Kateřina Kočandrle Bauer, Th.D.

Senior Lecturer in the Ecumenical Institute

221 988 624

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consultation: by agreement by email

ORCID: 0000-0002-5764-5040

ResearchID: J-9610-2017

ScopusID: 55936005400



Profile in SIS


ecumenical theology, Orthodox theology, Russian religious philosophy, Christian spirituality, the relationship between theology and art (iconography, poetry, theater)

Academic qualification

Mgr. Kateřina Kočandrle Bauer, Th.D. has been engaged with theological anthropology especially for a long time. While studying systematic theology in Leuven, Katholieke Universiet (2006 and 2008) her main research so far has been related to the aspect of symbolic mediation in Western sacramental and feminist theology, dealing especially with the corporality of Christian faith including the bodily existence of people and criticism of methaphysic dualism (her doctoral thesis successfully defended in 2009, published as the book The Concept of Symbol in Louis-Marie Chauvet, CDK, Brno, 2010). She also teaches on the programme Theology of Christian Traditions, where she has done courses in both Western and Eastern hermeneutics, systematic theology, in the history of doctrine and Christian spirituality in the relationship with other religious traditions. She is also actively engaged at the work of The Institute of Ecumenical Studies in Prague. Since 2011 to 2015 she was a member of a research project Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy (GACR (P401/11/1688) under which she has published articles dealing with the anthropology within the Orthodox theology, concentrating especially on God´s image in people.

Employment history

  • 2016-Senior researcher under the Ecumenical Institute, Charles University in Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty

  • 2011-2015- Senior researcher under the Project Symbolic Mediation of Wholeness in Western Orthodoxy (GACR (P401/11/1688)

  • 2014-2015- Lecturer in Theology on the programme Theology of Christian Traditions of Christian Traditions, Charles University in Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty

  • 2010 (01)-2010 (12)- Researcher and lecturer, Charles University in Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty (Decentralized developing project: Protestant Theological Faculty(5a)

  • 2009 (02) -2009(12)- Researcher and Lecturer, Charles University in Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty (Decentralized developing project: Protestant Theological Faculty (7a)

  • 2004-2009- The Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Prague (Lecturer in Systematic Theology, History of Dogma, Hermeneutics, Sacramental Theology) 

  • 2007- College of Social Work and Theology, Prague (Student Chaplain)

  • 2004- 2007- College of Social Work and Theology, Prague (Lecturer in English, Lecturer in Theology: Introduction to Theology, Systematic Theology)


  • 2005- 2009 Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University (ThD studies in Sacramental  Theology, thesis supervised by Doc. Ivana Noble, PhD., Theme: The Concept of Symbol with Louis- Marie Chauvet) 

  • 1999-2004 Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague (Mgr. in theology)

  • 1995-98 Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague (Bc. in theology)

  • 1991-94 Pedagogical Faculty of the South Bohemian University (Bc. in pedagogy)

Studies Abroad

  • 2008-2009 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- Belgium (completion of disseration)    

  • 2006 (January-July) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- Belgium (research in Systematic  and Liturgical Theology)

  • 2000 (January-July) Religious Studies, Roehampton, University of Surrey, London (Erasmus Scholarship: research in New Testament, II Vatican Council and Philosophy)

Select Bibliography

Publishing and other professional activities registered in databaze OBD.

  • Books:

NOBLE, Ivana, NOBLE, Tim, BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina, and PARUSHEV, Parush.Mnohohlas pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západě {The Many Voices of the 20th Century Orthodox Theology in the West}. Brno: CDK, 2015, p. 295.


NOBLE, Ivana, NOBLE, Tim, BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina, and PARUSHEV, Parush.Wrestling with the Mind of the Fathers. Yonkers, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2015, p. 283.


NOBLE, Ivana, BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina, NOBLE, Tim, and PARUSHEV, Parush. Cesty pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západ. Brno: CDK, 2012. p. 411.


