About Us

Communio viatorum is a theological journal from Central European perspectives founded in 1958 by J. L. Hromádka and J. B. Souček, published by the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague three times a year.

ISSN 0010-3713

Mission statement

Communio Viatorum seeks to promote research and scholarly debate in all theological disciplines. Since its foundation special attention has been paid to both biblical studies and Czech Protestant history. The journal is also interested in articles that reflect new accents within the field of theology as well as relevant challenges from neighbouring disciplines, developments in the Church worldwide as well as new moves within society. It seeks to promote an ongoing process of theological debate from a specific Central European Protestant background, but open to authors from all around the world and all denominations who wish to engage in such a conversation.


Communio Viatorum is a peer-reviewed journal. All articles will be submitted anonymously to at least two competent scholars in the field.

Form for a reviewer: here

Form for a reviewer in Czech Language: here

Poslední změna: 17. únor 2022 18:46 
Váš názor

Univerzita Karlova

Evangelická teologická fakulta

Černá 646/9

110 00 Praha 1

221 988 216

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