• News


1 March 2022

Vice-dean for international and ecumenical relations of Protestant Theological Faculty Jan Roskovec to Patriarchate of Moscow

Brothers in Christ,

with dismay and deep sadness we are following the latest events in Ukraine. In such a situation, there is no more room for diplomatic nuance: it is undoubtedly a unilateral attack on the weaker by the stronger, an unprovoked aggression that causes suffering and destruction. All the worse, it is being committed against a brotherly nation, a nation with which your country shares a common history - and a common Christian faith. The Russian State is committing an act which, in the perspective of Christian faith, cannot be justified by anything. I am convinced that Christians must not stand idly by. Faithfulness to Christ must take precedence over all other considerations, including national solidarity. I therefore urge you to use the full weight of your authority in your country to stop this fratricidal attack. And I pray to our Lord that you be given courage and invention to find an effective way.


Jan Roskovec


Jan Roskovec, Ph.D.

Vice-dean for international and ecumenical relations

Charles University

Protestant Theological Faculty

Černá 9, P.O.Box 529

155 55 Praha 1

Czech Republic


Charles University offers assistance to its Ukrainian students and academics and their families who are in danger in the current, unprecedented, and difficult situation and need any form of support in their time of need. This website will serve as a signpost for all the assistance activities that the University can offer. There will be information helplines, psychological help etc. The range of help options will continue to expand. All information on central and faculty assistance will be available on this website: https://ukrajine.cuni.cz/homepage

Students from Ukraine - Free movers

The "Free-mover" scheme from April 2022 (or later) to 30 September 2022 with possible enrolment into Full degree study programme from 1 October 2022

A student at Charles University in the Free-mover regime can only be a citizen of Ukraine who is currently enrolled in a university outside the Czech Republic.

Free-mover remains a student of his/her home university and is only on a foreign study stay at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University (PTF CU).

A Ukrainian student can be admitted to the Free-mover scheme if he or she is studying at his or her home university in a programme that falls within the portfolio of study programmes taught at the PTF.

Study for Ukrainian students in Free-mover mode is FREE.

Official statement by the Academic Senate of PTF CU (UKR) on the conflict in Ukraine

Official statement of the Academic Senate of PTF CU.

Statement by the Rector of Charles University on the conflict in Ukraine

The management of Charles University and the Board of the Academic Senate of Charles University wish to express solidarity with Ukraine and the hope that current developments escalating in the country will be resolved by peaceful means. The word of the Rector of Charles University Milena Králíčková in Statement by the Rector of Charles University

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Czech Republic

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