower strata of society. Samples of biblical themes in modern literature are mentioned (Th. Mann, N. Kazantsakis).

Klíčová slova:

Bible, art, literature, religion and art


POKORNÝ, Petr. Víra a umění v Bibli. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 31, č. 2, s. 37-44,

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Lidský život – dar i závazek


Petr Pokorný


Human Life – a Gift and Obligation. Problems of human being as discussed in science and in humanities including theology are compared. Special problems: role of witness in humanities (law, history, theology), origins of the term “theology” as overcoming the myth in Plato. Christian anthropology beginning with the traditional teaching about sin (alienation) is interpreted against the background of the life-story of Jesus culminating in death and resurrection = a divine revelation of the very humanity and a guarantee of its eschatological fulfilment in community with God.

Klíčová slova:

biblical anthropology, nature, creation, eschatology, witness, resurrection, Church, theology


POKORNÝ, Petr. Lidský život – dar i závazek Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 31, č. 2, s. 45-54.

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Ježíš a víra


Petr Pokorný


Jesus and Faith. The short article discusses the semantics of the Hebrew and Greek equivalents of “faith” and “to believe”, including the hapax legomena – “oligopistos” and “oligopistia”. A special attention is paid to the absolute use of pistis and intransitive use of pisteuo. In such cases it may be an expression of personal confidence in Jesus, but mostly it is an expression of faith in its elementary meaning of a personal confidence in a positive meaning of the open horizon of the ultimate future of individual lives and history. An alliance of Christians and secular humanists of this kind is a hope for contemporary society.

Klíčová slova:

Biblical studies – semantics – faith – to believe – pistis – hope


POKORNÝ, Petr. Ježíš a víra. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 31, č. 2, s. 55-58.

Článek ke stažení (pdf)

Pojem merimna, merimnaó v Kázání na hoře/rovině


Petr Pokorný


The Concept of merimna, merimnao in the Sermon on the Mount/Plain. Merimna, merimnao (care, to care) are according to several parts of the Synoptic tradition (Q, Mark, SLuke) opposite of the faith, and they overshadow the view of the kingdom of God. Almost two thousand years later Martin Heidegger understood the concept “care” (German Sorge) positively as a conscious project of life as a temporary one, which marks its uniqueness and dignity. What the Synoptic traditions call “care” (merimna) rather corresponds with the heideggerian concept of human worrying for (German Beschaffen). The existential care as voluntary accepting the temporal life is in the Christian heritage replaced by existential relying on God’s grace through faith.

Klíčová slova:

merimna, care, worrying, Heidegger, Sermon on the Mount


POKORNÝ, Petr. Pojem merimna, merimnaó v Kázání na hoře/rovině. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2018, sv. 31, č. 2, s. 59-64.

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