Zdenko Širka, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer in the Ecumenical Institute

221 988 319

5. floor, door no. 504

consultation: by agreement by email

ORCID: 0000-0002-1573-3800

ResearcherID: Q-2205-2016

Scopus ID: 55935305000




Biography (at Jabok College)


hermeneutics, Orthodox theology, ethics, Lutheran theology, distance education


  • 2015: PhD in Systematic and Practical Theology, ETF UK. Thesis title: "Horizons of Human Understanding and Transcendence: Gadamer and Modern Orthodox Hermeneutics in Dialogue", supervisor: Prof. Ivana Noble, PhD., Opponents: prof. Assaad Kattan (University of Münster, Germany) and prof. Petr Pokorny (PTF, Prague)

  • 2004-2006: Postgraduate studies at the Hermeneutic Institute in Tübingen, Germany (Lutheran Federation of the World Federation scholarship and the Ecumenical Scholarship of Evangelisches Stift, studies with Prof. Eberhard Jüngel, Prof. Oswald Bayer and Prof. Christoph Schwöbel)

  • 2004: Master's degree in Evangelical Theology, Faculty of Evangelical Theology, Comenius University, Bratislava, master's thesis cum laude in the field of systematic theology "Luther on Prayer".


  • 2021 - : research fellow and lecturer (Protestant Theological Faculty)

  • 2012 - : projects researcher: UNCE, GAČR, GAUK (Protestant Theological Faculty)

  • 2012 - : lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies (Jabok College)

  • 2021 - : coordinator of e-learning (Protestant Theological Faculty)

  • 2016 - : Moodle administrator (Svatojánská kolej College, Jabok College, Protestant Theological Faculty)

  • 2021-2023: coordinator of combined study inovation (Jabok College)

  • 2018-2021: project coordinator and methodologist of project "Innovation in higher vocational education", 2018-2021 (Jabok College)

  • 2016-2018: Head Librarian (Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University)

  • 2012-2019: lecturer in the Institute of Ecumenical Studies (Protestant Theological Faculty)

  • 2016-2018: lecturer in biblical studies and religious studies (Svatojánská kolej College)

  • 2014-2016: English teacher, Department of Modern Languages (Jabok College)

  • 2009-2014: Head Librarian and lecturer (International Baptist Theological Seminary, Prague).


  • 2023-2028: Charles University Research Centre program No. UNCE/24/SSH/019 "Theological Anthropology in Intercultural Perspective", senior researcher

  • 2023-2028: OP JAK - CoRe "Beyond Security - Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building", senior researcher

  • 2021-2023: Research project "Evangelische Identität im orthodoxen Kontext", organised by the Zentrum für Evangelische Theologie Ost (ZETO, Sibiu, Rumunsko), research fellow, member of Theologische Studiengruppe

  • 2018-2023: Charles University Research Centre program no. 204052 "Theological Anthropology in Ecumenical Perspective", junior researcher

  • 2017-2019: Research project GAČR "Transformations of Tradition: implications for contemporary ecumenical theology", leader of the research team

  • 2013-2014: Research project GAUK č. 1088213 "Hermeneutics of Experience and Its Use in Christology and Ecclesiology", research team leader

  • 2011-2012: Specifický vysokoškolský výzkum, ETF UK, "Horizons of Human Understanding and Transcendence: Gadamer and Modern Orthodox Hermeneutics in Dialogue"


  • 2020- : member of the editorial board of the journal "Nicholai Studies", ISSN: 2738–1064

  • 2019: International Orthodox Theological Association


  • 2024: "Theology of the Cross: Protestant Lutheran Perspective", ORIC Seventh International Theological Conference, 2024, September 1-5, Paris, France

  • 2023: "Exegesis and Hermeneutics of Cappadocian Fathers", ORIC Sixth International Theological Conference, 2023 Tbilisi: Reading Scripture as Orthodox theologians, 1-7 December 2023 Tbilisi, Georgia

  • 2023: "Evangelische Diakonie im orthodoxen Kontext", Studientagung III Evangelisch-Orthodoxe Begegnungen. "Evangelische Diakonie im orthodoxen Kontext". Heiligenhof, Bad Kissingen (Německo) 1-3.11.2023.

