Academic Calendar

Academic calendar - general

The information below is for Erasmus and other exchange students studying for one year or one semester.

Teaching in the winter semester runs from the beginning of October to the middle of January, with a two-week break for Christmas.

Teaching in the summer semester runs from mid-February to the beginning of June, with a two-week break for Easter.

An Orientation Fortnight, including an introductory course in the Czech language, is usually held in the last two weeks of September immediately before the start of the winter semester. A shorter orientation programme is held immediately before the start of the summer semester.

Please note that these dates may sometimes differ by a week or two from the academic calendar at other faculties of Charles University.

Academic Calendar for 2024-2025

Academic Calendar 24/25 (English)

Academic Calendar for 2023-2024

Academic Calendar 23/24 (English)

Academic Calendar for 2022-2023

Academic calendar 22/23 (English)

Last change: September 16, 2024 22:44 
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