Theological Reflection

New: Since 2024, the journal is published in cooperation with Karolinum Press and has a new website: TEOLOGICKÁ REFLEXE in Karolinum Press and the CURRENT ISSUE 2024/1

The archive of issues from 1995-2023 is accessible only from the website of the Protestant Theological Faculty: PUBLISHED ISSUES 1995-2023.

Teologická reflexe / Theological Reflection is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes the results of original research in the field of theology (biblical studies, systematic, historical, practical and ecumenical theology, theological ethics and church history), but also philosophy, religious studies, social work and other disciplines if they have an overlap with theology. Papers that interpret the biblical and Christian tradition in present and past contexts are welcome, as well as those that reflect on the experience of Christian faith, the processes of its communication, and faith-motivated action in the diverse spheres of the life of individuals, churches, and society. In addition to original research papers, it also publishes scholarly survey papers, reporting on recent developments in the field, and reviews. The journal offers a platform for Czech researchers and foreign authors.

It has been published continuously in print since 1995 twice a year.

The content of the journal is also available free of charge from 2021 on this website in Open Access format.

Long-term archiving of the magazine's digital content is provided by Portico.

The journal has been indexed in the SCOPUS database since 2019.

Between 1995 and 2023, the journal was published by the Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague.

Since 2024 it has been published by Charles University Karolinum Press.

ISSN 1211-1872 (Print)

ISSN 2788-0796 (On-line)

Last change: November 5, 2024 12:33 
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