  • 2023: "Post-Modern Hermeneutics and Orthodoxy: An (Un)Fruitful Encounter", Conference: Orthodox Christianity between Pre-Modern Commitments, Modern Challenges, and Post-Modern Relevance, 21-22.10.2023, Volos, Greece

  • 2023: "Scripture, Confession and Church - (Un)Problematic Relation", Conference: The Leuenberg Agreement in a Multicultural and Multireligious Context, , 4 September 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia

  • 2023: "Traditions of St Wenceslas and St Sava: Similarities and Differences", Conference: Looking Beyond the Paradigm: Reformation and Religious Diversity across Borders and Cultures in Central and Southeastern Europe, Budapest, Hungary, 8th–10th June 2023

  • 2022: "Bildung und Ausbildung evangelischer Kirchen im orthodoxen Umfeld“, Zentrum für evangelische Theologie Ost (Hermannstadt, Rumunsko), Bad Kissingen (Germny), 2-4 November 2022

  • 2022: " Ökumene und Identitäten. Die Frage von konfessionellen, nationalen und kulturellen Identitäten in der theologischen und kirchlichen Ökumene." Symposium "Dies Academicus: Ökumene wohin? Der Stand der ökumenischen Begegnungen aus evangelischer Perspektive", Sibiu/Hermannstadt (Romania), 1-2 July 2022

  • 2022: "Interconfessional Marriages in Serbia", Fachtagung zu evangelisch – orthodoxen Begegnungen "Orthodox – evangelische konfessionsverschiedene Ehen und Familien", Zentrum Evangelische Theologie Ost (ZETO, Sibiu Rumunsko), 24-25.3.2022 (online)

  • 2019: "Protestantism as Pan-heresy. Would Justin and Luther understand each other?", May 2019, Belgrade (Serbia), conference "Thought and Mission of Saint Justin Popović"

  • 2018: "Kříž z pohledu pravoslavné teologie Aneb lze mluvit o pravoslavné teologii kříže?", October 2018, Symposium: Crux sola est nostra theologia, CMTF UP Olomouc.

  • 2018: "Theology of Tradition in Serbian Orthodox Identity", International Scientific Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Conference, Contemporary Images of Holiness, 24-27 May 2018 Prague

  • 2017: "Transformations of Tradition", International Scientific Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Conference, May 2017, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia.

  • 2015: "Alternative Hermeneutical Work as a Response to Modern Orthodox Captivities", International Scientific Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Conference, May 2015, Prague

  • 2014: "Gadamer’s Notion of Hermeneutical Experience and Transcendence as a Possibility for the Current Orthodox Biblical Theology", May 2014, Prague.

  • 2013: "Critique of Gadamer’s Concept of Hermeneutical Experience from the Perspective of Modern Orthodox Hermeneutics" květen 2013, Prague

  • 2005: "15 Jahre nach den Sanften Revolution: Partnerschaft in Ost- und Südosteuropa", listopad 2005, Bad Boll, Germany.

  • 2005: "Islam - theologische Herausforderung im Zusammenleben in einem neuen Europa", říjen 2005, Liebfrauenberg, France.


  • Protestant Theological Faculty CU: Modern and Postmodern Theology (2023--); Hermeneutics (2022--), Hermeneutics of Scripture and Tradition (2012-2018); Methodology of Work (2014); Readings from the Texts of H.-G. Gadamer

  • Jabok College: Theological Ethics for Practice (2015--); Religious Studies (2023--); Spirituality of the Public Space (2025); Nonreligious Interpretations of Christianity (2024), Take and Eat: Food, Food, and Nutrition in the Bible, Theology, and Christianity (2023); The Gospel in Word and Image: A Cinematic Representation of the Story of Jesus Christ (2022); Readings in Theological Ethics (2019); Hermeneutics in Social Work (2018); Theology and Symbol (2012-2022); Introduction to Christianity (2015-2017); The Ten Commandments (2016); Biblical Stories in the Biblical Tradition, Western and Eastern (2015); Spiritual and Social Elements in Film (2015); The Diary of Anne Frank (2015); The Lord of the Flies (2015); English Language (2014-2016); In the Footsteps of Christianity in Modern Society (2016)

  • St John College, Sv.Jan pod Skalou: New Testament Readings (2018); Old Testament Readings (2016); Foundations of Religious Studies (2016-2017)

  • International Baptist Theological Seminary, Praha: Interpretations: Bible, Theology, Society (2011-2013); Critical Thinking, Academic Writing and Research (2009-2013); Introduction to Philosophy and Apologetics (2010-2013); Theology as Witness (2010-2011).


