• Faculty
  • A Word of Welcome from the Dean

A Word of Welcome from the Dean

A warm greeting to the readers of this website!

To those who know what they are looking for here, I hope you manage to navigate through successfully.

For those who are just generally interested, I hope that what you discover here will show you how interesting our faculty is.

Theology has developed into a critical science in Christianity. Its task is not merely to preserve and transmit what people of faith think about God, about themselves, and about the world, but to critically examine that thinking about faith, its assumptions, and its implications in history and in the present. Through education in Protestant theology, our faculty prepares people for ministry as preachers and pastors of Protestant churches, but also offers a theological education to all who wish to explore Christianity and its expressions in a Reformed profile and with ecumenical openness. We also teach social work, a ministry of helping people to live in good social relationships. In addition to teaching, we are also engaged in scholarly research, discovering new ideas in our fields.

We are a small faculty, but we try to see this as an advantage - for example, in that we are quite close to each other, teachers and students alike.

My hope is that an electronic visit can lead to an in-person visit.

And I look forward to seeing you.

doc. Jan Roskovec, Ph.D.

Dean of the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University

Last change: October 4, 2023 23:10 
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Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty

Černá 646/9

110 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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(+420) 221 988 216

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(+420) 221 988 211

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