Doc. Tabita Landová, Ph.D.

Head of the Department of Practical Theology

221 988 417

4. floor, door no. 416

ORCID: 0000-0003-2089-6724

ResearcherID: K-1078-2017

Scopus ID: 55935516800


Profile in SIS




practical theology, homiletics, liturgics, rituals and rites of passage, spirituality, empirical theology, theory of church, the Unity of Brethren

Current Position

  • Associate professor and head of the Department of Practical Theology at the PThF CHU (since 2019)

  • Guarantor of the study programme "The Community Crisis and Pastoral Work - Diaconics" at the PThF CHU (since 2019)

Membership in Academic Boards, Church Commissions and Other

Previous Employment

2018 Assistant professor, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague

2009-2018 Scientific researcher, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague

2006–2010 Pastor, Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren, Liberec

2005–2006 Vicar, Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren, Nymburk


2002–2005 Ph.D. in Protestant Theology, Charles University, Prague [Thesis: Preaching and Prophecy: K. Barth’s and J. L. Hromádka’s Theology of Preaching]

2000–2001 Doctoral Study, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, Germany (two semesters)

2003–2004 Master Study, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, Germany (two semesters)

1996–2002 M.A. in Protestant theology, Charles University, Prague

Grant projects

2024-2029: Charles University Centre of Excellence: Theological Anthropology in Intercultural and Interreligious Perspective

2022-2024: Standard Grant Project of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic Rites of Passage in Czech Protestantism (22-03932S)

2018-2023: Charles University Centre of Excellence: Theological Anthropology in Ecumenical Perspective

2016-2018: Standard Grant Project of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic The Preaching and Homiletic Theory of Jan Augusta within the Context of the Brethrenʼs Homiletics (GAČR Nu. 16–09001S)

2012–2015: Scientific researcher in the University Centre for Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought Tradition (UNCE = University Research Centre of the Charles University, Prague)

2009–2011: Junior Research Grant Hermeneutics of the Liturgical Tradition of the Unity of the Brethren (Nu. KJB901830902), Grant Agency of the Academy of Science, Prague


Publishing and other professional activities registered in: databaze OBD


LANDOVÁ Tabita. O službě slova, víře a spasení: Reformní kazatelství Jana Augusty v kontextu homiletiky Jednoty bratrské. Praha: Karolinum, 2021, 294 stran. ISBN 978-80-246-4750-0; ISBN 978-80-246-4766-1 (pdf). Partly available in Google books. (Reviews: MACEK, Ondřej, in: Teologická reflexe 27, (2021/1), 102-105.)

LANDOVÁ, Tabita. Liturgie Jednoty bratrské (1457-1620). Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2014. Stran 510. ISBN 978-80-7465-079-6

(Reviews: PEČINKOVÁ, Anna, Církevní dějiny. Osobnosti, události, struktury, mentality 9 (2016), č. 20, 124-127. BARTOŇ, Josef, Salve. Revue pro teologii a duchovní život 25 (2015/3), 39–41. HALAMA, Jindřich; HALAMOVÁ, A., Nové Bratrské listy XVII (2015/2), 35-37. FILIPI, Pavel, Český bratr 91 (2015/3), 42-43. PEČINKOVÁ, Anna, Časopis Matice moravské 134 (2015/1), 263. PÁLKA, Adam, Český časopis historický (2016/1), 234-235.) NODL, Martin. Acta Comeniana 32, (2018), 127-131.

Chapters in Monographs and Studies in Peer-Reviewed Journals