  • 2019-2021: Secondary School of Gastronomy and Hotel Management; teaching certificate, cook; final professional thesis in the field of modern Czech gastronomy

  • 2020: certified course "Barista 1"

  • 2017-2018: chairman of the Library Board at KTF UK

  • 2016-2018: faculty coordinator of ORCID ID creation and management at KTF UK

  • 2017-2018: faculty coordinator of the Turnitin system at KTF UK (2017-2018)

  • 2017: first aid basics, Czech Red Cross (ev. no. 3459/17),

  • 2016: Basic course in cataloguing (RDA/Marc21), National Library of the Czech Republic, 2016

  • 2016: Aleph library system training, Central Library of Charles University

  • 2015: Supplementary study of English didactics, British Council

  • 2015: Certificate in Advanced English, British Council

  • 2009-2014: Member of Academic Team Board and Academic Research Committee at International Baptist Theological Seminary

  • 2008: Exam: Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom

  • 2005: Exam: Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • 2001-2003: President of the student association "Jozef Miloslav Hurban Society", Evangelical Divinity Faculty of Comenius University, Bratislava

  • 2000-2001: Editor-in-Chief of the student magazine "Evangelical Theologian", Evangelical Divinity Faculty of Comenius University, Bratislava


  • Belgrade, Serbia, Orthodox Theological Faculty (2024)

  • University of Cambridge, England (2023)

  • University of Wroclaw, Poland (2022)

  • University of Innsbruck, Austria (2021)

  • University of Salzburg, Austria (2020)

  • Louvain, Belgium, Catholic University (2019)

  • Universität Münster, Institut für Orthodoxe Theologie (2018)

  • Belgrade, Serbia, Orthodox Theological Faculty (2017)

  • Vienna, Austria, Universität Wien (2014)

  • Sofia, Bulgaria, Orthodox Theological Faculty (2013)

  • Louvain, Belgium, Catholic University (2013)

  • Paris, Saint-Serge Institute of Orthodox Theology (2011)

  • Heidelberg, Germany, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität (2007).


Publishing and other professional activities registered in database OBD.

Complete scientfic bibliography here.

Full texts Academia.edu here.


  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Člověk, bohočlověk a církev: výběr ze spisů Justina Popoviće. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2022. ISBN: 978-80-7465-563-0. {Man, God-man and the Church: A Selection from the Writings of Justin Popović.}

  • NOBLE, Ivana, ŠIRKA, Zdenko et al. Кто есть человек? Богословская антропология. (Серия «Современное богословие»). Москва: Издательство ББИ, 2022. ISBN: 978-5-89647-419-7.

  • NOBLE, Ivana and Zdenko ŠIRKA (ed.). Kdo je člověk? Teologická antropologie ekumenicky. Praha: Karolinum, 2021. ISBN: 978-80-246-4779-1. {Who Is the Human Being? An Ecumenical Approach to Theological Anthropology}

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Transcendence and Understanding: Gadamer and Modern Orthodox Hermeneutics in Dialogue. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2020. ISBN: 978-1532678073.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko (ed.). Domov jako most: Festschrift k padesátinám prof. Ivany Noble. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty, 27. Jihlava: Jan Keřkovský – Mlýn, 2016. [ISBN 978-80-86498-59-1; ISSN 1805-2762] {Home as a Bridge: Festschrift for Fiftieth Birthday of prof. Ivana Noble}

