Mgr. David Cielontko, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in the Department of New Testament

221 988 410

4. floor, door no. 410

consultation: consultations

ORCID: 0000-0002-6711-1026

Profile in SIS


Personal website at CAS


Second Temple Jewish history and literature, Enochic Literature, Apocalyptic Literature, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Jesus in History and Reception


2015 - 2020

PhD postgraduate programme in Biblical Studies at Charles University, Protestant Theological Faculty, Department of New Testament (dissertation thesis: A Vision of the Wisdom of the Prophet Enoch: On the Function of the Parables of Enoch, supervisor: Prof. ThDr. Petr Pokorny, DrSc. Dr.h.c. / doc. Jiří Mrázek, Th.D.)

2013 - 2015

M.A. in Protestant theology at Charles University, Protestant Theological Faculty


2020 - now

participation in the project Theological Anthropology in Ecumenical Perspective (principal investigator: prof. Ivana Noble); Charles University Research Centre program No. 204052

2020 - 2022

participation in the project Textuality in the Second Temple Judaism: Composition, Function, and Transmission of Texts (principal investigator: dr. Jan Rückl), PRIMUS/20/HUM/10

2019 - 2021

participation in the project The Transmission and Transformation of Ideas in Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity; funded by the Czech Science Foundation (principal investigator: doc. Jiří Hoblík), GAČR 19-02741S


participation in the project Donatio Universitatis Carolinae – Biblical Roots of Christian Culture; (principal investigator: Prof. Petr Pokorný), Donatio 280101

2016 - 2018

principal investigator of the project Social Reality of the Parables of Enoch granted from the Grant Agency of Charles University, project no. 728516


  • 15. – 18. July 2024: Sofia (Bulgaria), The Annual Conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies, Research Unit: Ancient Apocalypses and Their Context, paper: Time, Narrative, and Unity in the Parables of Enoch: A Special Case of Chapters 70–71

  • 11. – 12. April 2024: Komarno (Slovakia), Josephus and the Maccabees, conference at the Reformed Theological Faculty of the J. Selye University, paper The ‘Heroic’ Death of the Eleazar Avaran in 1 Maccabees and Josephus’ War

  • 10. – 13. 7. 2023: Syracuse (Italy), The Annual Conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies, paper: The Murderous Herod in the Matthean Infancy Narrative

  • 21. – 22. 6. 2023: Prague (Czech Republic), Conference: The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Its Contents, Contexts, and Receptions, paper: Κολακεία in Jesus’ Education

  • 4. 7. – 7. 7. 2022: Toulouse (France), The Annual Conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies, paper: Constructing Credible Response to Crisis: On the Function of the Parables of Enoch

  • 8. 6. 2022: Newmaninstitutet (Uppsala, Sweden; Online via Zoom) the Newman Seminar in Late Ancient and Byzantine Cultures: Depictions of the Prophet Elijah in Jewish and Christian Contexts: Literary and Visual Sources, paper: Elijah in the Lives of the Prophets

  • 11. – 12. 5. 2022: Centre for Classical Studies CAS (Prague, CR) Symposium: Traditions, Transmissions, and Texts in Early Judaism and Christianity: Perspectives from Social Memory Theory, paper: Reputational Construct of Jesus in Celsus’ Alethés Logos

  • 10. 11. 2021: Universität Regensburg (Germany), Centre for Advanced Studies – Beyond Canon, lecture: The Second Vision of Enoch the Prophet: On the Parables of Enoch.

  • 5. 8. 2021: Wuppertal (Germany), The Annual Conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies (2. 8. – 5. 8.2021), paper title: The Origin of the Lake of Fire in Rev 19–21.

  • 12. – 13. 9. 2019: Prague (Czech Republic), Conference: Hellenism Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Transmission and Transformations of Ideas, paper title: These are the Secrets of that Oath: The Cosmology of the Parables of Enoch.

  • 16. – 17. 5. 2019: Prague (Czech Republic), Conference: Social Memory Theory and Conceptions of Afterlife in Early Judaism and Christianity, paper title: Eleazar Remembered: The Death and Afterlife of the Maccabean Martyr.

  • 24. – 27. 4. 2019: Prague, PTF CU; XXVII. Colloquium Biblicum; Thema: Apokalyptik, paper title: Insights from the Parables of Enoch.

  • 19. – 22. 4. 2017: Prague, PTF CU; XXV. Colloquium Biblicum; Thema: Biblische Frauengestalten. Paper title: The Story of the Daugthers of Men in the Book of Watchers and its Reception.

  • 17. 5. 2016: Tel Aviv, Israel; The Annual Colloquium of Tel Aviv University and Charles University Judah in the 7th Century BCE and the Assyrian Empire, paper: Two Faces of Manasseh: Double Reception of Manasseh in the Literature of Early Judaism.


  • Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (since 2024)

  • Society of Biblical Literature (since 2016)

  • European Association of Biblical Studies (since 2017) - elected member of the Committee (2021–2024)


Publishing and other professional activities registered in database OBD

Full Bibliography (The Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences) here.

  • The Second Teacher's Story in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas: A Contribution to the Recent Discussion on the Developmental Interpretation, New Testament Studies 69/3 (2023), 345–354.

  • Resurrection in Early Judaism within the Context of Existing Beliefs about the Afterlife, in: Pavol Bargár (ed.), Bible, Christianity, and Culture. Essays in Honor of Professor Petr Pokorný, Prague: Karolinum, 2023, 31–64.

  • with Filip Čapek (eds.), Kolektivní paměť v bibli a křesťanství. Od teoretických otázek k praktickým aplikacími [Collective Memory in the Bible and Christianity. From Theoretical Issues to Practical Applications], Prague: Karolinum, 2023, 340pp.

  • Reputational Construct of Jesus in Celsus’ Aléthés Logos, Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 58 (2022), 421–453.

  • Remembering martyrs in 2 and 4 Maccabees, in: Thomas R. Hatina – Jiří Lukeš (eds.), Social Memory Theory and Conceptions of Afterlife in Jewish and Christian Antiquity (Studies in Cultural Contexts of the Bible 8) Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 2023, 98–119.

  • The Elephant Mosaic Panel in the Huqoq Synagogue: A Reappraisal of the Maccabean Interpretation, in: Radka Fialová – Jiří Hoblík – Petr Kitzler (eds.), Hellenism, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity. Transmission and Transformation of Ideas (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 155) Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2023, 179–204.

  • Vidění proroka Henocha. O funkci Podobenstvích Henochových [The Vision of the Prophet Enoch. On the Function of the Parables of Enoch], Praha: Karolinum, 2022, 234pp.

  • On the Origin of the Archdemon Beelzebul/Beelzebub, Biblica 102/1 (2021), s. 68–77.

  • Two Faces of Manasseh: The Reception of Manasseh in Early Jewish Literature, in Filip Čapek – Oded Lipschits (eds.), The Last Century in the History of Judah: The Seventh Century BCE in Archaeological, Historical, and Biblical Perspectives, Atlanta: SBL Press, 2019, s. 239–260.

  • The Daughters of men in the Book of Watchers, Communio Viatorum 60/3 (2018), s. 252–275.

Last change: November 29, 2024 22:50 
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