2017/1 (28)

Teologie manželství u Jana Augusty


Jindřich Halama


Jan Augusta’s Theology of Marriage. Bishop Jan Augusta, one of the leading figures of the Unity of the Brethren, was part of a generation which was in close contact with the German Reformation. In his never printed discourse on the theology of marriage (1535), Augusta takes a very different view on marriage in comparison with the previous generation of the Brethren. Until the Reformation marriage was viewed critically by the Brethren as a fallback from the perfect state of virginity (we find this attitude in the writings on the status of marriage by Luke of Prague). Augusta applies a perspective which appreciates marriage as a gift of God, which should be used and enjoyed by the believers in freedom and joy. Augusta’s theology of marriage in the 1530s can be termed “Lutheran”, because it manifests a number of features consonant with Luther’s teaching.

Klíčová slova:

Jan Augusta; theology; marriage; the Unity of the Brethren; Lutheranism


HALAMA, Jindřich. Teologie manželství u Jana Augusty. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2017, sv. 28, č. 1, s. 5-14

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Augustovo Umění práce. K myšlenkovému pozadí a otázce adresáta prakticko-teologického spisu


Tabita Landová


Augusta’s Umění práce. On the Intellectual Background and the Addressee of the Practical Theological Treatise. The study demonstrates that the intellectual roots of Augusta’s treatise Umění práce díla Páně služebného [The Art of Servant Work on the Work of the Lord] (1550, printed in 1560) should be sought in the time before his incarceration, probably already in the first half of the 1540s. In this time the enchantment with Lutheranism was slowly fading away among the Bohemian Brethren and the need of the church renewal resulted in a gradual return to the domestic tradition, especially to the doctrine of Luke of Prague. Further, the study reviews the assumption of Joseph Theodor Müller that the treatise was written at the request of a young priest mediating the contact between Augusta in prison and the Unity in 1550. It proposes a new surmise that it could have been written in the context of a mutual correspondence between two prisoners, Jan Augusta and Jakub Bílek, who had a very close relationship to each other like father and son.

Klíčová slova:

Jan Augusta; the Unity of the Brethren; Practical Theology; Jakub Bílek; Umění práce díla Páně služebného


LANDOVÁ, Tabita. Augustovo Umění práce. K myšlenkovému pozadí a otázce adresáta prakticko-teologického spisu. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2017, sv. 28, č. 1, s. 15-39.

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Summovník Jana Augusty a jeho dochování. Příspěvek k tématu bratrské knižní kultury a k možnostem jejího dalšího výzkumu


Jiří Just


Das Werk „Summovník“ von Jan Augusta und sein Erhaltungsstand. Ein Beitrag zum Thema der Buchkultur bei der Böhmischen Brüder und der Möglichkeiten der weiteren Forschung. In der Zeit seiner Internierung auf der Burg Křivoklát schrieb Jan Augusta eine Postilla für das ganze Jahr (auf Tschechisch genannt Summovník), deren zwei Teile er um 1570 in einer nicht-brüderischen Druckerei herausgeben ließ. Das Werk galt eine lange Zeit für verschollen, im Jahr 2012 wurde es jedoch in einem Titel, der in der retrospektiven Bibliographie der alten tschechischen Drucke unter der Nummer 4055 registriert ist, identifiziert. Neben vier bekannten Exemplaren sind auch mehrere Bruchstücke des Druckes, die als eine Füllung der zeitgenössischen Einbände des brüderischen Ursprungs benutzt wurden, erhalten. Diese Tatsache hängt eng mit der Rezeption und dem Schicksal des Werkes von Augusta zusammen. Die Unitätsleitung lehnte die Ausgabe von Summovník ab, erlaubte die Verbreitung des Werkes nicht und in dieser Weise versuchte sie, es von der Welt zu räumen. Das Beispiel von Summovník macht auf neue Möglichkeiten in der Forschung über die Buchkultur der Brüderunität aufmerksam, konkret auf die Erforschung der Bruchstücke von gedruckten Werken, die in den institutionellen Bibliotheken erhalten sind.

Klíčová slova:

Jan Augusta; Summovník; Buchkultur; Böhmische Brüder


JUST, Jiří. Summovník Jana Augusty a jeho dochování. Příspěvek k tématu bratrské knižní kultury a k možnostem jejího dalšího výzkumu. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2017, sv. 28, č. 1, s. 41-56.

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Textologie perikop Augustova Summovníku


Robert Dittmann


Textology of Pericopes in Augusta’s Summovník. The study explores the pericopes in the printed version of Jan Augusta’s Summovník from a textological perspective. The author confirms the report of Blahoslav’s Grammatica [Grammar] that during his internment Augusta had at his disposal the Latin Zurich Bible (Biblia Tigurina) published in the 1540s. His translation of the pericopes shows a direct dependence, sometimes too literal, on this source. Augusta may be connected to the penetration of biblical humanism into the Unity of the Brethren even earlier, as shown by several examples excerpted from his earlier Czech writings.

Klíčová slova:

Jan Augusta; Summovník; pericopes


DITTMANN, Robert. Textologie perikop Augustova Summovníku. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2017, sv. 28, č. 1, s. 57-80.

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Augustův Summovník a jeho grafická podoba


Kateřina Kubanová


Augusta’s Summovník and its Graphical Shape. The article presents a graphemic analysis of the work Summovník by Jan Augusta, based on the transliteration of selected sections of texts. The work represents a print of the humanistic period, therefore the principal objective was to determine how two orthographic systems of the period – diagraphic and diacritic – interact. The analysis was divided into several parts, corresponding to the examined features. The transliterated text has been analysed in Microsoft Word 2007 by means of “Find and Replace” with the “Use of substitute characters” instrument. The work of Summovník in this partially transliterated form can be used as a baseline for the preparation of an edition of this work.

Klíčová slova:

orthography; Jan Augusta; Summovník; the Unity of the Brethren; transliteration; Czech language of humanistic period; letter


KUBANOVÁ, Kateřina. Augustův Summovník a jeho grafická podoba. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2017, sv. 28, č. 1, s. 81-88.

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Druhý život Augustových písní v katolických a evangelických kancionálech 16.–18. století


Aneta Mladějovská


The second life of Augusta’s songs in Catholic and Evangelical hymn books from the 16th to the 18th century. The article presents the results of previous research concerning the hymnographic texts of Jan Augusta. Songs from the handwritten hymn book Písně Jana Augusty [Songs of Brother Jan Augusta], which were written in prison, and songs from printed hymn books of the Unity of the Brethren (from 1561, 1564, 1559 etc.) were compared with variations of songs adopted into hymn books of other confessions (e. g. Jiří Sarganek, Matěj Václav Šteyer, hymn book published by Daniel Karel of Karlšperk etc.) The subject of research was the analysis of changes in texts realised by the then editors and censors, their motivations, the influence of the confession on the final form of the text and ultimately changes to the songs over the course of time.

Klíčová slova:

hymnbooks of the Unity of the Brethren; Jan Augusta; hymnography from the 16th to the 18th century; the Unity of the Brethren; censorship; editorial changes; Lutheran hymnbooks; Catholic hymnbooks; Utraquist hymnbooks


MLADĚJOVSKÁ, Aneta. Druhý život Augustových písní v katolických a evangelických kancionálech 16.–18. století. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2017, sv. 28, č. 1, s. 89-109.

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