Weave (GAČR, DFG): Concepts of Biblical Israel: Origins, Developments, Manifestations

The project investigates the great variety and plurality of concepts of Israel within the Hebrew Bible. It examines the origins, developments, manifestations, and interrelatedness of these concepts. The project has a strong emphasis on a broad literary and historical basis as well as sound methodology. Five sub-projects study the concepts of biblical Israel in all parts of the canon and analyze their historical backgrounds and social contexts. On a methodological level, the project acknowledges the contribution of anthropological studies of tribal societes and also draws inspiration from sociological and historical reserarch on premodern nationalism. The structure of the team, by assembling scholars who have various competencies in literary history of biblical texts as well as in the history and archaeology of ancient Israel, allows a comprehensive and integrative study of the history and function of the concepts of Israel in the Hebrew Bible.

Last change: October 24, 2024 11:01 
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