2008/2 (13)

„Mlčení jehňátek“ v knize Genesis: Střípky narativní analýzy na příkladech Gn 12,10 20 a Gn 20,1–18


Viktor Ber


Summary: “The Silence of the Lambs” in the book of Genesis: Fragments of narrative analysis of Gen 12:10–20 and Gen 20:1–18 This article presents a narrative analysis of two episodes of “ancestress in danger,” namely Gen 12:10–20, and Gen 20:1–18. The interpretation of the first of these texts deals with the question of ethical evaluation of individual characters in the story. The analysis of the second of the texts has focused on the trustworthiness of the characters. The conspicuous narrative feature common to both stories is the silence and passivity of Sarai/Sarah. It is argued that her silence functions as a narrative means of ethical and theological evaluation not so much of the ancestress herself, but mainly of other characters in these stories.

Klíčová slova:

narativní analýza – pramáti – Abraham – Sára – příběh – etická a teologická interpretace


BER, Viktor. „Mlčení jehňátek“ v knize Genesis: Střípky narativní analýzy na příkladech Gn 12,10 20 a Gn 20,1–18. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 3-30.

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„David“ a „Goliáš“


Bernd Jørg Diebner


Summary: “David” and “Goliath” The essay deals with character and function of the story about David and Goliath in 1Sam 17. In a parallel to the rather fluid shape of Alexander romance in the middle ages, a kind of “David romance” is being suggested, circulating among Judeans and put down occasionally to express the rivalries and tensions of the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE.

Klíčová slova:

David – Goliáš – alexandreida –helenismus v Judsku – Hasmonejci


DIEBNER, Bernd Jørg. „David“ a „Goliáš“. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 31-38.

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Prorocký nářek a jeho život


Jenö Kiss


Summary: Prophetic lament and its life Two “Confessions” of Jeremiah are analyzed in this article: Jer 11:18–23 and Jer 18:18–23. The nucleus of Jer 11: 18–20 is a lament, which originates by the prophet Jeremiah. To this lament were added elements of the “lament of an individual” and the whole unit was put in the Jeremiahs biography. In Jer 12:1–6 and Jer 18:18–23 is prophet Jeremiah related with laments, which came into the existence in the exile or after-exile period. Jer 18:18–23 is influenced by Jer 11:21–23 and by other texts from the prophetical books. It deals theologically with the themes of justice and forgiveness.

Klíčová slova:

Kniha Jeremjáš – Jeremjášovy konfese – Žalozpěv jednotlivce – Kritika redakce – Literární kritika – Intertextualita – Spravedlnost


KISS, Jenö. Prorocký nářek a jeho život. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 39-58.

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„Kenaanský“ žalm 29 a Hospodinův hlas


Lukáš Klíma


Zusammenfassung: „Kanaanpsalm“ 29 und die Stimme des Herrn Im Psalm 29 wird die Wirkung der Stimme Jahwes zum Thema, dargestellt mit den gleichen Bildern wie das Einwirken des Donnergottes Baal. Dies entspricht dem Effekt einer Passage ¨uber den Bau des Baalpalastes, die dem Baalzyklus aus Ugarit entstammt. Daraus l¨asst sich auf den Hintergrund des 29. Psalms schließen. Man kann ihn als Festhymnus zu Ehren Baals auslegen, den der Psalmist umdeutet und auf Jahwe bezieht. Der ganze Psalm ist chiastisch aufgebaut und die Zentralstelle dieser Struktur (Vers 6) bildet eine scharfe Polemik gegen den Ort, an dem Baal verweilt. In einer anderen Art der alttestamentlichen Antibaal-Polemik wird Nachdruck auf Jahwes Wort gelegt, das kein Gewitter bewirkt, sondern vielmehr mit innerem Dr¨angen vergleichbar ist.

Klíčová slova:

Žalm 29 – Baal – Ugarit – chiastická struktura – topografie žalmů – slovo Hospodinovo – hlas Hospodinův


KLÍMA, Lukáš. „Kenaanský“ žalm 29 a Hospodinův hlas. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 59-65.

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Mezopotamské kultické sochy: svátostné setkání s božským


Michael Dick


Summary: The Mesopotamian Cult Statue: A Sacramental Encounter with Divinity The article surveys the theology and practice of producing and veneration of Mesopotamian cult statues. In particular the Mīs Pî ritual, recreating the godly qualities to a statue, is compared to the Roman Catholic understanding of Eucharistic transubstantiation. The common feature of the rituals compared be the attempt to make the deity in ritual really present.

Klíčová slova:

Kultická socha – Mezopotámie – modla – reálná přítomnost božstva – Mīs Pî – eucharistie


DICK, Michael. Mezopotamské kultické sochy: svátostné setkání s božským. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 69-90.

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Správní, ekonomické a náboženské instituce v Samaří v době perské (mezi Artaxerxem I. a Dariem III.)


Jan Dušek


Summary: Administrative, economical and religious institutions in Samaria in Persian period (between Artaxerxes I and Dareios III) The study provides recent archaeological, numismatic and epigraphic information about the history of Samaria during the Persian Period. These information are related to the references to Samaria in some Biblical texts, in the works of Josephus Flavius and other authors of the Antiquity. Thus a succinct picture of government, economic and religious institutions in Samria during the Persian period is gained, based predominantly on author’s own analyses of Wadi ed-Daliyeh manuscripts.

