Department of Church History

Head of Department

prof. Martin Wernisch Dr.

221 988 318

Departments of Church History, i.e. historical theology have been part of the basic set of disciplines taught and cultivated at theological (especially Protestant theological) faculties for several centuries. Church history in this sense includes the general history of Christianity (both world and domestic) and the history of Christian dogma. However, just as they are an integral part of theology, they also belong (especially from a methodological point of view) to the whole of historical science as such.

Staff of the Department

Head of Department

prof. Martin Wernisch Dr.

Associate Professor

doc. Ota Halama, Th.D.

Senior Lecturer

Peter Morée Dr.

Professor Emeritus

prof. PhDr. Noemi Rejchrtová

Last change: September 26, 2023 20:19 
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Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty

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110 00 Prague 1

Czech Republic

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(+420) 221 988 216

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