English edited translation: Ways of Orthodox Theology in the West,  SVS, Yonkers, NY, 2015.


Russian edited and expanded translation: Пути православного богословия на Запад в ХХ веке, – Москва: ББИ, 2016.


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. Znovuobjevení symbolu u Louise-Marie Chauveta (Brno: CDK, 2010), str. 328.


  • Chapter in reviewed monographs:

BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „Mystery of Divine-Human Cooperation in Freedom and Creativity: An Example of Liturgical Life from the Russian Diaspora in France“ in J. Geldhof, D. Minch, & T. Maine (eds.), Approaching the Threshold of Mystery: Liturgical Worlds and Theological Spaces (Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2015). (ISBN: 978-3-7917-2741-7)


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. “Mateřství jako prostor pro jiného druhého“, in Karel Rechlík, Jiří Hanuš, Jan Vybíral (eds.), Sensorium Dei: Člověk – prostor – transcendence (Brno: CDK, 2013), 81-95  (ISBN: 978-80-7325-322-6)


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „Setkání hésychasmu se sofiologií u Solovjova, Florentského, Bulgakova“,in Karel Sládek a kol. (eds). O filokalii: Kniha, hnutí, spiritualita (Velehrad-Roma, Olomouc, 2013), 118-131 (ISBN: 978-80-7412-144-9).


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. “Sebepřijetí jako součást konverze podle feministické psychoanalytičky Clarissy Pinkoly Estés”, in HANUŠ, Jiří, NOBLE, Ivana (eds.) Konverze a konvertité (Brno: CDK, 2009), 111-113.


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „Řehoř z Palamy-Kristus v tělě narozený a v tělě oslavený“, in  Petr Jandejsek, Ivana Noble, Kateřina Baueová (eds.), Hledání Ježíšovy tváře: christologická čítanka (Praha: Jabok, 2008), 38-46.

BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „ Luce Irigaray- o vtělení jazykem“, in Pet Jandejsek, Ivana Noble, Kateřina Bauerová(eds.), Hledání Ježíšovy tváře: christologická čítanka, (Praha: Jabok, 2008) 134-142.

  • Peer-review articles:

BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „Geographical and Imaginary Spaces: Sergei Bulgakov and Joanna Reitlinger in Prague“, in Communio Viatorum 2 (2015), 193-209 [ISSN: 0010-3713].


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. “The Masculine and the Feminine Dimensions of Being Human in the Icons of Sister Julia Reitlinger and Mother Maria Skobtsova”, in Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 56 (2015) 1-2, 323-340 [ISSN: 0024-5895].


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. “Tradition as Symbolically Mediated: Response to Aristotle Papanikolaou´s Paper”, St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 59:1 (2015) 105-111. [ISSN: 0036-3227].


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „The Play of the Semiotic and the Symbolic: The Authenticity of the Life of Mother Maria Skobtsova“, Feminist Theology 2014, Vol. 22(3) 290–301.


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. “Emigration as Taking Roots and Giving Wings: Sergei Bulgakov, Nikolai Berdayev, Mother Maria Skobstova”, Communio Viatorum 2(2012), 184-202.


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „Апофатичните и катафатичните измерения на иконите, изразени чрез светлината“[Apofatichnite i katafatichnite izmereniya na ikonite, izrazeni chrez svetlinata; Bulgarian; The Apophatic and cataphatic Dimensions of Icons Expressed by Light],  Богословска Мисъл (Bogoslovska Misl) 16:3–4 (2012),  111–124 (ISSN: 1310-7909)


BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „Teologie světla v pravoslavných ikonách“,  SAT 18:1 (2011), 35-43.

BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. „Iconic Light as Incarnate Grace,“ Communio Viatorum, 1 (2010), 83-95.

BAUEROVÁ, Kateřina. “Neřečovost symbolu u Paula Ricoeura“, Teologická reflexe 1(2008), 78-92.


Last change: February 17, 2022 11:04 
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