Scholarship Offers Abroad

ČNFB - Czech-German Future Fund

The scholarship programme is intended for students of bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes interested in Czech-German topics.

Scholarship amount:

900 euros for students of master's and doctoral programmes.

For students of bachelor's programmes, 650 euros per month.

In addition, the scholarship recipient will receive a one-time allowance for study materials and travel expenses of 900 and 650 euros respectively.

(Eight scholarships are awarded each year (for one or two semesters).)

For more informations and online application click HERE:

ATTENTION: Website and application is ONLY in Czech or German language!

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2025

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact .

If you are interested, please inform us about your application via .

Erasmus+ Call in 2025

Erasmus+ supports international exchange and cooperation in education.

It offers funding for projects once or twice a year in all areas of formal education or non-formal activities developing adults and young people.

Young people up to the age of 30 can participate, regardless of their student status.

The current dates of the call, launched by the European Commission, are February to June 2025.

Projects can apply for support in two main areas:

Individual trips (called KA1 - Key Action 1): ): educational trips abroad for pupils, students, apprentices, trainees, young people, employees, various projects at national level and others.

Collaborative partnerships (KA2 - Key Action 2): international projects with partners from abroad.

More information on this call can be found HERE.

If you are interested, please let us know about your application via .

UK(United Kingdom) Centre for Strategic Partnerships - Call for project proposals for 2025 - PhD students only

Strategic partners:

Switzerland - Universität Zürich

Australia - Macquarie University

United Kingdom - University of St Andrews

upported activities with partners based on MŠMT (The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - MŠMT in Czech) indicators:

- Supporting new teams (including the involvement of PhD students) and projects

- Collaboration between departments (departments and institutes) on teaching and research or the creation of a joint publication

- preparation of international study programmes

- Preparation of projects that will further evaluate and deepen the importance of the partnership established

- academic visits, lectures, lecture series, conferences, workshops, off-site courses, etc

- support for the establishment of joint research centres or centres

- online activities (lectures, courses, conferences, workshops)

- support for existing teams and follow-up activities (based on outputs from previous projects and demonstrated research development).

Amount of subsidy:

Max 150 000 CZK per project.

Only activities with no alternative are supported

- in external sources (EU programmes, etc.)

- internal sources (Post-doc Fund, Mobility Fund, etc.)

Project proposal:

For the proposal form click HERE

Annexes to the proposal:

(i) brief professional CV of the activity sponsor

(ii) only in the case of concurrent employment of the researcher at another university or research institution in the Czech Republic, a letter of recommendation from the Vice-Dean of the Faculty for International Relations.

- Cooperation with strategic partners is open to all disciplines of the Charles University.

The minimum position of the applicant/researcher is a PhD student employed by the University on the basis of an employment contract, a contract of employment or a contract of employment valid until 31 December 2025. The proposal shall be approved and signed by the Head of Department/Department.

The deadline for submission of the application to the PTF is 7 February 2025 by 14:00.

All information can also be found on the intranet of Charles University

Czech PDF version of project proposal information HERE

If you are interested, please inform us about your scholarship application via .

2025/26 University of St Andrews Global Fellowship Scheme

The University of St Andrews is pleased to announce that our annual call of the Global Fellowship Scheme is now open and accepting applications for visits taking place during the 2025/26 academic year

Now in its seventh, the Global Fellowship Scheme stands as the University’s flagship initiative for welcoming distinguished international researchers and educators to St Andrews. This programme offers a unique opportunity to engage in all aspects of intellectual life at the University and foster enduring global partnerships.

The scheme provides awards to talented scholars from around the globe to spend up to one month in St Andrews, Scotland. During this time, Global Fellows will be able to undertake a course of research and study, explore potential collaborations, enhance existing relationships, advance research work and find the space to think in an inspirational environment.

