Mgr. Ing. Olga Angelovská, Ph.D.

lecturer at the Department of Social Work

221 988 502

5. floor, door no 508

consultation hours by appointment

ORCID: 0000-0002-7621-3286

Profile in SIS (subjects, timetable)




social policy, health systems, welfare state

Publication and professional activities recorded in database OBD.

She graduated from the University of Economics with a degree in Systems Analysis and a minor in Sociology and Psychology in Business Management and from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University with a Master's degree in Public and Social Policy. She completed her doctoral studies in the same field with a dissertation in the field of health systems.   

She has worked in research institutes (Institute of Health Policy and Economics, Centre for Social and Economic Strategies) and lectured in the English Master's programme at Dalarna University in Sweden (2004-2008). Currently she works as an assistant professor and lectures at the Protestant Theological Faculty of the CU and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the CU. She is involved in research activities (currently SYRI project at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, CU).

Last change: November 15, 2022 13:56 
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