Doctoral Studies in English

General information

To study a Ph.D. programme at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University is a good choice. The expertise of renowned scholars in their respective fields is multiplied by the individual approach to students. Four doctoral programmes offer students the opportunity to become experts in one of the research areas under the guidance of scholars from Charles University. Study in Prague takes place in an environment of strong international cooperation.

Course of study

The backbone of the study is the dissertation, a research project on which the doctoral student works under the guidance of his or her supervisor. At the end, the student publicly presents and defends the finished project.

In addition to writing the dissertation, the aim of the doctoral studies is to broaden and deepen the student's knowledge in his or her field of study and to master the techniques of academic work. During the four years of study, the student attends doctoral seminars and other events recommended by his or her supervisor, passes partial examinations (one exam in a second European language other than the mother tongue and three exams in relevant theological disciplines) and the state doctoral examination in the field of the dissertation. The study also includes internship abroad, research and review of relevant literature, participation in academic conferences and publication of articles in professional journals.

At the end of the doctoral studies, the student submits his or her dissertation by uploading the electronic version of it to the Charles University's Student Information System (SIS). In addition, the student submits a printed version of of it in duplicate to the Protestant Theological Faculty's study department. The hard copies are for the use of the opponents and are sufficient if they are only ring bound. Only the electronic version of the dissertation is used for archiving.

Standard length of the study is four years,

carried out as full-time or combined (part-time) study.

The maximum duration of the study is eight years.

Having fulfilled the obligations mentined above and having defended the dissertation, the student receives a Ph.D. degree from Charles University.

The four doctoral programmes

Name of the programme



Biblical Theology

Prof.ThDr. Martin Prudký

Historical and Systematic Theology

Prof. Martin Wernisch, Dr.

Practical and Ecumenical Theology, and Theological Ethics

Prof. Ivana Noble, Ph.D.

Philosophy of Religion

Prof. Lenka Karfíková, Dr. theol.

Prerequisities and conditions

The four Ph.D. programmes are open to those who have graduated from a university or other institute of higher education with a master's degree in theology or a related discipline and have proven their academic abilities.

There are no tuition fees for students who study in Czech. Tuition fees for students studying in English are 500 € per academic year.

General information on tuition fees and scholarship opportunities at the Charles University is available here.

Application procedure

The applicant should first contact one of these four guarantors, who will consider whether a suitable person is available to supervise the dissertation. Alternatively, the applicant may address directly one of the possible supervisors (see the lists of scholars in the respective Ph.D. programmes) with whom he or she wishes to write the dissertation. The application can only be submitted after the project has been discussed with and approved by the potential supervisor.

Due to the forthcoming amendment to the Higher Education Act, full-time doctoral studies supported by a regular scholarship has become an exclusive privilege to which only a limited number of the best applicants can be admitted. Therefore, we encourage those who aplly for full-time studies to consider applying for both full-time and part-time study programmes simultaneously. An applicant can participate in the admission procedures for both programmes (full-time and part-time) in one term, but it is not possible to swich the desired programme within the same admission procedure.

Full details of the application procedure are HERE.

The application should contain:

  • curriculum vitae including a detailed description of theological studies undertaken so far,

  • certified copy of Master's degree,

  • if possible, recommendation from a previous academic supervisor or teacher,

  • an outline of the proposed dissertation project, including the topic, field, methods and aim of the research, discussed with and approved by the potential supervisor (2-5 pages).


Save the date

The PhD student who have been admitted in June-July 2024 start their studies on 1 October 2024.

The applications for next academical year (2025/26) should submitted by 30 April 2025. Entrance examination takes place in June 2025. It consists of an interview with the admissions committee of the respective Ph.D. programme. By explaining the outline of the proposed dissertation project and discussing it with the committee, the applicant demonstrates his or her competence and ability to carry out the project. Before submitting the application, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the potential supervisor to supervise the dissertation.

If you have further questions....

Assoc. Prof. Petr Sláma, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies

(+420) 221 988 418

Ing. Radmila Sejkotová

Doctoral Program Liaison

221 988 216

Last change: July 18, 2024 09:52 
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