Instructions for Authors

Detailed instructions for authors and citation style policies can be found HERE (updated 28.10.2022).

We accept articles in Czech and Slovak, possibly also in English and German. Submissions to TREF should be sent electronically to . Submissions must be in electronic text format (rtf, doc, docx).

The maximum length of submissions is 40,000 characters (including spaces) for scientific articles and 10,000 characters for reviews.

Articles must be accompanied by a brief summary in English (900-1300 characters) and several English keywords. The notes may be in the form of footnotes or endnotes, with full bibliographical details (with an accompanying bibliography if necessary).

Reviews must be accompanied by a title consisting of the bibliographic details of the book under review. A guide on how to write a proper review can be found in an article by Stanislav Segert, downloadable here.

The editorial deadline for individual issues is always 1 March and 1 October.

The editors decide on publication based on at least two independent reviews.

Last change: October 28, 2022 12:33 
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Protestant Theological Faculty

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