Students from Ukraine - Free movers

The "Free-mover" scheme from April 2022 (or later) to February 2023 with possible enrolment into Full degree study programme.

A student at Charles University in the Free-mover regime can only be a citizen of Ukraine who is currently enrolled in a university outside the Czech Republic.

Free-mover remains a student of his/her home university and is only on a foreign study stay at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University (PTF CU).

A Ukrainian student can be admitted to the Free-mover scheme if he or she is studying at his or her home university in a programme that falls within the portfolio of study programmes taught at the PTF.

Study for Ukrainian students in Free-mover mode is FREE.

Free-mover students can receive a scholarship:

1. The scholarship is in the amount of 15,000 CZK / monthly

2. The scholarship is awarded from the date of enrolment for study stay, (so far) until no later than 10 February 2023 (the end of the winter semester 2022/2023)

The scholarship can only be awarded to persons who are in the Czech Republic and have proof of temporary protection or a special visa (in the passport).

Free-movers can get accommodation at Charles University dormitories on the same terms as regular students of Charles University

One of the main goals of Free-movers is to pass the entrance exam successfully and to become a full student of PTF from October 2022 (or later), so they should quickly learn the best possible Czech and get to know the Czech environment

Students admitted to the Free-mover scheme are required to study at Charles University:

1. Free-movers must attend Czech lessons organised at Charles University (and pay for them with a scholarship)

- Czech language classes run between September 2022 and January 2023

2. And also/or to take part in lessons, i.e. to attend courses together with ordinary students of PTF

- The courses are part of the teaching in the ongoing winter semester 2022/2023, teaching in this semester ends on 13 January 2023

Here you can download the application form for studies in Free-mover scheme

We also ask for the following documents to be submitted:

1. Proof that the applicant is a citizen of Ukraine

2. Proof of temporary protection or special visa (passport)

3. Proof of up-to-date study at a university outside the Czech Republic

(if this document cannot be substantiated, it is possible to certify this fact with a sworn declaration in exceptional cases)

4. Structured professional/academic CV

Completed application form (in electronic version, you don't have to sign it) and the required documents please send to:


For enquiries about the possibility of admission to a Freemover study stay at the PTF (possible candidates), please write to the above e-mail addresses.

Last change: September 21, 2022 18:04 
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Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty

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110 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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