2022/1 (64)

Observations from the World of Kafka, Schweik and Havel: War in Ukraine and the Ecumenical Movement


Peter Moreé


Editorial of the editor-in-chief.

Cite As:

MOREÉ, Peter. Observations from the World of Kafka, Schweik and Havel: War in Ukraine and the Ecumenical Movement. Communio Viatorum. 2022, vol. LXIV, issue 1, pp. 3-7.

The Expression “Before the Ages” in Early Christian Statements concerning the Origin of the Son from the Father in the Period before the Council of Nicaea (325)


Pavel Dudzik


The article focuses on “before the ages” (πρὸ τῶν αἰώνων) as the expression regularly used in the Christian creed in the phrase concerning the eternal origin of the Son of God in God the Father (“the Son of God begotten before the ages from the Father”). It searches for the reason why it invariably occurs in the post-Nicene creeds pro­duced during the fourth century, in spite of the fact that Arius seems to have used this term to explain his notion of coming to being of the Son of God and, on the contrary, the anti-Arian theologians, Alexan­drian bishops Alexander and Athanasius, employed it rather hesitantly and Nicaenum does not mention it at all. In this context, the line of inquiry is centred on the question whether “before the ages” could have been regarded as a term of biblical origin by the theologians of the early Church. As a result, Origen seems to have used “before the ages” several times referring to various biblical passages, especially 1 Cor 2:7, whereas, unfortunately, his authorship of exegeses from the commentaries on Psalms and Proverbs cannot be regarded as certain. In general, wide awareness of the biblical origin of the expression “before the ages” cannot be evidenced from the treatises of the pre- Nicene Christian writers.


Before the Ages - Christian Creed - 1 Corinthians - Ori­gen - Trinitarian Terminology

Cite As:

DUDZIK, Pavel. The Expression “Before the Ages” in Early Christian Statements concerning the Origin of the Son from the Father in the Period before the Council of Nicaea (325). Communio Viatorum. 2022, vol. LXIV, issue 1, pp. 8-36.

On Universal Redemption in 2 Peter 2:1


Martin Turčan


The paper analyzes 2 Peter 2:1 as one of the key texts in the controversy between the doctrines of universal and limited redemption. The author focuses on two key terms of the text - δεσπότης and ἀγοράζω and examines their usage in the New Testament (plus he examines the usage of ἀγοράζω in the Septuagint as well). He also considers the parallel text in Jude 4 due to apparent similarities between both texts and between both epistles in general. In this context the author refutes Calvinist interpretation (translation) of the Greek terms δεσπότης and ἀγοράζω in 2 Peter 2:1 and shows that the text refers to Christ's sacrifice for all - even for false teachers. The author thus concludes that 2 Peter 2:1 unequivocally points to the validity of the doctrine of universal redemption.


Calvinism - Limited Atonement - Universal Redemption - Soteriology - Human Value

Cite As:

TURČAN, Martin. On Universal Redemption in 2 Peter 2:1. Communio Viatorum. 2022, vol. LXIV, issue 1, pp. 37-52.

Die internationalen Kontakte des Engen Rates der Tschechischen Bruder-Unitat zwischen 1949 und 1968


Alena Vantová


The Moravian Church is an international church with an extensive network of personal and professional contacts. In 1948, the political situation in Czechoslovakia changed. Power was taken over by the Communist Party, which introduced a new church policy to control the life of the churches. All international contacts of the churches came under state control. Each visit had to be licensed by the Czechoslovak authorities. Similar rules applied when preachers and members of the leadership travelled abroad.

This policy was also imposed on the Moravian Church and its lea­dership, the Inner Council. The contacts of the Inner Council with other provinces had to comply with the rules. Between 1948 and 1967 these contacts went through three stages. The conditions under which they took place have changed from a complete restriction to visits under precisely defined conditions.


Czechoslovakia - Church - Communism - Unity of the Brethren - Inner Council - Moravian Church

Cite As:

VANTOVÁ, Alena. Communio Viatorum. 2022, vol. LXIV, issue 1, pp. 53-68.

Communal Confession of Sins and a New Vision for the Church


Jana Hofmanová


This short paper points out that the identity and vision of the church has always been closely linked to the church's understanding its own existence as affected by sin and dependence on God’s grace. The author offers a brief insight into the biblical practice of repentance as well as liturgical theory and practice in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. The aim of the article is primarily to remind us of the importance of the identity of pardoned sinners and to invite us to think about how it is possible to understand and appropriate such identity today. An important moment that can help is the common confession of sins in the liturgy.


Liturgy - Repentance - Prayer of Confession - Church - Vision

Cite As:

HOFMANOVÁ, Jana. Communal Confession of Sins and a New Vision for the Church. Communio Viatorum. 2022, vol. LXIV, issue 1, pp. 69-78.

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