Applicants to the scheme should be recognised as established scholars in their field or emerging leaders who have made a contribution to original research that extends the frontier of knowledge. Global Fellows will be expected to engage virtually with students and colleagues throughout the 2025-2026 academic year and participate in one visit of up to four weeks between 1 August 2025 and 31 July 2026. The University provides all awardees with a stipend during their visit, self-catered accommodation, return airfare, and airport transfers.

The deadline for applications is 3 March 2025.

Please see the Global Fellowship web page and flyer attached for more information about applying, or contact .

Summer German language courses at partner universities

Scholarship offer for summer German language courses in 2024

Universität Heidelberg - 3 scholarships - (1. 8. – 28. 8. 2024) - (A1 - C1)

Universität des Saarlandes - 3 scholarships - (2. 9. – 27. 9. 2024) - (A2 - B2/C1)

Universität Giessen - 1 scholarship - 29. 8. – 27. 9. 2024 - (A1 - B2/C1)

TU Dresden - 2 scholarships- (10. 6. - 5. 7. 2024) (A1+ - B2)

Students have to upload all documents to the online application for Inter-University Agreements by 23th April 2024. Students can apply to a maximum of 2 universities.

Required documents for the language course:

• Completed language course application form

• CV in German or in English

• Cover letter in German or in English

Potential applicants are kindly requested to inform us about their scholarship application by .

Scholarships for students and PhD students at our partner universities in Germany and in Switzerland – AY2024/2025

As in previous years, our partner universities offer several scholarships for the academic year 2024/2025 for students and PhD students in the framework of inter-university cooperation. These universities are:

Universität Hamburg

Universität des Saarlandes

Universität Leipzig

Universität Heidelberg

Universität Basel

Students will upload all documents to the online application by 16 April 2024.

More detailed information HERE.

Study Plan (students)

Academic Visitor Application (PhD students)

Potential applicants are kindly requested to inform us about their scholarship application by .

Exchange study stays in the Summer Semester 2024/2025

International Relations Office of the CU Rectorate announces a call for applications for exchange study stays in the Summer semester 2024/2025 within the framework of inter-university agreements at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2 spaces) and at the University of Jordan (2 spaces).

Interested applicants are required to submit the following documents (in English, if not specified otherwise) via the online application:

· CV (including updated contact details: e-mail, phone number)

· Letter of purpose

· Study plan (use the form)

· Recommendation letter by a CU faculty member

· Transcript of records of all post-secondary study

· Certificate/confirmation of English language proficiency

· Invitation letter by a receiving faculty member (applies to Ph.D. applicants for a research stay only); Please note that in some cases students apply for a research stay on their own, outside of the selection process. Information can be found on the website or by asking the relevant CU Rectorate coordinator.

The online application will be open for students from April 1 until April 30, 2024 including.

More detailed information on the selection process, including the online application guide and evaluation criteria, can be found on the website For the conditions of admission and study at a foreign university, students should consult the website of the respective university.

Non-project mobility of CU staff and students within 4EU+

Non-project mobilities within the 4EU+ Alliance are those mobilities that take place at partner universities of the 4EU+ Alliance without being linked to a specific approved project (EDU projects, SEED4EU+, mini-grants, etc.). This also includes mobilities that do not take place directly at partner institutions, but have an obvious link to the Alliance activities (e.g. presentation of an Alliance project results, expansion of alliance cooperation, etc.).

For such mobilities, it is possible to apply for financial support from the 4EU+ budget. Selections are held 4 times a year (in March, June, September and December), each for the following two quarters.

Further information, including a description of the procedures and the online application form, can be found here (for English scroll down).

The announcement of the call for the SYLF scholarship program

The SYLFF fellowship program of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research (TKFD) supports the education of outstanding PhD students with leadership potential who stand out in terms of their personality, academic results, dissertation topic, and vision. The University Committee will select the top two candidates and nominate them to the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research in Japan. They will then decide on their approval and on the award of the scholarship.

More detailed information about the program and the selection procedure is available on this website.

IEG Fellowships for PhD Students

The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) awards Felowships for doctoral students in European history, the history of religion and other historical discipline. For Fellowships beginning in September 2024 or later. More info can be found in English here or in German. Deadline for Application: February 15, 2024.