Klíčová slova:

Samaří, správa – perské období – Josephus Flavius – Izrael, archeologie – Vádí Darje, texty


DUŠEK, Jan. Správní, ekonomické a náboženské instituce v Samaří v době perské (mezi Artaxerxem I. a Dariem III.). Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 91-111.

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„Zákon Boha tvého a zákon krále“ (Ezd 7,26): Mojžíšova Tóra jako akreditační dokument židovského společenství doby Ezdrášovy?


Petr Sláma


Summary: The Law of your God and the Law of the King: The Torah of Moses as an accreditation paper of the Jewish community in the time of Ezra? Two and half decades ago the hypothesis of the imperial authorisation of the Jewish Torah has been presented by Swiss scholar Peter Frei. According to the hypothesis the general framework for the emergence of the Jewish Torah was the practice of Persian empire to collect and promulgate local legal collections of subdued nations as parts of Persian imperial law. The suggestion provoked several waves of discussion. Taking the discussion into consideration, the basic idea of the hypothesis, according to which the shape and structure of the Torah does mirror external political and ideological circumstances of the post exilic Jewish community, seems to be quite helpful in attempts to grasp the general thrust of Pentateuch.

Klíčová slova:

Vznik Tóry, imperiální autorizace Tóra, Ezdráš, Perská říše, židovství druhého chrámu


SLÁMA, Petr. „Zákon Boha tvého a zákon krále“ (Ezd 7,26): Mojžíšova Tóra jako akreditační dokument židovského společenství doby Ezdrášovy? Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 112-127.

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Biblia Hebraica quinta editione: Nová řešení starých problémů v kritické edici textu Hebrejské bible


Martin Prudký


Summary: Biblia Hebraica quinta editione: New Solutions to Old Problems in the Text-Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible The text-critical project of Biblia Hebraica quinta (BHQ) is reviewed and presented and illustrated with reference both to the internal tradition of previous editions of Biblia Hebraica (BH¹ 1906; BH² 1925; BH³ / BHK 1937; BH⁴ / BHS 1977), and to alternative projects (Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia, Hebrew University Bible Project, The Oxford Hebrew Bible etc.). Basic problems of text-critical editing of the Hebrew Bible are presented and the particular choices made by the editors of BHQ are discussed – especially questions regarding the choice and diplomatic presentation of the source text (editorial approach to the particular manuscript). Specific features of the presentation of the text-critical apparatus, the Masorah and the text-critical commentaries are discussed and documented on the basis of examples. Overall the recent BHQ edition is evaluated to be a marked advance in publishing the Hebrew Bible text. In a quite comfortable form it offers its users good access to the problems of textual tradition. Thanks to its well-structured and well-presented system of abbreviated information and evaluative notes it enables the reader to gain an informed overview and to make well-considered choices when dealing with text-critical problems.


PRUDKÝ, Martin. Biblia Hebraica quinta editione: Nová řešení starých problémů v kritické edici textu Hebrejské bible. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 131-158.

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Kategorie postavy v poetice starozákonních narativů


David Javornický


Summary: The category of character in the poetics of the Old Testament narratives In the concept of the poetics of the narrative the essay is influenced by structuralise poetics, but it works on a lower level of abstraction. The goal is not to formulate a part of a narrative grammar. The goal is to understand the character as an important component of the Old Testament narrative, to describe its typical features and function. The main themes are: the character and plot, classification of characters, characterization, God as a character. The goal is to develop the literary competence of the Old Testament readers and to contribute to the interdisciplinary dialog between theology and literary science.


JAVORNICKÝ, David. Kategorie postavy v poetice starozákonních narativů. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 159-179.

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Zápletka v poetice starozákonních narativů


David Javornický


Summary: The plot in the poetics of the Old Testament narratives This study deals with the theory of the plot and its application on the narratives of the Old Testament. Its methodological starting point is the dialog between the biblical studies and the literary studies, specifically naratology. It contains the basic overview of the theory of the plot. It describes and evaluates the main models of the narrative and the basic emphasises in the theory of the plot, which appeared in the 20th century. In this century an intensive research was done in this field and the valuable outcomes were accomplished. This study deals with the influence of the theory of the plot on the hermeneutics generally and on the hermeneutics of the Old Testament especially. The outcomes of the research of the plot are applied on the Old Testament narratives. At the same time the specific features of the Old Testament plots will come out. The goal of the study is to help the reader of the Old Testament to read its narratives with a greater competence and a new pleasure.

Klíčová slova:

Narativ Starého zákona, poetika, osnova, teorie osnovy, parametry osnovy, zvláštní rysy starozákonní osnovy, hermeneutika, Aritsotelés, ruští formalisté, francouzský strukturalismus


JAVORNICKÝ, David. Zápletka v poetice starozákonních narativů. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 180-206.

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Starozákonní minimalisté


Petr Sláma


Summary: The Old Testament Minimalists The survey introduces the challenge of the so called minimalists in Old Testament studies. Writings of some British and Scandinavian scholars have deconstructed the scholarly communis opinio as to historical and referential credibility of the Hebrew Bible. It is considered as product of the ambitions and conflicts within Jewish Hellenistic society of the 3rd and 2nd century BCE. Objections to the old-new approach as well as its implications are evaluated.

Klíčová slova:

starozákonní minimalismus – minimalismus – historicita Bible – historiografie

– marxistická interpretace


SLÁMA, Petr. Starozákonní minimalisté. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2008, sv. 13, č. 2, s. 207-223.

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