Counselling and information services at Charles University include library services and access to electronic resources (e.g. subscription to electronic scientific journals), as well as the issuance of student and employee ID cards and the services of the Information and Counselling Centre.
University libraries are perhaps the most traditional source of information, and not only for studying. Searching through such a large number of volumes is made possible by the UKAŽ Search Service, where you can instantly find out which UK libraries have a particular publication and whether it is available to borrow at any given time..
Electronic resources include subscriptions to major scholarly journals and other publications that students and scholars can use as an up-to-date source of validated and highly valued information.
The Information and Counselling Centre is there for all those who need consultations and information about study opportunities at Charles University or to take advantage of some of the many counselling and assistance services.
The cards of students, employees, and other users of Charles University services serve for their easy identification when using the University services and are one of the "keys" for their holders to access the information systems and computer network of Charles University.
Charles University
Protestant Theological Faculty
Černá 646/9
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Dean's Office:
(+420) 221 988 216
Office for International Relations:
(+420) 221 988 211