Potential applicants are asked to inform us of their intention to apply for a scholarship by

Gustav-Adolf-Werk e.V. - offer of scholarships for AY 2024/2025

GAW is offering six scholarships for theology students to study in Leipzig between 1 September 2024 and 31 July 2025.

Selected students will receive:

• Monthly scholarship of 655 EUR, health insurance, literature/book allowance (up to 100 EUR for the whole period), reimbursement of travel expenses on arrival and departure, semester fee, semester ticket in Leipzig

As part of the preparation for the study stay, an intensive German language course will take place in September 2024. This course is adapted to the study of theology and is compulsory for students. German language skills at least B1 level are required.

Application and other conditions can also be found on the website: and in this flyer.

IMPORTANT: Applying for a GAW scholarship and then applying for a university place are two separate processes!

If you are applying for a university place, you can use the ZOOM information meeting with the scholarship manager .

Complete applications in German (or English) must be sent through the leadership of your church to the following address: by February 28, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Carmen Klimasch (Secretariat), tel.: (0049 341) 490 62 23, e-mail:

Potential applicants are asked to inform us of their intention to apply for a scholarship by l.

Bridging Gaps 2024 – call for application

Bridging Gaps is an initiative of the Centre for Contextual Biblical Interpretation (CCBI), a cooperation of the Faculty of Religion and Theology of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (FRT, VU Amsterdam) and the Protestant Theological University (PThU), and together with the Dutch organisation Kerk in Actie and other partners.

The Bridging Gaps program enables students from Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East to work on their own research for a period of three months under auspices of a supervisor of the VU Amsterdam or the PThU. During the program students will get exposed to Dutch society and church life together with other theology students from all around the world.

In the enclosed brochure you can find detailed information about the background and the content of the program, the application criteria and selection procedure, and what candidates can expect from our side.

The deadline for application is 14th of January 2024.

Potential applicants can inquire about the procedure at the International office of the Faculty. Make an appointment in advance by .

One-month scholarships offer for PhD students and academics for stays at partner universities in 2024

As in previous years, our partner universities offer several month-long scholarships stays for PhD students and academics within the framework of interuniversity cooperation.

These universities are:

Universität zu Köln

• 3 one-month-long scholarships for PhD students – 1200 EUR/month

• 1 one-month-long scholarship for academics– 2000 EUR/month

Universität Hamburg

• 6 one-month-long scholarships for PhD students – 1200 EUR/month

• 5 one-month-long scholarships for academics – 1900 EUR/month

Universität Heidelberg

• 1 one-month-long scholarship for PhD students - 1200 EUR/month

Universität Bonn

• 1 one-month-long scholarships for PhD students - 1200 EUR/month

Required attachments:

a) Academic Visitor Application

b) Structured curriculum vitae (only for PhD students)

c) Preliminary promise of admission by a teacher from a partner university (invitation letter for academics)

d) Detailed description of the study plan in German or English (only for PhD students)

e) Average of study results from previous studies (only for PhD students)

We kindly ask academics to send all documents to the International offices of the faculties by 5th December 2023. The selection procedure for these monthly stays for

PhD students will be announced via online application. We kindly ask PhD students to upload all documents to the online application by 5th December 2023.

Potential applicants are requested to inform us of their intention to apply by .

Call for applications for exchange study stays

International Relations Office of the CU Rectorate announces a call for applications for exchange study stays in the academic year 2024/2025 within the framework of inter-university agreements - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel - 2 slots,

1 academic year

Interested applicants are required to submit the following documents (in English, if not specified otherwise) via the online application:

· CV (including updated contact details: e-mail, phone number)

· Letter of purpose

· Study plan (use the form)

· Recommendation letter by a CU faculty member

· Transcript of records of all post-secondary study

· Certificate/confirmation of English language proficiency

· Invitation letter by a receiving faculty member (applies to Ph.D. applicants for a research stay only); Please note that in some cases students apply for a research stay on their own, outside of the selection process. Information can be found on the website or by asking the relevant CU Rectorate coordinator.

