2013/2 (23)

Rok: 2013

Ročník: 23

Číslo: 2

Název: Výklad a tradice. Studie k hermeneutice křesťanských tradic

Uspořádal: Jiří Mrázek


Jiří Mrázek:


David Rafael Moulis:

Zajišťování prosperity a blahobytu na starověkém Předním východě

Ondřej Zatroch:

Několik intertextuálních čtení knihy Rút

Ladislava Říhová:

Adversus nationes Arnobia ze Sikky: Historie a teologické důrazy

Filip Outrata:

Peccatum naturale u Juliána z Aeclana a ve starší teologické tradici

Zdenko Š. Širka:

Skúsenosť s hermeneutikou v modernej pravoslávnej teológii

Matouš Holeka:

Písmo a pravoslavná tradice v ekumenickém kontextu

Celé číslo ke stažení (pdf)

Zajišťování prosperity a blahobytu na starověkém Předním východě


David Rafael Moulis


The Prosperity and Wealth Ensuring in the Ancient Near East: Prosperity is one of the most important factors in the life of the ancient being. There was necessary to focus on the future. It means, the best agricultural crop, enough rain, and also to have the favor of the gods. The gods were responsible for the crop and they also chose an earthly king. Such a chosen king was the link between nation and the god. During the ancient time existed many ways how to find favor with the gods. The prosperity is a significant element for development of the society. This paper concentrates on the aspects of the ancient Near East society that dedicate to a better future. The future without starvation, fights, or rather future with plenty of water, food, and with male descendants to save (royal) dynasty forever


MOULIS, David Rafael. Zajišťování prosperity a blahobytu na starověkém Předním východě. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2013, sv. 23, č. 2, s. 4-29.

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Několik intertextuálních čtení knihy Rút


Ondřej Zatroch


Some Intertextual Readings of the Ruth Narrative: The article attempts to analyse several thematic features and literary patterns of the Ruth narrative in the light of other biblical texts. It concentrates on relations with Ezra and Nehemiah, particularly with their endogamic reform and rationale for this reform in Ezra 9–10 based on the opposition between Israel as the “holy seed” on the “holy place” and foreign women as a source of pollution and impurity. The book of Ruth borrows this ontological view of holiness and impurity, but transforms it in delicate way by using the allusion to the memory of Israel in Genesis (Judah, Tamar and Perez) to point out, that in the beginnings of Israel are “impure” (incestous) places similar to the Israelitic views on Moab in Gn 19. Ruth narrative distorts the well-known anti- Moab texts in Numeri and Deuteromium by depicting Ruth as an heroine figure with exemplary ethos, acting with chesed for the good of Noemi and consequently for the good future of whole Israel. The future of the post-exilic community is viewed in the close connection with its liberation from generalizations, “genetically” rooted barriers and all kind of stereotypes, which are seen as a problem in dealing with the memory of this community. The solution thus lies in the self critical, active and unbroken recalling of all secluded places in communal memory.


ZATROCH, Ondřej. Několik intertextuálních čtení knihy Rút. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2013, sv. 23, č. 2, s. 30-47.

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Adversus nationes Arnobia ze Sikky: Historie a teologické důrazy


Ladislava Říhová


Adversus nationes von Arnobius von Sicca: Geschichte und theologische Akzente: Der Artikel befasst sich mit dem christlichen Apologeten Arnobius von Sicca, der in der Zeit der diokletianischen Christenverfolgung wirkte, und mit seinem apologetischen Werk Adversus nationes. Nachdem die historischen Quellen und biographische Angaben des Autors analysiert worden waren, informieren wir über den wichtigsten Editionen des Werkes Adversus nationes. Weitere Absätze des Artikels umfassen vor allem die Strukturell- und Inhaltscharakteristik und natürlich auch die Problematik der literarischen Quellen des Arnobius. Im letzten Abschnitt wurde der Umriß der wichtigsten theologischen Themen des Schriftes behandelt. Es handelt sich hier primär um Arnobius’s Gottesverständnis, seine Charakteristik des Wirkens Christi und um die Verständnis der Trinitätslehre im ganzen. Weiter wurden auch die Auffassung der Seele und die Möglichkeit des Gotteserkenntnis erwähnt. In dem Text wurde ganz kurz auch die Argumentationsmethode des Arnobius beschrieben, mit der auch die Problematik der philosophischen Quellen eng zusammenhängt, weil gerade durch heidnische Philosophie das logische Konzept des Werkes beeinflusst wurde.


