2016/1 (22)

Jaká je (nakonec) teologie knihy Kazatel?


Filip Čapek


What is (Finally) the Theology of the Book of Qohelet?

This study offers a view of the opening question that is provided by means of a dialogue between the text of the Book of Ecclesiastes and texts or contexts outside the canonical form. These include the entire history of interpreting the text, beginning with the Qumran fragments and continuing right down to modern interpretations. The theology of the book is shown to have its origin in a continual dialogue between three factors – text, tradition, and interpreter – which constantly asks, always in new and topical ways, about the point of human existence, the relationship between human beings and God, and the place of human beings in creation. It is an unending process, and that is why the question about the theology of the book likewise remains essentially open and unanswered.

Cite As:

Čapek, Filip. “Jaká je (nakonec) teologie knihy Kazatel?” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 1, 2016, s. 1–12.

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Michał Heller a dialog teologie a vědy


Radek Labaj


Michał Heller and the dialogue of theology and science

The subject matter of the study is presentation of the work of Michał Heller – Polish philosopher, theologian, scientist and Templeton Prize Laureate (2008) – on the background of the ‚Kraków School‘. As a researcher in scientific cosmology Heller is convinced that current cosmology urges for theological reflection. Heller’s lifelong contributions to the science and theology dialogue are analyzed employing the chosen specific themes of his approach: philosophy in science, rationality and mathematicity of the universe and theology of science. Heller wants to study sciences as specific human values in the light of theology of creation and ethics. The questions of limits of scientific explanation and the sense of life and the sense of the universe come to the foreground. Heller warns against exceeding the purviews of each discipline. Yet he is convinced of the necessity of their dialogue in order to provide a coherent ‚picture of the world‘. He also advocates for a more humble approach to reality: The searched for coherent worldview is the ‚synthesis on the way‘. As the key figure of the ‚Kraków School‘ Heller is widely recognized as the leading proponent of dialogue in the field of science and religion.

Cite As:

Labaj, Radek. “Michał Heller a dialog teologie a vědy.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 1, 2016, s. 13–25.

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Liturgické snahy luterských konfesionalistů v Čechách ve 2. pol. 19. století, zvláště K. E. Lányho


Michal Chalupski


Liturgical Efforts of Czech Lutheran Confessionalists in Bohemia in the 2nd Half of 19th Century, Especially of K. E. Lány

Karel E. Lány (1838–1903) was very important person of Czech Lutheran Christianity in the second half of 19th century and in the beginning of 20th century. He and his colleagues were undertaking attempts to support observation of liturgy in the churches. Lány tried successfully to enrich the church hymnary with antiphons. On the other hand there was no success in effort to implement strictly Lutheran service book according to his preference. He created liturgical order, but its implementation was slow. K. E. Lány was putting forward arguments for the importance of liturgy. He was trying to persuade that liturgy was taking place in the Czech Lutheran church before the counter-reformation. Liturgy is not only catholic or German custom. The church service is not only about preaching. Liturgy gives community the possibility to be active participant of the service, to express confession of sins, plea for the God’s mercy and praise for it, liturgy enriches the service. According to his persuasion there was the necessity for the Lutheran church to have distinct Lutheran features and liturgy plays the important part in this task.

Cite As:

Chalupski, Michal. “Liturgické snahy luterských konfesionalistů v Čechách ve 2. pol. 19. století, zvláště K.E. Lányho.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 1, 2016, s. 26–41.

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Tři podoby zla v Řeči na břehu moře (Mt 13)


Jiří Mrázek


Three forms of evil in the Speech beside the sea (Mt 13)

The third Jesus’ speech in the Gospel of Matthew answers the question why spreading the gospel is sometimes followed by failures, what role evil plays in this and where evil comes from. Two parables in this speech offer two seemingly different answers. While evil is presented as a lack of good in the Parable of the Sower, it is “the evil one” who is active in the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds. The answers are not as diametri-cally opposed as it may seem. The dualism is also maintained in the Parable of the Sower, at least formally. The devil is just moved to a marginal role. His role in the second parable is also severely limited. The third form of evil offered by these parables is evil done in the name of saintly zealousness, in the name of good. Matthew limits the influence and role of the devil (Satan, enemy). He takes him into account, but only marginally as people are able to do evil themselves. The last study showed that this is the overall tendency of the Gospel of Matthew.

Cite As:

Mrázek, Jiři. “Tři podoby zla v řeči na břehu moře (Mt 13).” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 1, 2016, s. 42–51.

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„Teď však jsem tě spatřil vlastním okem.“ Co se Jób poučil o Bohu a o jeho spravedlnosti


Manfred Oeming


„Jetzt aber hat mein Auge dich geschaut“. Was hat Hiob eigentlich über Gott und seine Gerechtigkeit gelernt?

Das Hiobbuch wirft die Frage nach der Gerechtigkeit Gottes explizit auf. Was ist aber die Antwort, die das Buch als ein Ganzes auf die Grundfrage der Theodizee vermitteln will? Will es überhaupt eine Botschaft verkünden? Der Aufsatz belegt schrittweise, dass das Hiobproblem theoretisch unlösbar ist, weil die menschliche Vernunft dafür in allzu enge Grenzen eingesperrt ist. Der Autor schlägt als die legitimste Interpretation des Buches vor, den inneren Entwicklungsweg Hiobs nachzugehen, auf dem man die zentralen Antworten der systematisch-theologischen Reflexion über das Theodizee-Problems wieder neu existenziell durchläuft.

Cite As:

Oeming, Manfred. “‘Ted’ však jsem tě spatřil vlastním okem.’: Co se Jób poučil o Bohu a o Jeho spravedlnosti.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 1, 2016, s. 52–66.

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Diskuze o transcendenci v teologii sportu


Vojtěch Svoboda


Discussion on Transcendence in the Theology of Sport

The study presents the theories of two contemporary theologians, Rev Dr Lincoln Harvey and Rev Dr Robert Ellis, who are trying to construct a theological explanation of sport. Harvey’s theory is based on a systematic interpretation of the doctrine of creation and its similarities to play as the originators of sport. The common features of these two units are freedom within their borders, and non-necessity, but also radical meaningfulness. The divine act of creation was free and full of love. The aim of human existence lies precisely in its freedom and love. Play is an activity that allows a person to express a strong identity based on the act of its creation. Ellis proceeds through the progressive evidence of similarity between play and religion to the concept of sport as a self-transcendent act of man, created according to God’s image. Sport is necessarily competitive, as overcoming difficulties in various forms is an expression of the most profound essence of human nature. Ellis explains this element by taking the example of Irenaeus’s interpretation of the Creation as a profound need for humans to go beyond themselves in relation to their Creator. This need is based on the nature of the creative act, the basis of which is the self-transcendence of God. In conclusion, the author tries to identify the theological background of the two authors and enter into dialogue with them.

Cite As:

Svoboda, Vojtěch. “Diskuze o transcendenci v teologii sportu.” Teologická reflexe, sv. 22, č. 1, 2016, č. 67–80.

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Last change: December 20, 2022 19:03 
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