doc. Tim Noble, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in the Ecumenical Institute

221 988 624

5. floor, door no. 513

consultation: by agreement by email

ORCID: 0000-0003-3012-2001

ResearchID: L-2107-2016/

ScopusID: 56611613400



Profil v SISu

CV in English


Mission Studies, Latin American Liberation Theology, Contextual Theology, Central European Theology, Theology and Film, Theology and Literature

Academic qualification

Complete curriculum vitae here.

  • 2016 - Senior Lecturer in Missiology, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague

  • 2016 - Senior Lecturer in Contextual Theology, Centre for Theology, Philosophy and Media Theory, Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University

  • 2014 - Adjunct lecturer, International Baptist Theological Study Centre, Amsterdam.

  • 2011 - 2015 Member of Research Project, Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy”, GAČR P401/11/1688, under Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague.

  • 2005 - 2014 Course Leader in Contextual Missiology, Director of the Institute of Mission and Evangelism, Co-Director of the Thomas Helwys Institute for the Study of Religious Freedom, International Baptist Theological Seminary, Prague.

  • 2002 - 2005 Teacher of English, Jaroslav Seifert Gymnasium, Prague, Czech Republic.

  • 2001 - 2002 Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, Channel Crossings Language School, Prague.

  • 1984 - 2001 Member of the British Province of the Society of Jesus

  • - 1984 - 1986 Novitiate in Birmingham

  • - 1986 - 1989 Philosophy Studies, London

  • - 1989 - 1990 M.Ed. in Manchester

  • - 1990 - 1991 Working in communications department of Catholic Bishops‘ Conference of England and Wales

  • - 1991 - 1995 Theology Studies in Brazil

  • - 1995 - 2001 Editor of The Month (a journal of theology and culture), Founder Chaplain to the Brazilian Roman Catholic community in London, Founder Director of Theology Course for lay people in West London, Theology teacher on pre-seminary course in west London.


  • August 2016 Habilitation in Theology, Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague (Habilitation work: Drawing Together on Holy Ground: Mission from the Perspective of the Other).

  • 2006 - 2009 VU University Amsterdam: PhD (cum laude), Thesis: Keeping the Window Open: The Theological Method of Clodovis Boff and the Problem of the Alterity of the Poor (supervised by Prof Martien Brinkmann and Prof Hans de Wit).

  • 1991 - 1995 Centro de Estudos Superiores da Companhia de Jesus, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil: STB (with distinction).

  • 1989 - 1990 University of Manchester: M.Ed. (with distinction) in Education and Mass Media. Dissertation Title: The Use of Audio-Visual Media in Adult Religious Education.

  • 1986 - 1989 Heythrop College, University of London: BA (Hons), Philosophy and Theology.

  • 1980 - 1984 University of Liverpool: BA (Hons), English Literature and German.

Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies

  • International Association of Mission Studies (since 2010)

  • Society for the Study of Theology (since 2010)

  • Societas Oecumenica: European Academic Association for Ecumenical Theology (since 2002)

  • Baptistic Theologies [peer reviewed journal Chief Editor, since 2009]

  • Journal of European Baptist Studies (peer-reviewed journal] member of Editorial Board since 2005

  • Editorial board of Církevní dějiny since 2009

  • Editorial board of Teologie a Společnost (2003-2006)

  • Editor, The Month, 1995-2001

Select Bibliography

Publishing and other professional activities registered in databaze OBD.

Complete bibliography here.


  • Tim Noble, Mission from the Perspective of the Other. Drawing Together on Holy Ground. (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2018). [ISBN: 978-1-5326-5048-2].

  • Tim Noble, The Poor in Liberation Theology: Pathway to God or Ideological Construct? (Sheffield: Equinox, 2013 – Abingdon: Routledge, 2014). [ISBN: 978–1–84553–989–4].

  • Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev. Mnohohlas pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západě. (Brno: CDK, 2016). [ISBN: 978-80-7325-403-2].

  • Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev, Wrestling with the Mind of the Fathers (Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015). [ISBN: 978–0–88141–514–8].

  • Ивана Нобл, Катержина Бауерова, Тим Нобл, Паруш Парушев Пути православного богословия на Запад в ХХ веке / Пер. с чеш. (Серия «Современное богословие») (Москва.: Издательство ББИ, 2016) [ISBN 978-5-89647-339-8] (Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev. Cesty pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západ. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo BBI, 2016) Revised Translation of Cesty pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západ.

  • Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev, The Ways of Orthodox Theology in the West (Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015), 385. [978–0–88141–505–6]. (Revised translation of Cesty Pravoslavné Teologie ve 20. století na Západ. Translation into English by Tim Noble).

  • Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová, Tim Noble, Parush Parushev, Cesty Pravoslavné Teologie ve 20. století na Západ (Brno: CDK, 2012). [ISBN: 978–80–7325–290–8].

  • Tim Noble, Keeping the Window Open: The Theological Method of Clodovis Boff and the Problem of the Alterity of the Poor (Prague: IBTS, 2009). [ISBN: 978–80–87006–08–5].

Last change: February 17, 2022 11:04 
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