PhD in Biblical Theology

The PhD program in Biblical Theology assumes that applicants have completed an MA in Theology or a related subject. Advanced knowledge of biblical languages (Biblical Hebrew and Greek), mastery of the methodology of scholarly work in biblical studies and competence in the literary, historical and theological issues of the biblical traditions and their critical study are assumed and required.

A dissertation in Biblical Theology may deal with a variety of topics related to the Old or to the New Testament. It may follow a plethora of methodologies. Using advanced historical-critical approaches, it may seek to reconstruct the literary origins of the Bible or its parts in the context of ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic history. It may deal with the history and archaeology of a particular biblical period. It may attempt to interpret concepts contained in the Bible, thus venturing into an Old Testament or a New Testament theology. It may trace the processes of transmission, interaction and reception of particular motifs or texts. It may focus on the interpretation of biblical passages and their careers in the intellectual history of humanity.

If the nature of the dissertation project requires it, the student will take an examination in another ancient or medieval language (e.g. Akkadian, Aramaic, Coptic, or Church Slavonic) during the course of his or her study.

Postgraduate doctoral studies in Biblical Theology are guranteed by:

Prof. Martin Prudký, Dr.

Head of Department of Old Testament

see more

Field of expertise: Old Testament literature, exegesis of narrative texts (especially the book of Genesis), methodology of Bible interpretation, biblical theology.

Other supervisors and their fields of expertise


Prof. Filip Čapek, Ph.D.

archaeology and history of the Southern Levant, wisdom literature, theology of the Old Testament, ancient temples

Assoc. Prof. Petr Sláma, Ph.D.

biblical criticism; Old Testament theologies; Pentateuchal studies (esp. the book of Exodus); Cult and Ethics in OT; Rabbinic and other reader-oriented approaches to the Bible

Assoc. Prof. Jan Rückl, Ph.D.

Old Testament theology; Biblical studies; Hebrew; text criticism

Assoc. Prof. Jan Dušek, Ph.D.

Semitic inscriptions and manuscripts of ancient Palestine and Syria, manuscripts from the Dead Sea


Assoc. Prof. Jiří Mrázek, Th.D.

synoptic gospels, general epistles, revelation of John

Assoc. Prof. Jan Roskovec, Ph.D.

interpretation of Pauline and Johannine writings, historical Jesus

If you have further questions....

Assoc. Prof. Petr Sláma, Ph.D.

Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies

(+420) 221 988 418

Ing. Radmila Sejkotová

Doctoral Studies Administrator (Ph.D.)

(+420) 221 988 216

Last change: December 3, 2024 12:50 
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