prof. ThDr. Jan Štefan

Head of Department of Systematic Theology

221 988 317

5. floor, door no. 512

Profile in SISu




Lectures: theological encyclopedia; courses in evangelical dogmatics and theology of the 20th century.

Research specialization: soteriology, ecclesiology and eschatology - in Lutheran view, with ecumenical perspective; German and Czech evangelical theology of the 20th century; dialectical theology; Martin Luther; Karl Barth; most recently D. Bonhoeffer.

Professional Biography


studied Comenius Evangelical Theological Faculty in Prague (1981/82: Katechetisches Oberseminar Naumburg/S.)


parish exam


postgraduate study of evangelical theology

25. 6. 1991

appointment as associate professor

19. 5. 2008

appointment as a professor

Select Bibliography

Publishing and other professional activities registered in databaze OBD.

Last change: March 2, 2022 23:20 
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