2013/1 (55)


  • Edgar Kellenberger 4

    Der heisse Atem der Konflikte von 593 -571 v. Chr.: Ein methodologisches Plädoyer für einen real existierenden Propheten Ezechiel mit Ecken und Kanten


    Ezekiel’s (unfullfilled!) announcements that the city of Tyre will be totally destroyed and Ezekiel’s passionate controversies about Judean land tenure are studied from the viewpoint of socio-economic history. By dating these prophetic texts early, they demonstrate more clearly the critical position of Ezekiel’s theology and of his (rather disagreable) character. By passionate divine oracles he defends the economic interests of the upper class. By his partiality he shows no interest in an economic balance or in the social criticism of former prophets. – The article ends by a methodological reflection about the exegetical conequences of dating biblical texts early.


    Ezekiel – dating of Biblical texts – exile of Israel – Bible exegesis

  • Filip Horáček 19

    A Threefold Cultural Encounter: Ancient Hellenism, Christianity and Jews in Synesius´ Epistle 5


    The article takes a closer look at Synesius’ Hellenic as well as Christian backgrounds in his Epistle 5. Also, his playful work with stereotypes concerning Jews in the same text is analyzed.


    Synesios – Synesius – Epistle 5 – Jews – Hellenes – late antique paganism – late antique Christianity

  • Pavel Hejzlar 35

    Correlating the Anabaptist and Pentecostal Traditions


    The article explores convergence and differences between the Anabaptist and Pentecostal traditions. It discusses the ways in which the two traditions read Jesus’ life (politics versus healing ministry), their responses to Jesus’ death, Luther and Paul, restorationism, pacifism, and baptism (both by water and by the Holy Spirit). The author attempts to evaluate the two traditions along the way, seeing the most significant theological problem of Anabaptism in its effort to establish an alternative to the Paul-Augustine-Luther trajectory. Pentecostalism, on the other hand, presupposes this classical theological heritage, albeit shaping it in line with its distinctive emphases.


    Anabaptism – Pentecostalism – John H. Yoder – Pacifism –Spirit-Baptism

  • Pavel Hošek 57

    Two types of Jewish pluralism


    In this article the author focuses on two different and often confused or mistakenly identified understandings of “pluralism” as an interpretive framework of religious plurality and diversity from a distinctly Jewish point of view. The two alternative meanings of “Jewish pluralism” are documented, analyzed, compared and evaluated.


    Judaism– pluralism– interreligious relations

  • Daniel S. Larangé 69

    L´apocalypse sur grand écran. Une théologie du discours filmique


    In the 21st Century, the theological discourse reported by the essay and the literature is also undertaken by the cinema. Indeed, in a globalized world, the image has prevailed over the letter, and the film raises awareness, on a larger scale and faster, of the masses that the same culture of consumption homogenizes. In this context, the German-American film director, Roland Emmerich, revisits the myth of the Apocalypse to express the endemic fears that arise against the dehumanization and technologization of the world where the virtual becomes real, whereas the imaginary and the spirituality are sterilized.


    Apocalypsis – Cinema – Image – Theological discourse


  • Petr Macek 85

    Jakub S. Trojan, From Christ´s Death to Jesus´Life: A Critical Reinterpretation of Prevailing Theories of the Cross

  • Pavel Hejzlar 95

    John Goldingay, Old Testament Theology

Poslední změna: 3. červen 2024 04:02 
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