McKenzie, S. L., & Richelle, M. (2024). The Oxford Handbook of the Books of Kings. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 2024. ISBN: 9780197610374.
V knize naleznete studii Jana Rückla Davidic Covenant and Dynasty in the Books of Kings.
Anotace knihy (ENG): "The Books of Kings have long been at the center of scholarly discussions on the Hebrew Bible because they constitute important sources for the history of ancient Israel and Judah, and because they are key components of the Deuteronomistic History. The Oxford Handbook of the Books of Kings provide a clear and useful introduction to the main aspects and issues pertaining to the scholarly study of Kings. These include textual history (including the linguistic profile), compositional history, literary approaches, key characters, history, important recurring themes, reception history and some contemporary readings. As a one-volume introduction embracing all the aspects of the study of Kings, written by an international and diverse team of scholars, this handbook is the ideal point of entry into the study of Kings for generations of students and scholars."
Anotace kapitoly J. Rückla: "The chapter overviews the references to the Davidic dynastic promise in the books of Kings. Second Samuel 7 is an attempt to defend the political interests of the Davidic family in the exilic or postexilic period. Most of the references to the promise in Kings are entirely compatible with this function of Nathan’s oracle and may come from the same hand. According to Kings, the success of a royal dynasty depends on the piety of the dynasty’s founder, and the fate of the Davidic dynasty cannot be the same as that of the other dynasties that reigned in Israel. This concept is integral to the basic structure of Kings, and the author of these texts is therefore also the first author of Kings. The conditional formulations of the Davidic promise were inserted by a later redactor."
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