• Our Publications

Our Publications

1 March 2025

GADOT, Yuval (Hg.) a OEMING, Manfred (Hg.) a SHALEV, Yiftah (Hg.).

Jerusalem in archäologischer, historischer und theologischer Perspektive. V&R unipress, Bonn University Press, 2025. 499 s., ISBN 978-3-8471-1748-3.

Anotace (ENG):

The 20 articles collected here present the results of the excavations carried out in ancient Jerusalem over the last 20 years in an interdisciplinary collaboration and offering a comprehensive reconstruction of the history of the Holy City from its earliest beginnings to the Roman Aelia Capitolina. Leading researchers use the latest scientific methods of analysis to bring to light both new facts and current debates about their proper interpretation. What in the biblical account is history, what is wishful thinking or even myth? What significance does Jerusalem have for the emerging Judaism and Christianity?

With contributions from Reli Avisar, Doron Ben-Ami, Ulrich Berges, Elisabetta Boaretto, Efrat Bocher, Filip Čapek, Ortal Chalaf, Yuval Gadot, Axel Graupner, Ido Koch, Tehillah Liebermann, Oded Lipschits, Hermut Löhr, Eugenia Mint, Manfred Oeming, Florian Oepping,, Johanna Regev, Lior Regev, Günter Röhser, Helena Roth, Yiftah Shalev, Nitsan Shalom, Harel Shochat, Avi Solomon, Abra Spiciarich, Guy D. Stiebel, Nahshon Szanton, Joe Usiel, Ayala Zilberstein.

V knize naleznete článek prof. Filipa Čapka s názvem Wie viele Tempel gab es im eisenzeitlichen Jerusalem? Zur literarischen Musterung in den Büchern der Könige und darüber hinaus.

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