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko, Petr JANDEJSEK a Cristian PANAITESCU (eds.). Hermeneutika zkušenosti v křesťanské tradici. Praha, Evangelická teologická fakulta, 2014. [ISBN 978-80-260-7183-9]. {The Hermeneutics of Experience in the Christian Tradition}


  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. “Scripture, Confession, Church – (Un)Problematic Relation.” In: Maroš Nicák, Martin Tamcke (Hg.). Die Leuenberger Konkordie im multikulturellen und multireligiösen Kontext: Die Krise der Ökumene aus mitteleuropäischer Perspektive. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2024, 99-118.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. “Hermeneutika v sociální práci: interakce světů klienta a sociálního pracovníka.” Caritas et veritas, vol. 14, no. 2 (2024): 67-84. ISSN: 1805-0948. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32725/cetv.2024.021 {Hermeneutics in social work: the interaction of the worlds of the client and the social worker}

  • ΖΝΤΕΝΚΟ ΣΙΡΚΑ (ŠIRKA, Zdenko). “Μία Ὀρθόδοξη ἀνάγνωση τοῦ Λούθηρου.” Σύναξη (Synaxis), no. 170 (2024), 59-71.ISSN: 1108-1007. https://synaxi.gr/archive/tefxos_170.php

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. “Východ proti Západu: Justin Nový Ćelijský o humanismu a ekumenismu.” In: Vladimir Cvetković and Dragiša Bojović (eds.): Saint Justin the New of Ćelije and the Orthodox World. . Niš: Centre of Church Studies; International Centre for Orthodox Studies, 2024, pp. 189-213.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Ecumenism and Tradition: Hermeneutics of Theological and Non-theological Factors." Testimonia Theologica, vol. 15, no. 2 (2021): 34-48. https://fevth.uniba.sk/veda/testimonia-theologica/xv2021-2/

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Lidská práva a pravoslaví: přehled a vyhodnocení současné debaty. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 29/1 (2023), p. 62-82. https://doi.org/10.14712/27880796.2023.1.5 {Human Rights and Orthodoxy: An Overview and Assessment of the Current Debate}

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. “Tvor věřící jest řeči pln: výzva hermeneutiky pro teologickou antropologii.” Verba Theologica. 2023, issue 1, volume XXII: 70-88. https://doi.org/10.54937/vt.2023.22.1.70-88 {The Creature of Faith Is Full of Speech: The Challenge of Hermeneutics for Theological Anthropology}

  • NOBLE, Ivana and Zdenko ŠIRKA,. "Integrating Hesychast Insights into Mainstream Western Tradition", in: Ivana NOBLE, Essays in Ecumenical Theology 2, Leiden: Brill, 2022, p. 103–128. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004518001_006

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Orthodox Reading of Martin Luther: Protestantism as a Pan-heresy according to St Justin Popović". Bogoslovni vestnik/Theological Quarterly 81 (2021) 3, 583—596. ISSN: 0006-5722.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Člověk a řeč". In: NOBLE, Ivana a Zdenko ŠIRKA (ed.). Kdo je člověk? Teologická antropologie ekumenicky. Praha: Karolinum, 2021, s. 58-70. {Human and speech}

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Mission and reception of St Justin Popović." Nicholai Studies 1, no. 1 (2021), p. 189-202.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Quo Vadis Ecumenical Hermeneutics: Challenges of the New Ecumenical Situation." Ecumenical Review Sibiu / Revista Ecumenica Sibiu 12, no. 1 (April 2020): 106–132. doi:10.2478/ress-2020-0006.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Justin Popović o Luteru i protestantizmu", in: Vladimir Cvetković a Bogdan Lubardić (eds): Misao i misija svetog Justina Popovića, Beograd: Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet, 2019, p. 65-84. ISBN: 978-86-80484-47-1. {Justin Popović on Luther and Protestantism}

  • NOBLE, Ivana a Zdenko ŠIRKA. "Doctrine of Deification in the Works of Cardinal Tomáš Špidlík and His Pupils." Philotheos: International Journal for Philosophy and Theology. 2019, issue 1, volume 19, pp. 125-143.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Hermeneutika Davida Tracyho: via media mezi Gadamerem a Ricoeurem. Studia Theologica. 2019, issue 2, vol. 21, pp. 153-175. {David Tracy's Hermeneutics: via media between Gadamer and Ricoeur}

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Transformation in the Theology of Tradition: A Study of Justin Popović and His Hermeneutical Presuppositions". Ostkirchliche Studien. 2018, issue 1-2, vol. 67, pp. 325-344.

