2004/2 (10)

Teologie náboženství v poslední dekádě 20. století a na cestě dneškem


Pavel Hošek


Theology of religions in the 1990s and its continuing development

This article offers a survey of the recent development in the field of theological discourse on religion in general and on interreligious relations. It reviews the most important contributions to this field in the second half of the twentieth century and then focuses on the three standard types of theology of religions: exclusivism, inclusivism and pluralism, as they are presented and defended in the last decade of the twentieth century. The article summarizes the exegetical and historical arguments of exclusivism and inclusivism and then focuses particularly on the most recent proposal among the three standard types: the pluralistic paradigm. It the next section the article presents some important critical objections to the pluralist type of theology of religions. In the nineties, many theologians became dissatisfied with the traditional threefold typology and proposed some significant shifts in perspective. Several important proposals for theology of religions are presented in the next section of the article: a brief summary of the views of K. Rahner, W. Pannenberg, G. D‘Costa, J. Moltmann, H. Küng, J. Cobb, J. DiNoia, D. Tracy and J. Dupuis. Several necessary interrelated shifts in theology of religions are suggested by the analysis of these proposals: 1) to abandon the traditional threefold typology with its soteriological preoccupation, 2) to take seriously the otherness of religious others, not to assimilate it by an all-inclusive a priori theory, 3) to study diligently the facts about other religions (their creeds, sacred books, ethical teaching, social reality etc.), 4) to work inductively, not just deductively, i.e. to do not just a theology for dialogue, but also a theology of dialogue and 5) to focus on interreligious cooperation in facing social, ecological and economic needs and concerns of contemporary world. Only the future will show whether these new proposals in theology of religions will converge into a new, fourth paradigm, or whether they will just exist alongside each other without a common framework.


HOŠEK, Pavel. Teologie náboženství v poslední dekádě 20. století a na cestě dneškem. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 117-146.

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Etické typy v etice knihy Přísloví


David Javornický


Ethical types in the ethics of the Book of Proverbs

In the field of the ethics of the Book of Proverbs, the phenomenon examined in this article has barely been touched on by previous researchers. The term "ethical types" has been coined to describe it. These bearers of ethical information are smaller than the basic literary unit, the statement. They are also smaller than the basic grammatical unit, the sentence. The ethical type fulfils the following three criteria. From the grammatical point of view it is a noun or the equivalent of a noun. It stands out because of the non-verbal nature of this type of ethical utterance. From the semantic point of view it refers to a person, not to an abstract quality. The ethical type thus stands out because of its personal character. And finally it is a word that is semantically explicitly moral. Analysis of the Book of Proverbs has shown that the phenomenon occurs so frequently in this book that the knowledge gained by examining it enriches our understanding of the ethics of the Book of Proverbs as a whole. The article ends with the proposal that ethical types be seen as a fourth type of morality language. It is also recommended that further research be carried out on ethical types in other books of the Old Testament. Interesting possibilities for applying them in contemporary ethics also come to light.


JAVORNICKÝ, David. Etické typy v etice knihy Přísloví. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 147-169.

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O možnostech a povaze teologického poznání u Alexandra Schmemanna


Ivana Noble


The Roots and Nature of Theological Knowledge in Alexander Schmemann

The article examines Schmemann’s sacramental and liturgical theology which contains a distinction between two types of theological knowledge. The first, rational or discursive knowledge, is identified as a result of scholasticism, dividing reality into the natural and the supernatural, thus leading to its fragmentation and a loss of sensitivity for seeing God at work in creation. The second type, relational or symbolic knowledge, is, according to Schmemann, older, and has more to offer. It assumes the unity of a reality that can be grasped by intuition and is rooted in the liturgy. Symbols which make theological knowledge possible are taken from there. In the context of the liturgical celebration they reveal the levels of the mystery of God, which in our first intuition remained hidden. This second type of knowledge brings a new non-dualist solution to the relation between natural and revealed theology, and thus a better theology of the world, of the church and of the Kingdom. Yet the side-effects of this option, preferred by Schmemann, have to be guarded against: the absolutising of liturgy, traditionalissm and both ecclesial and political conservatism.


NOBLE, Ivana. O možnostech a povaze teologického poznání u Alexandra Schmemanna. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 170-183.

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Nerozdílná jednota Boha a Člověka? Tillichovo pojetí identity


Petr Gallus


The indivisible unity of God and human beings? Tillich's concept of identity

The article adopts a critical stance to the generally accepted notion that Tillich's idealistic concept of identity removes the difference between human beings and God. Tillich understands the "principle of identity" as a differentiated "identity of the identical and the non-identical", which has its place primarily in the theory of knowledge. It pre-supposes an original unity, which is disturbed by the alienation of human beings from their original purpose, but not completely destroyed. In his later writings, in contrast to his early phase, Tillich therefore prefers the more exact term "participation" to "identity". Everything participates in God, who is Being-Itself, but this participation is always mediated pneumatologically, i.e. by God himself. The three forms of participation can therefore be compared to the three forms of God's grace, which Tillich distinguishes: creative, saving, and redeeming. The creative analogia entis can however only be seen through the analogia fidei. Tillich therefore never speaks of the identity between God and human beings, but of the eternal connection between Creator and creation, which human beings always only recognise retrospectively sola gratia.


GALLUS, Petr. Nerozdílná jednota Boha a Člověka? Tillichovo pojetí identity. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 184-198.

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,,Ecclesiae Hominem Non Fuisse"? Tertullianus a jeho nový portrét


Petr Kitzler


"Ecclesiae hominem non fuisse"? Tertullian and his new portrait

The article summarises the most recent research on Tertullian's life and personality (from the 1970s onwards). Because of the paucity of Czech translations of his work, Tertullian is not a well-known figure among the Czech public, which has in addition had to rely, with a few exceptions, on outdated information. This article therefore presents to the Czech public the biographical portrait of Tertullian that is today more or less accepted and which is based in particular on the revolutionary study by T. D. Barnes published in 1971. In line with the conclusions of modern research, a revision is made of the "superstitions" that have become established and widespread in the Czech milieu concerning Tertullian's legal carrier, status as a heretic, hatred of philosophy, failure to appreciate reason, and misogyny, and mention is made of his importance for and influence on later authors (including "orthodox" ones).


KITZLER, Petr. ,,Ecclesiae Hominem Non Fuisse"? Tertullianus a jeho nový portrét. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 199-209.

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Recenze: V moci Slova


Jan Heller


HELLER, Jan. Recenze: V moci Slova. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 212-214.

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Recenze: Prorok Jonáš ve výtvarném umění


Silvie Hlaváčková


HLAVÁČKOVÁ, Silvie. Recenze: Prorok Jonáš ve výtvarném umění. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 221-222.

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Recenze: Chvála malých příběhů


Pavel Keřkovský


KEŘKOVSKÝ, Pavel. Recenze: Chvála malých příběhů. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 210-212.

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Recenze: Jak vznikala Bible


Andrea Korečková


KOREČKOVÁ, Andrea. Recenze: Jak vznikala Bible. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 2019-221.

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Recenze: O České reformaci s ekumenickou noblesou


Josef Smolík


SMOLÍK, Josef. Recenze: O České reformaci s ekumenickou noblesou. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 214-217.

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Recenze: Izaiášovské texty v Novém zákoně


Josef Smolík


SMOLÍK, Josef. Recenze: Izaiášovské texty v Novém zákoně. Teologická reflexe. 10/2 (2004), s. 217-218.

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