Visas and Health Insurance

Students are responsible for obtaining their own health insurance and visas, residence and work permits, or other necessary documents. The information given below is for orientation; for the exact position you should contact the Czech Embassy in your country.

If you are a citizen of an EU or EFTA country, you do not need a visa. However, you have to register with the police within 30 days of your arrival in the Czech Republic. If you want to do any paid work in the Czech Republic, you will also need a work permit.

If you are a citizen of another country, you will need a visa (or a long-term residence permit for the purpose of studies). For more information click here. If necessary please contact the nearest Czech Embassy for details of the application process and the documents you will need. Please note that the process can take 2 to 3 months, and you will need confirmation that you are accepted as a student in order to apply for the visa.

Last change: January 27, 2022 09:38 
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Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty

Černá 646/9

110 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic

Dean's Office:

(+420) 221 988 216

Office for International Relations:

(+420) 221 988 211

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