ŘÍHOVÁ, Ladislava. Adversus nationes Arnobia ze Sikky: Historie a teologické důrazy. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2013, sv. 23, č. 2, s. 48-59.

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Peccatum naturale u Juliána z Aeclana a ve starší teologické tradici


Filip Outrata


Peccatum naturale according to Julian of Aeclanum and in the Older Theological Tradition: The paper aims at one of the central issues of the polemic between Julian of Aeclanum and Augustine of Hippo, the question of “natural sin” (peccatum naturale) and the transmission of this sin (tradux peccati). According to Julian of Aeclanum, the nature of man as a created being is good, endowed with goodness based on creation. To this natural goodness belongs freedom of the will. Sin can only be conceived as an act of free will. The sin of the first human couple did not change the nature of man, but as an example (exemplum) affects all posterior sins of humankind. According to Julian, the children are not affected by sin. The concepts of Julian of Aeclanum, derived from his polemic with Augustine´s theology of Grace, are compared with older theological tradition, both Eastern and Western, up to Augustine himself. Julian´s theology of free will and goodness of creation and his general optimistic view of human condition and of grace building on creation appears in this perspective to be more traditional than was usually accepted.


OUTRATA, Filip. Peccatum naturale u Juliána z Aeclana a ve starší teologické tradici. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2013, sv. 23, č. 2, s. 60-76.

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Skúsenosť s hermeneutikou v modernej pravoslávnej teológii


Zdenko Š. Širka


Experience with the Hermeneutics in the Modern Orthodox Theology: This article deals with a question whether hermeneutical thought can be applied in the modern Orthodox context. This question is one of the problematic ones as it is connected with a lot of other questions, such as crisis of Orthodox identity, relation with modernity, suspiciousness towards the Western methodology or return to Fathers. Only in this context it is possible to analyze hermeneutical aspects of modern Orthodox theology. Hermeneutics in Orthodox theology has been firstly connected with an orientation towards specific Orthodox elements which were found in patristics and Church Fathers. In order to explain this approach I will present thoughts of Greek Orthodox theologian Christos Yannaras with his anti-Western approach and thoughts of American Orthodox theologian John Breck, who rehabilitates certain elements of patristic heritage. In current times a new generation of younger theologians who are aware of current situation and of hermeneutical thinking has appeared, and call for openness and dialogue with hermeneutical thinking. From this generation I have chosen Greek Orthodox theologian Pantelis Kalaitzidis, who calls for paradigm shift and German Orthodox theologian of Lebanese origin Assaad Elias Kattan, who makes first steps in a dialogue with modern hermeneutics.


ŠIRKA, Zdenko Š. Skúsenosť s hermeneutikou v modernej pravoslávnej teológii. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2013, sv. 23, č. 2, s. 77-103.

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Písmo a pravoslavná tradice v ekumenickém kontextu


Matouš Holeka


The Scripture and Eastern Orthodox Tradition in Ecumenical Context: In my article I deal with Eastern Orthodox understanding of the Scripture. I put emphasis on the particularity which is crucial for the Orthodox, especially with regard to the understanding of the Scripture in the scope of the Tradition of the Church. The essence of Orthodox hermeneutics creates close connection between the Scripture and the Tradition. Orthodox Christians apprehend the particularity of Orthodox hermeneutics as unique and that is why they often understand other Christian traditions’ attitude to the Scripture as incompatible with their own. In spite of these divergences, however, the Orthodox tradition has similar accents with other Christian traditions, for example with the Roman Catholic or Evangelical. Although in the case of Evangelical Christians refusal of the tradition has often occurred, the present situation in the ecumenical movement indicates that these two Christian streams are closer to each other than it might seem at first sight. The connection is based on the emphasis on the common past which they both consider as the essence of the Christian belief and without which it is not possible for both of them to get by. They understand this past as it was expressed in church confessions and creeds. By stressing the common past they try to oppose the different theologies of liberation, which often view the emphasis on the common past as outdated and rather try to reinterpret and to incorporate the Christian message into their own context. Although in many ways the Orthodox hermeneutics keeps its own exclusivity, it is a question, nevertheless, whether some of its stresses on understanding of the Scripture do not connect it to other Christian traditions.


HOLEKA, Matouš. Písmo a pravoslavná tradice v ekumenickém kontextu. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2013, sv. 23, č. 2, s. 104-118.

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