2023/3 (65)

The Role of the Spirit in Rohr’s Theological Anthropology


Ondřej Fischer


This introductory essay comments on the diversity of positions between theology and anthropology in Richard Rohr. It presents him as one who walks a delicate line between semantic fidelity to Christian doctrine and its impact (or lack thereof) on spiritual well-being of the people affected by the brokenness of the world. Spirituality, which reflects the complexity of life, has become an alternative to institutionally driven Christianity.


Trinity; Spirituality; Interdisciplinarity


Ondřej Fischer. "The Role of the Spirit in Rohr’s Theological Anthropology." Communio Viatorum. 2023, vol. 65, issue 3, pp. 203-208.



published: 01.09.2024

Personal Reflection on Rohr’s Influence on my Thought


Belden Lane


This paper describes Rohr’s shift from the traditional Trinitarian theology to a new concept of God. Rohr sees Christ as the mysterious essence of all things. The Trinity is an expression of the flowing nature of the Divine. Jesus, through his cross, allowed suffering to change him and the world, so that people could break out of the endless cycle of projecting pain elsewhere and be loved by the reality that surrounds them. The implications of this shift for spirituality are considered. People can live with constant prayer, meditation and practice of his words in his presence.


Trinity; flow; suffering; spirituality; anthropology


Belden Lane. "Personal Reflection on Rohr’s Influence on my Thought." Communio Viatorum. 2023, vol. 65, issue 3, pp. 209–214.



published: 01.09.2024

Richard Rohr and the Paradigm Shift in Trinitarian Theology


Ladislav Heryán


This paper describes Rohr’s shift from the traditional Trini-tarian theology to a new concept of God. Rohr sees Christ as the mysterious essence of all things. The Trinity is an expression of the flowing nature of the Divine. Jesus, through his cross, allowed suffer-ing to change him and the world, so that people could break out of the endless cycle of projecting pain elsewhere and be loved by the real-ity that surrounds them. The implications of this shift for spirituality are considered. People can live with constant prayer, meditation and practice of his words in his presence.


Trinity; flow; suffering; spirituality; anthropology


Ladislav Heryán. "Richard Rohr and the Paradigm Shift in Trinitarian Theology." Communio Viatorum. 2023, vol. 65, issue 3, pp. 215–226.



published: 01.09.2024

The “Theology” of Richard Rohr


Petr Gallus


Based on R. Rohr’s book The Universal Christ, this arti-cle presents a very critical review of Rohr’s „theology“. It focuses on Rohr’s crucial theological decisions, on his hermeneutics, his biblical interpretations and some important theological concepts as sin, evil, or christology. It sets Rohr’s view into a critical contrast to the tradition and current literature to particular topics. As concluded in the end, based on the reasons provided, the article doubts that Rohr’s propsal can stand to academic scrutiny.


Richard Rohr; critique; universal Christ


Petr Gallus. "The “Theology” of Richard Rohr." Communio Viatorum. 2023, vol. 65, issue 3, pp. 227-241.



published: 01.09.2024

Richard Rohr: Trinity, Christ, and Creation


Štěpánka Paluchníková


This article aims to present Richard Rohr’s Trinitarian and Christological approach in to the whole of creation. The Trinity as the basic structure of the cosmos is here the principal starting point for a dynamic process of „becoming“. The specific key in this approach is found in the theological meaning of „Christ in all and all.“ Although this Rohr‘s view of Christ is in many ways controversial, it undoubtedly brings a current challenge to man’s self-understanding in his relation-ship to this God-created world.


Universal Christ; creation; panenteism; Trinity


Štěpánka Paluchníková. "Richard Rohr: Trinity, Christ, and Creation." Communio Viatorum. 2023, vol. 65, issue 3, pp. 242–253.



published: 01.09.2024

Liminality as a Principle of the Life of Christian Communities in the Reflections of Richard Rohr


Ondrej Lazúr


This article analyzes Richard Rohr’s reflections on the anthropological and pastoral significance of the liminality. Although we do not find among Rohr’s publications a book in which he specifi-cally addresses the context of liminality or the pastoral care of Chris-tian communities, these contents are recognizable within his publica-tions. In this paper, we pay attention to the concepts or authors that Rohr relies on when reflecting on liminality and its meaning. Thus, it seeks to systematically deepen the ideas and concepts related to his understanding of the potential of liminality within the life of Christian communities. The main aim is to highlight the significant anthropologi-cal and pastoral potential of the concept of liminality, which Rohr most explicitly addressed in the book Adam’s Return. The secondary aim is to differentiate the character of liminality in the context of Christian communities, which could remain misunderstood.


community; liminality; liminoid; Richard Rohr


Ondrej Lazúr. "Liminality as a Principle of the Life of Christian Communities in the Reflections of Richard Rohr." Communio Viatorum. 2023, vol. 65, issue 3, pp. 254–265.



published: 01.09.2024

Between Soul and Spirit: Rohr’s Transformational Spirituality in Pastoral Work


Denisa Červenková


In this paper some typical features of the spirituality of Richard Rohr, one of popular authors who represents one of the dis-tinctive currents of contemporary Catholic spirituality, are described. I focus on several distinctive characteristics that we find captured in his spiritual texts. These include an emphasis on orthopraxy, on the trans-formative nature of spirituality, on contemplation, and on the embod-ied nature of spirituality. Understanding these basic characteristics, also helps to understand the more general tendency of contemporary spirituality, especially that which consciously straddles the boundary between traditional religious offerings and non-traditional forms of spirituality in non-religious settings.


contemporary spirituality; spirituality; contemplation; the Enneagram; Richard Rohr, Christian spirituality


Denisa Červenková. "Between Soul and Spirit: Rohr’s Transformational Spirituality in Pastoral Work." Communio Viatorum. 2023, vol. 65, issue 3, pp. 266–291.



published: 01.09.2024

Poslední změna: 25. září 2024 13:19 
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