2003/2 (9)

Starozákonní biblistika v poslední dekádě 20. století a na cestě dneškem


Martin Prudký



This is the first of a series of articles in which the editors of Teologická reflexe want to present an appraisal of developments in the field of theology during the last ten or twenty years and current trends in the individual theological disciplines. The domain of Old Testament Studies is presented in three sections-the field of historiography and archaeology (issues relating to the history of ancient Israel, historiographical methodology, and the criteria for constructing a picture of the past); the field of literary research (the question of the origin of the Old Testament texts; issues relating to their literary originality; and the dispute over the method of interpretation that should take seriously both the given features of the text and the active role of the reader in creating the meaning of the communication); and the field of biblical theology (in particular the discussion over the role of the canon and canonicity in the interpretation of the Bible; issues relating to postmodernist epistemology and the challenge of pluralist contexts for interpretation). The author of the article attempts to briefly present the most important initiatives to have made an impression in the individual areas of study during the 1990s, set them in their place in the context of the relevant discourse, and thus to provide the reader with some orientation in an otherwise rather unclear course of events. He characterises the current situation as a state in which restructuralisation is taking place. On the one hand, there is a radical calling into question of not only a series of basic elements in hypotheses that have been accepted up till now, but also of overall perspectives and approaches that were defining ones for previous research (such as the historical-critical methodology and the „working consensus“ based on it). On the other hand, however, the current scene also has exceptionally inspiring ideas and new perspectives to offer, that are in harmony with developments in the broader context of the humanities.

Cite As:

PRUDKÝ, Martin. Starozákonní biblistika v poslední dekádě 20. století a na cestě dneškem. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 9/2 (2003): 117-159.

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Jakou teologii?


Petr Macek



The article summarizes some recent thought on the basic options in conceiving the manner and task of theology in the academic milieu. Diversity in this regard inspires attempts to map out the basic “types” of theology with the intention of determining to what extent each type is an academic or philosophical discipline and to what extent it remains a project of Christian self-description and self-understanding. The article then argues for theology which, while critically aware of its respective contexts, makes sure that the subject matter of theology is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The task of theological education is the formation of a capability to reflect on this subject matter appropriately, because understanding the subject matter of theology has direct consequences for the identity of the Christian witness in the world and its readiness to meet its challenges.

Cite As:

MACEK, Petr. Jakou teologii? Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 9/2 (2003): 160-169.

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Z Prahy do Evropy. Spor o Krista Prostředníka a Přímluvce. Příspěvek k dějinám theologie v českých zemích


Martin Wernisch



This text (a lecture in the field of church history given as part of the process of acquiring an associate professorship) attempts to draw attention to the negative significance of the lack of a comprehensive history of theology as it has been cultivated in the Czech lands, and to the obstacles that have prevented such a history from having been compiled up till now. As a specific example, intended primarily to illustrate the thesis that the basic context for understanding such a history is not so much general Czech history, but rather the general history of dogmatics and theology. I have chosen one of the episodes that church historians have so far not devoted enough attention to. It took place around the years 1554-1560, when the opponents of the Protestantisation of the Utraquist church tried to block its progress by proclaiming prayers to Christ as Mediator to be heresy. This dispute took on an importance that went far beyond the Czech borders, with both sides finding support from noted theologians of European calibre: the accusers from the Jesuit provincial Peter Canisius, and the accused from the Reformer Philipp Melanchthon.

Cite As:

WERNISCH, Martin. Z Prahy do Evropy. Spor o Krista Prostředníka a Přímluvce. Příspěvek k dějinám theologie v českých zemích. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 9/2 (2003): 170-194.

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Trest smrti - argumenty pro a proti


Jan Zámečník



This article concentrates on a critical description of the basic arguments of both the advocates of capital punishment and the abolitionists. In the introduction the question of whether the issue of capital punishment is still topical is answered in the affirmative. The continuing relevance of this question today has been demonstrated in a huge number of arguments from which I have tried to choose the most important ones. I wanted to demonstrate the ambivalence of some of them, whether they have their source in the Bible or in utilitarian and philosophical-theological tradition. However, this inquiry has led us to the conclusion that capital punishment is to be rejected, which is stressed in the conclusion where 1 suggest my own approach based on the experience of sin and grace.

Cite As:

ZÁMEČNÍK, Jan. Trest smrti - argumenty pro a proti. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 9/2 (2003): 199-214.

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Review: Jacob Neusner (ed.): Faith, Truth, and Freedom. The Expulsion of Professor Gerd Lüdemann from the Theology Faculty at Gottingen University


Petr Sláma

Cite As:

SLÁMA, Petr. Recenze: Jacob Neusner (ed.): Faith, Truth, and Freedom. The Expulsion of Professor Gerd Lüdemann from the Theology Faculty at Gottingen University. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 9/2 (2003): 215-218.

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Review: Daniel R. Harrington: Evangelium podle Matouše (Sacra pagina)


Petr Pokorný

Cite As:

POKORNÝ, Petr. Recenze: Daniel R. Harrington: Evangelium podle Matouše (Sacra pagina). Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 9/2 (2003): 219-220.

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Multifunkční informační centrum v Ústavu pro klasická studia AV ČR

Cite As:

Multifunkční informační centrum v Ústavu pro klasická studia AV ČR. Teologická reflexe/Theological Reflection. 9/2 (2003): 221-222.

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Last change: January 23, 2024 22:55 
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