Postal address:
Communio viatorum
Protestant theological faculty
Černá 646/9
CZ-110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Editor in chief:doc. Petr Sláma, Ph.D.
Articles, book-reviews, questions and comments should be sent to the editors at the following address: .
Administrator: Mgr. Janina Moskalová
All business correspondence (cheques, subscription orders) should be addressed to Mr. Pavel Moskala, , tel: 00420 221 988 601.
The Annual subscription price (three issues) is € 60 or the equivalent in US$, the price of a single copy is € 20.
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Komerční banka
Spálená 51, 110 00 Praha 1,
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Univerzita Karlova
Evangelická teologická fakulta
Černá 9, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Univerzita Karlova
Evangelická teologická fakulta
Černá 646/9
110 00 Praha 1
221 988 216
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