Mgr. Viacheslav Lytvynenko, Ph.D.

Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy

221 988 322

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consultation: by agreement by email

ORCID: 0000-0001-5519-8980

Publons: AAK-7632-2021

Profile in SIS



Greek patristics (Arian controversy), reception of the church fathers (Athanasius of Alexandria) in the medieval Slavonic tradition, Eastern Orthodox theology.


  • 2003–2010 Bachelor's studies at Donetsk Christian University, Ukraine.

  • 2001–2003 Master's studies at Evangelische Theologische Faculteit in Leuven, Belgium.

  • 2010–2014 Ph.D. studies at ETF UK. Dissertation topic: The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria (prof. Lenka Karfíková).


  • • 1999–2000 teaching systematic theology at Donetsk Regional Bible College.

  • • 2003–2010 teaching historical theology at Donetsk Christian University.

  • • 2014 – researcher in the Department of Philosophy at PTF UK.


Publishing and other professional activities registered in database OBD.

  • LYTVYNENKO Viacheslav, The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria, Relations and Qualities, disertace na ETF UK, Praha 2014.

Critical editions:

  • ATHANASIUS. Athanasius of Alexandria, Oratio II contra Arianos: Old Slavonic Text and English Translation. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019. Patrologia orientalis. ISBN 978-2-503-58544-4.

  • ATHANASIUS. Athanasius of Alexandria, Oratio III contra Arianos: Old Slavonic Version and English Translation. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. Patrologia orientalis. ISBN 978-2-503-59809-3

  • ZINOVIY OTENSKIY. Zinoviy Otenskiy as a Source of the Trinitarian Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Russia: Introduction, Texts, and Translation. Brill: Leiden (vyjde v roce 2021). [in co-authorship with: Mikhail V. Shpakovskiy].

Selected articles

  • “Scribal Habits in the Slavonic Manuscripts with Athanasius’ Second Oration against the Arians”, Studia Ceranea 10 (2020): 173–214.

  • “Translation Errors in the Slavonic Version of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians”, Starobulgarska Literatura. Journal for Medieval Bulgarian Literature and Culture Journal Kn. 61-62 (2020): 38-58.

  • “Pseudo-Athanasian Homily on the Man Born Blind: Slavonic Sermon from an Unknown Greek Original”, Scrinium, Brill 16 (2020): 188-213 (doi:10.1163/18177565-00160A14). [in co-authorship with: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].

  • “Athanasius of Alexandria’s Triodion Homilies in the 14th century Bulgarian Panegyrics (Homiliaries)” [Triodnye gomilii psevdo-Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v Novoizvodnykh Bolgarskikh panigirikakh (gomiliariyakh)], Palaeobulgarica XLIV/2 (2020): 80-100. [in co-authorship with: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].

  • “Athanasius of Alexandria and Pseudo-Athanasius in Slavonic Translation by Epifaniy Slavinetskiy” [Afanasiy Aleksandriyskiy i Psevdo-Afanasiy v perevodakh Epifania Slavinetskogo], Palaeobulgarica XLIV (2020): 81-112. [in co-authorship with: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].

  • “Athanasius of Alexandria and Pseudo-Athanasius in Slavonic Translation by Epifaniy Slavinetskiy” [Afanasiy Aleksandriyskiy i Psevdo-Afanasiy v perevodakh Epifania Slavinetskogo], Palaeobulgarica XLIV (2020): 81-112. [in co-authorship with: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].

  • “Athanasius of Alexandria in Old Slavonic: Context and Transmission”, Communio Viatorum LXI/2 (2019): 177-199.

  • “The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 2: Spuria” [Sochinenia Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy traditsi. Chast ΙI: Spuria], Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 76/1-2 (2019) 161-194. [in co-authorship with: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].

  • “Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians: Theological Glosses in Two Slavonic Manuscripts”, Preslavska Knizhovna shkola 19, Shumen University (2019): 77-101.

  • “Thematic Index of Selected Greek and Old Slavonic Ontological Terms: Orations against the Arians, Epistle to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya, and Didactic Gospel”, In Honorem 5, Preslavska knizhovna shkola, Shumen University (2019): 111-140.

  • “Joseph von Wolokolamsk”, in: Biographisch-bibliographische Kirchenlexikon, Band XL (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2019), 3-5.

  • “Epifanij Slavinetskij’s Translation of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians: Thalia Fragments as a Case Study”, Slavia 89/4 (2019): 383-413.

  • “Selective Textual Evidence as a Case for a Single Translator of Athanasius’ Orations Against the Arians into Old Slavonic”, Slovo 68 (2018): 199-226.

  • “Οld Slavonic Translation of Athanasius’ Orationes contra Arianos: Reasons for Translation and the Issue of Transmission”, Europa Orientalis. Studi e ricerche sui paesi e le culture dell’ Est europeo 36 (2017): 83-96.

  • “The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 1: Genuine Writings” [Sochinenia Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy traditsii. Chast Ι: Podlinnye sochinenia], Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 75 (2017): 5-29. [in co-authorship with: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].

  • “Reception of anti-Arian Motifs in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 1: Life of Antony” [Receptsia antiarianskoy tematiki Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy srednevekovoy traditsii. Chast 1: Zhitie Antonia Velikogo], Palaeobulgarica XLI № 3 (2017): 78-96.

  • “Reception of anti-Arian Motifs in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 2: Orations against the Arians” [Receptsia antiarianskoy tematiki Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy srednevekovoy traditsii. Chast 2: Slova protiv Arian], Palaeobulgarica XLI № 4 (2017): 27-54.

  • “Arius’ Thalia Fragments: Old Slavonic Version of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians 1:5-6”, Parresia: Revue pro vychodni krest’anstvi 9-10 (2015-2016): 31-52.

  • “Anti-Arian Arguments in Iosif Volotskij’s Polemic against the Medieval Judaizers”, Parresia: Revue pro vychodni krest'anstvi 9-10 (2015-2016): 53-86.

Překlad monografií:

  • Donald Fairbairn, Grace and Christology in the Early Church, Oxford Early Christian Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006; ISBN 978-019-925614-3 (translated into Russian in 2008, ISBN 978-5-89647-195-0).

  • Donald Fairbairn, Life in the Trinity: Christian Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers, Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009; ISBN 978-0-19-925614-3 (translated into Russian in 2013, ISBN 978-966-8957-44-4).

Last change: May 27, 2022 15:15 
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