věděcký pracovník na katedře filosofie
221 988 322 5. patro, dveře č. 505 konzultační hodiny: podle dohody emailem ORCID: 0000-0001-5519-8980 Publons: AAK-7632-2021 specializace: řecká patristika (ariánský spor), recepce církevních otců (Atanáš Alexandrijský) ve středověké slovanské tradici, východní pravoslavná teologie |
2003–2010 studium na Donetsk Christian University, Ukrajina.
2001–2003 studium na Evangelische Theologische Faculteit v Lovani, Belgie.
2010–2014 postgraduální studium na ETF UK zakončené obhajobou disertace The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria (prof. Lenka Karfíková).
1999–2000 výuka systematické teologie na Donetsk Regional Bible College.
2003–2010 výuka historické teologie na Donetsk Christian University.
2014 – vědecký pracovník při katedře filosofie ETF UK
Kompletní věděcká bibliografie zde.
LYTVYNENKO Viacheslav, The Doctrine of God and Deification in Athanasius of Alexandria, Relations and Qualities, disertace na ETF UK, Praha 2014.
Kritické vydání:
ATHANASIUS. Athanasius of Alexandria, Oratio II contra Arianos: Old Slavonic Text and English Translation. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019. Patrologia orientalis. ISBN 978-2-503-58544-4.
ATHANASIUS. Athanasius of Alexandria, Oratio III contra Arianos: Old Slavonic Version and English Translation. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. Patrologia orientalis. ISBN 978-2-503-59809-3.
ZINOVIJ OTENSKIJ. Zinoviy Otenskiy as a Source of the Trinitarian Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Russia: Introduction, Texts, and Translation. Brill: Leiden (vyjde v roce 2021). [ve spolupráci s: Mikhail V. Shpakovskiy].
Vybrané vědecké články:
“Scribal Habits in the Slavonic Manuscripts with Athanasius’ Second Oration against the Arians”, Studia Ceranea 10 (2020): 173–214.
“Translation Errors in the Slavonic Version of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians”, Starobulgarska Literatura. Journal for Medieval Bulgarian Literature and Culture Journal Kn. 61-62 (2020): 38-58.
“Pseudo-Athanasian Homily on the Man Born Blind: Slavonic Sermon from an Unknown Greek Original”, Scrinium, Brill 16 (2020): 188-213 (doi:10.1163/18177565-00160A14). [ve spolupráci s: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].
“Athanasius of Alexandria’s Triodion Homilies in the 14th century Bulgarian Panegyrics (Homiliaries)” [Triodnye gomilii psevdo-Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v Novoizvodnykh Bolgarskikh panigirikakh (gomiliariyakh)], Palaeobulgarica XLIV/2 (2020): 80-100. [ve spolupráci s: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].
“Athanasius of Alexandria and Pseudo-Athanasius in Slavonic Translation by Epifaniy Slavinetskiy” [Afanasiy Aleksandriyskiy i Psevdo-Afanasiy v perevodakh Epifania Slavinetskogo], Palaeobulgarica XLIV (2020): 81-112. [ve spolupráci s: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].
“Athanasius of Alexandria and Pseudo-Athanasius in Slavonic Translation by Epifaniy Slavinetskiy” [Afanasiy Aleksandriyskiy i Psevdo-Afanasiy v perevodakh Epifania Slavinetskogo], Palaeobulgarica XLIV (2020): 81-112. [ve spolupráci s: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].
“Athanasius of Alexandria in Old Slavonic: Context and Transmission”, Communio Viatorum LXI/2 (2019): 177-199.
“The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 2: Spuria” [Sochinenia Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy traditsi. Chast ΙI: Spuria], Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 76/1-2 (2019) 161-194. [ve spolupráci s: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].
“Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians: Theological Glosses in Two Slavonic Manuscripts”, Preslavska Knizhovna shkola 19, Shumen University (2019): 77-101.
“Thematic Index of Selected Greek and Old Slavonic Ontological Terms: Orations against the Arians, Epistle to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya, and Didactic Gospel”, In Honorem 5, Preslavska knizhovna shkola, Shumen University (2019): 111-140.
“Joseph von Wolokolamsk”, in: Biographisch-bibliographische Kirchenlexikon, Band XL (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2019), 3-5.
“Epifanij Slavinetskij’s Translation of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians: Thalia Fragments as a Case Study”, Slavia 89/4 (2019): 383-413.
“Selective Textual Evidence as a Case for a Single Translator of Athanasius’ Orations Against the Arians into Old Slavonic”, Slovo 68 (2018): 199-226.
“Οld Slavonic Translation of Athanasius’ Orationes contra Arianos: Reasons for Translation and the Issue of Transmission”, Europa Orientalis. Studi e ricerche sui paesi e le culture dell’ Est europeo 36 (2017): 83-96.
“The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 1: Genuine Writings” [Sochinenia Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy traditsii. Chast Ι: Podlinnye sochinenia], Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 75 (2017): 5-29. [ve spolupráci s: Irina M. Gritsevskaya].
“Reception of anti-Arian Motifs in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 1: Life of Antony” [Receptsia antiarianskoy tematiki Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy srednevekovoy traditsii. Chast 1: Zhitie Antonia Velikogo], Palaeobulgarica XLI № 3 (2017): 78-96.
“Reception of anti-Arian Motifs in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 2: Orations against the Arians” [Receptsia antiarianskoy tematiki Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy srednevekovoy traditsii. Chast 2: Slova protiv Arian], Palaeobulgarica XLI № 4 (2017): 27-54.
“Arius’ Thalia Fragments: Old Slavonic Version of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians 1:5-6”, Parresia: Revue pro vychodni krest’anstvi 9-10 (2015-2016): 31-52.
“Anti-Arian Arguments in Iosif Volotskij’s Polemic against the Medieval Judaizers”, Parresia: Revue pro vychodni krest'anstvi 9-10 (2015-2016): 53-8
Překlad monografií:
Donald Fairbairn, Grace and Christology in the Early Church, Oxford Early Christian Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006; ISBN 978-019-925614-3 (přeloženo do ruštiny v roce 2008, ISBN 978-5-89647-195-0).
Donald Fairbairn, Life in the Trinity: Christian Theology with the Help of the Church Fathers, Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009; ISBN 978-0-19-925614-3 (přeloženo do ruštiny v roce 2013, ISBN 978-966-8957-44-4).
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