  • FISCHER, Ondřej, Ladislav HERYÁN, Petr JANDEJSEK, Zdenko Širka. Aspekty spirituality v příkladech teologicko-filosofického vzdělávání pro sociální práci. Fórum sociální práce. 2018, issue 2, pp. 9-24. ISSN: 2336-6664. {Aspects of spirituality in examples of theological-philosophical education for social work}

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Experience with Hermeneutics in Modern Orthodox Theology". International Journal of Orthodox Theology. 2018, vol 9, issue 2, pp. 58-89. ISSN: 2190-0582.

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Conceptul gadamerian de experienţă estetică: o posibilitate pentru teologia biblică ortodoxă." In: IONIŢĂ, Alexandru (Ed.). Interpretarea Biblică între Biserică şi Universitate: perspective interconfesionale. Sibiu: Editura Andreiana; Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2016, pp. 305-345. [ISBN 978-606-8602-68-4]

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "Gadamer’s Concept of Aesthetic Experience as a Possibility for the Orthodox Biblical Theology." Revista Ecumenica Sibiu / Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu. 2014, vol. 6, issue 3, pp. 378-407. [ISSN: 2065-5940].

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. "The Role of Theoria in Gregory of Nyssa’s Vita Moysis and in Canticum Canticorum". Communio Viatorum. 2012, vol. 54, no. 2, p. 142-163. [ISSN: 0010-7133].

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Osoba interpreta v procese duchovného výkladu u Jána Cassiana. Teologická reflexe. 2008, vol. 14, issue 1, pp. 47-68. [ISSN: 1211-1872]. {The role of the Interpreter in the Process of Spiritual Interpretation by John Cassian}

Book Reviews:

  • ŠIRKA, Zdenko. Book Review: Holy Beauty: Prolegomena to an Orthodox Philokalic Aesthetics by Chrysostomos A. Stamoulis. Studies in Christian Ethics, 36(4), 2023, 970-973. https://doi.org/10.1177/09539468231198981o

  • "Zoran Luković: Verske sekte i pravoslavlje: Priručnik za samoodbranu od verskih sekti." Religija i tolerancija. 2023, vol. 21, no. 39, pp. 169-175. [ISSN: 1451–8759; eISSN: 1821–3545].

  • "Лубардић Б. Јустин Ћелијски и Русија: путеви рецепције руске философије и теологије [Justin Popović a Rusko: recepcia ruskej filozofie a teologie]". In: Parrésia Revue pro východní křesťanství. 2017, vol 9-10, no. 2015-2016, p. 571- 575. [ISSN: 1802-8209; ISBN: 978-80-7465-284-4].

  • "Pavol Bargár, Narrative, Myth, Transformation: Reflecting Theologically on Contemporary Culture". Communio Viatorum. 2017, vol. 59, no. 1, 119-122.

  • "Modern Orthodox Thinkers: From the Philokalia to the Present, written by Andrew Louth", Journal of Reformed Theology. 2017, ročník 11, č. 1-2, s. 146-147.

  • "Dynamika křesťanské tradice, Jaroslav Vokoun", Křesťanská revue. 2015, ročník 82, číslo 6, s. 44-46.

  • "Teologie a praxe Charitativní práce, Uvedení do problematiky, Praktická reflexe a aplikace”, ET Studies Journal of the European Society for atholic Theology 4:1 (2013), 165-167.

  • "Building Bridges – Between the Orthodox and Evangelical Traditions“, Journal of European Baptist Studies, 13:1 (2012), 49-50. [ISSN: 1804-6444].

  • "Revisionist Koran Hermeneutics in Contemporary Turkish University Theology. Rethinking Islam“, Communio Viatorum 49:1 (2007), 126-133. [ISSN: 0010-7133].

Last change: March 12, 2025 08:23 
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