Students can apply for a study stay in either the winter or the summer term only or in the whole academic year - please indicate clearly the intended period.

The online application will be open for students from October 7 until October 31, 2023.

The final selection of candidates by the Vice-Rector for International Affairs will take place in December 2023.


Semester scholarships from Hermann und Else Schnabel Foundation at Universität Hamburg for the summer semester 2023/2024

In the framework of an inter-university agreement Universität Hamburg offers semester scholarships to students and doctoral candidates from Charles University for the summer semester 2024 - Scholarships for the preparation of a final thesis (bachelor, master thesis or dissertation).

Duration of the scholarship: 4 months - summer semester - 2. 4. – 13. 7. 2024

Scholarship: 930 EUR per month

Number of scholarships available for Charles University: 5 - 7 scholarships

Students have to upload all documents to the online application by 25th September 2023.

The deadline for applications to the selection procedure at the Rectorate is the 3th October 2023.

Required documents (bachelor and master students)

• CV (German or English language)

• Covering letter (German or English language)

Study plan

• 2 Recommendation letters by a CU faculty member (German or English)

• Confirmation of German language proficiency - minimum level B1+ or confirmation of English language proficiency - minimum level B2 - if you choose courses in English (language exam certificate or confirmation from the language department)

• Confirmed transcript of study results for the entire studies at the university, average of study results

Required documents (doctoral students)

• CV (German or English language)

Completed Academic visitor application

• Covering letter (German or English language)

• Summary of the dissertation topic (German or English)

• 2 Recommendation letters by a CU faculty member (German or English)

• Confirmation of admission to doctoral studies

• Confirmed transcript of study results from previous studies, average of study results

• Certificate/confirmation of German or English language proficiency – level B2 (Language exam certificate or confirmation from the language department)

• Preliminary promise of admission by a teacher from a partner university


Additional offer of semester stays for students and PhD students at our partner universities in Germany and in Switzerland – summer semester 2024

Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

2 semester scholarships for bachelor, master and doctoral students - 300 EUR per month

Universität des Saarlandes

2 semester scholarships for bachelor and master students - 934 EUR per month

2 semester scholarships for doctoral students - 1200 EUR per month (possible to go for several weeks - max. 3 months in the period January - December 2024)

Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

1 semester scholarship for bachelor and master students - 934 EUR per month (not for doctoral students)

Requirement: written confirmation from an HHU lecturer that they are willing to provide the usual level of student supervision

Universität Basel

1 semester scholarship for bachelor, master and doctoral students - 1500 CHF per month

Students still have the possibility to select one university as an alternative to the university of their first choice.

Students have to upload all documents to the online application by 2nd October 2023.

The deadline for applications to the selection procedure at the Rectorate is the 11th October 2023.

Required documents (bachelor and master students)

• CV (German or English language)

• Covering letter (German or English language)

Study plan

• Recommendation letter by a CU faculty member (German or English)

• Confirmation of German language proficiency - minimum level B1+ or confirmation of English language proficiency - minimum level B2 - if you choose courses in English (language exam certificate or confirmation from the language department)

• Confirmed transcript of study results for the entire studies at the university, average of study results

• Written confirmation from an HHU lecturer that they are willing to provide the usual level of student supervision (just for HHU Düsseldorf)

Required documents (doctoral students)

• CV (German or English language)

Completed Academic visitor application

• Covering letter (German or English language)

• Summary of the dissertation topic (German or English)

• Recommendation letter by a CU faculty member (German or English)

• Confirmation of admission to doctoral studies

• Confirmed transcript of study results from previous studies, average of study results

• Certificate/confirmation of German or English language proficiency – level B2 (Language exam certificate or confirmation from the language department)

• Preliminary promise of admission by a teacher from a partner university


Last change: December 13, 2024 17:03 
Contact Us

Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty

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110 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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(+420) 221 988 216

Office for International Relations:

(+420) 221 988 211

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