2009/1 (15)

Typologie přístupů t pojmu zkušenosti v současné katolické a evangelické teologii


Jan Černý


Typology of approaches to the notion of experience in contemporary catholic and protestant theology

The article examines the status of experience in different types of contemporary theological epistemology. The author distinguishes between two types of conceptions of a relationship between the experience of Christian faith and a common human experience: modern correlation theologies, postcorrelation theologies (e.g. different streams of liberation theology) and the theology of religious pluralism think of this relationship as a continuity; the theology of revelation (e.g. Karl Barth) and the theologies of God’s otherness think of it as a discontinuity. This relationship has to do with the relationship between the Christian tradition and cultural context. In the conception of the first group of theologies, experiencing God in the midst of the transcendental or historical conditions of our existence helps develop the Christian traditions. In contrast to the first group of theologies, the second one stresses the radical particularity of Christian tradition and also rejects the possibility of a direct experience of God. In conclusion, the author introduces the concept of “experience as interruption” of Lieven Boeve, who tries to synthesize the two contrasting theological solutions in the dialectical figure of interrupting both the Christian tradition by the cultural context and the context by the Christian experience of faith.


ČERNÝ, Jan. Typologie přístupů t pojmu zkušenosti v současné katolické a evangelické teologii. Teologická reflexe. 15/1 (2009), s. 5-26.

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Boží vlastnosti podle Barthovy dogmatiky


Jan Štefan


The attributtes of God according to Karl Barth’s church dogmatics

The study represents a slightly modified version of a lecture given by the author in German at a symposium on Barth in Emden, Germany, in May 2008. It centres on an analysis of Barth’s extensive doctrine of the perfections of God from KD II/1, §§ 30–31 (1940). In contrast to the dead philosophical God without any attributes, the living triune God of the biblical revelation is a God with many attributes. The doctrine of the attributes of God was treated by Barth traditionally as part of the doctrine about God, but he substituted his own term “perfections” instead of the established one “attributes”. From a Trinitarian theological view he justified this by saying that it was not a question of the perfections of God’s relationship to the world, but of the perfection of his being. On the basis of his conception of the being of God as the unity of his love and freedom and of the revelation of God as the unity of his selfunveiling and selfveiling, he then divided God’s attributes into two categories with six perfections each. In ingenious combinations of biblical exegesis and the repeated treatment of classical dogmatic questions, this great dialectician here fully opened up both the mutual tension between the various perfections of the divine loving (e.g. it is precisely the gracious God who is holy, it is precisely the merciful God who is righteous), and also the tension within the individual perfections of the divine freedom (e.g. the Unique is Triune, the Constant manifests his constancy in his transformations of the history of salvation, the Omnipresent takes rooms, the Eternal becomes time). In conclusion, the study takes note of the traces and echoes left by Barth’s conception of the attributes of God in the relevant paragraphs of the dogmatic works and monographs of German Protestant theology in the second half of the twentieth century. The author then attempts to assess the extent to which this doctrine was successful, based on how far it contributed to showing God as a God rich in attributes in church preaching.


ŠTEFAN, Jan. Boží vlastnosti podle Barthovy dogmatiky. Teologická reflexe. 15/1 (2009), s. 27-51.

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Absence anathemat v reformačních konfesích Českého původu


Pavel Filipi


Das fehlen der Annthematisierungen in den Reformatorischen konfessionen tschechischer Herkunft

Leicht gekürztes Referat für die Konferenz der niederländischen und ostund mitteleuropäischen theologischen Fakultäten „Christian Traditions between Catholicity and Particularity“

(Prag 2. 5. 2008) erörtert die Tatsache, dass die Konfessionen tschechischer Herkunft (Die Brüderkonfession 1535 und die Confessio Bohemica 1575) – im Unterschied zu Augustana und Helvetica posterior – keine Verwerfungsätze beinhalten. Im Fall der Brüderkonfession dürfte dies mit der ekklesiologischen Grundkonzeption der Brüderunität zusammenhängen, im Fall der Bohemica ist dies auf die Intervention des Brüderpriesters und Literaten Jiřík Strejc bei der Verfassung des Textes zurückzuführen. Allgemein haben die Verwerfungen der reformatorischen Konfessionen eine zweifache Funktion: eine apologetische, die die Rechtgläubigkeit der vertretenen Lehren zu betonen sucht, und eine abgrenzende gegen die Irrtümer und Missbräuche Roms; in beiden Fällen wollen die Konfessionen die „Katholizität“ ihrer Positionen zum Ausdruck bringen. Insofern haben auch die Verwerfungen eine latente selbstkritische Funktion.


FILIPI, Pavel. Absence anathemat v reformačních konfesích Českého původu. Teologická reflexe 15/1 (2009), s.52-57.

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Teologie osvobození ve svém dějinném kontextu


Tim Noble


Liberation theology in its historical context

This article places the development of Latin American liberation theology in its broader sociohistoric context. Beginning with a brief overview of post Conquista Latin American history, and the concomitant search for legitimacy, it sets out to show how liberation theology must be read within the context of the gradual inculturation of the Christian church in Latin America. It then shows how ecclesial and theological developments in Europe influenced a generation of Latin American theologians who adapted these insights to the specific needs and situations of their own cultures, marked by the presence of rightwing military dictatorships, and the economic dominance of the West. Pausing to examine the claims that liberation theology is Marxist, it moves on to look at how this theology developed in response both to external criticisms and internal reflections on the changing society.


NOBLE, Tim. Teologie osvobození ve svém dějinném kontextu. Teologická reflexe. 15/1 (2009), s. 58-75.

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Desatero netradičně aneb k problému vykládání a interpretace Bible


Martin Prudký


A non-traditional view of the decalogue: the problem of interpreting the bible

The article critically evaluates a new monograph on the Decalogue from the pen of the Czech biblical scholar Jiří Beneš. It presents the author’s original way of interpreting the text and positions him in the context of contemporary research. It considers the main problem of the published study to be the author’s method. On the one hand Beneš argues in detail from the given facts of the Hebrew text and builds up the strong impression that the essential nature of the work lies in a meticulous exegesis of the biblical text in its relevant contexts. On the other hand, however, he cultivates a grandiose “pneumatic interpretation”, which digresses from the text fairly freely, resignposts it, and presents its “further meanings” in rather unusual reflections. The current state of biblical research on the Decalogue is only referred to in the study sporadically and very selectively.


PRUDKÝ, Martin. Desatero netradičně aneb k problému vykládání a interpretace Bible. Teologická reflexe. 15/1 (2009), s. 76-93.

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Recenze: Dennis R. MacDonald: The Acts of Andrew


Jiří Lukeš


Recenze: Dennis R. MacDonald: The Acts of Andrew. Teologická reflexe. 15/2 (2009), s. 94-97.

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Recenze: Gerd Theißen: Úvod do Nového zákona


Peter Cimala


Recenze: Gerd Theißen: Úvod do Nového zákona. Teologická reflexe. 15/1 (2009), s. 97-99.

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Práce přijaté a obhájené v roce 2008

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