2010/1 (16)

Dekalog v biblické teologii: Text Desatera a jeho význam pro bibli a její teologii


Martin Prudký


Summary: The Decalogue in Biblical Theology: The text of the Ten Commandments and its significance for the Bible and its theology. The Decalogue is one of the best-known biblical texts, and, in terms of the history of its influence, one of the most important. At the same time, however, the Decalogue is in many respects a problematic passage which raises many questions. Even within the biblical tradition itself, in the canonical shape of its text, and in the history of interpretation, the Decalogue is an extremely unusual passage, although an authoritative one – it is included in the Torah twice and in two different forms, its structure does not consist of ten statements, and the individual statements it consists of are not homogenous either in length or in literary form. The study briefly recapitulates the reasons for the heterogeneous character of the Decalogue text, and in particular considers the impact and consequences of this unusual nature of the Decalogue as a “canonical passage of tradition” for the hermeneutics of biblical texts: the internal issues and plurality of the “normative” passage that has been passed down raise the question of the openness of this “norm” and the need to interpret it. An essential element here is the “theologisation of the law” which occurs with the Decalogue. Through the influence of the Decalogue, the Torah given on Sinai is the “word of Jhwh”, not the decree of a king, as was usual in the cultures of the Ancient Near East. The characteristics of the Decalogue described here have functions that correspond to the needs of the religious life of Israel in exile or in diaspora, or also to its life in the land of its fathers on its return from exile, and have a suitable potential for the subsequent history of interpretation and for the possibility of variable use of this authoritative and at the same time ambiguous text.


PRUDKÝ, Martin. Dekalog v biblické teologii: Text Desatera a jeho význam pro bibli a její teologii. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2010, sv. 16, č. 1, s. 3-23.

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Poznámky k interpretaci Dekalogu v českých dějinách církve


Ota Halama


Summary: Notes on the Interpretation of the Decalogue in the History of the Czech Church. The Decalogue was the primary catechetic text of the medieval church. Its role increased after 1215 when the text of the Ten Commandments became a common part of confessional practices. Thus, the texts of the Decalogue soon played a role in relation to the lay element and in national languages. In addition to anonymous interpretations of the Decalogue, we meet up with commentaries by Hus’ “forerunners,” Matěj of Janov and Tomáš of Štítný, in Bohemia during the fourteenth century. After 1500, the influence of John Wycliffe’s work, De mandatis divine, dominated. This text especially had an effect on Jan Hus, as well as on Jakoubek of Stříbro and Vaclav of Dráchov, among others. Later, during the Hussite Revolution, a musical adaptation of the Ten Commandments came about. We also find its succinct interpretation in Hussite catechisms of the same period. In addition to these Hussite explications of the Decalogue, the use of works by foreign authors, such as Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl, Jean Gerson, Johannes Nider, and Thomas Ebendorfer, was also characteristic in the Czech lands in the fifteenth century. After 1500, we only encounter a brief commentary on God’s commandments by the Utraquist priest, Jan Bechyňka, and a comprehensive work on this theme by Lukáš of Prague, a theologian of the Unity of Brethren. However, Martin Luther’s commentary on the Decalogue was translated into Czech and published in 1590. Except for that, up to the end of the century, we find only a largely unknown commentary on the Ten Commandments from the pen of Pastor Šimon Brodský in 1573. Thus, prior to the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, interpretation of the Decalogue continues to be evident only in catechetic, liturgical, and hymnic texts that document the original place of the Ten Commandments in the life of the pre-Reformation church.


HALAMA, Ota. Poznámky k interpretaci Dekalogu v českých dějinách církve. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2010, sv. 16, č. 1, s. 24-38.

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Život s Bohem. Návod k použití


Jindřich Halama


Summary: Living with God. A user manual (The Decalogue in Protestant Ethics of the Twentieth Century). This study attempts to interpret the main features of ethical explications of the Decalogue in European Protestantism during the second half of the twentieth century. The Decalogue alternately became a symbol for a universal human ethical minimum or for the exclusive morality of Christian society, which in both cases, is a distortion of its meaning. During the final decades of the century, an interpretation, which views the Decalogue as a document fostering the voluntary responsibility of liberated people to God, dominated. The author proposes seeing the Decalogue’s commandments as operating instructions – as sound counsel that it clearly is necessary to carry out – and conversely, as trustworthy advice about what to meticulously avoid – if we are to retain the granted freedom in living with God and with other people.


HALAMA, Jindřich. Život s Bohem. Návod k použití. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2010, sv. 16, č. 1, s. 39-50.

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Desatero ve filmech DeMillea a Kiesłowského


Tim Noble


Summary: The Ten Commandments in Films by DeMille and Kiesłowski. This article looks at three films which have as their title The Ten Commandments or Decalogue. It argues that the films offer, intentionally or not, a new way of seeing and understanding the story of the meaning of the commandments for their respective generations. They do this by articulating particular fears and concerns and by pointing towards possible paths to follow. These give us a glimpse, of the always to be realised eschatological fullness of life with God. The images they employ become ones which people themselves can use to express their own understanding of the commandments, and in that sense they become part of what the commandments are. For us today, the films are themselves part of the body of interpretation and reception of the Ten Commandments.


NOBLE, Tim. Desatero ve filmech DeMillea a Kiesłowského. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2010, sv. 16, č. 1, s. 51-64.

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Desatero a Küngův projekt světového étosu


Pavel Hošek


Summary: Decalogue and Küng’s project of global ethic. In this article the author focuses on the obvious similarity between the second half of the Decalogue on the one hand and Hans Küng’s proposal of global ethic on the other, as presented in Küng’s writings and accepted by the representatives of world’s religions at the Parliament of world’s religions in Chicago in 1993. In the second part of the article the author presents and analyzes the reasons of this similarity and also the reasons why the commandments of the first half of the Decalogue are not included into Hans Küng’s formulation of global ethic: the second half of the Decalogue, dealing primarily with interpersonal relationships, has many parallels in world’s religions, and it is therefore a suitable resource and referential point for global ethic. The first half of the Decalogue, on the other hand, which deals primarily with divine-human relationships, offers a specifically monotheistic (Abrahamic) anchorage of religious ethics. It is therefore directly applicable and relevant only for Jews, Christians and Muslims, and as such it cannot be used for the formulation of global ethic, because global ethic is designed to be acceptable, valid and binding for believers of each and every religion and culture, including non-theistic traditions.


HOŠEK, Pavel. Desatero a Küngův projekt světového étosu. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2010, sv. 16, č. 1, s. 65-70.

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„… i kdyby sám anděl z nebe přišel … nemohu jinak …“ Bible a náboženská kniha v rukou kacířů 18. století


Ondřej Macek


Summary: Bibel und religiöses Buch in den Händen der Ketzer des 18. Jahrhunderts. Der Artikel versucht in einigen Schritten die Umstände vorzustellen, welche dem tschechischen Protestanten ein Buch, nämlich die Bibel (fast schon als ikonographisches Symbol) in die Hand drückte. Nach einer kurzen Charakterisierung des Phänomens eines geheimen annähernd durch die Jahre 1624 bis 1781 begrenzten Protestantismus und drei Quellenbeispielen der Rolle des religiösen (protestantischen) Buches für die Aufrechterhaltung einer nichtkatholischen religiösen Gesinnung wird der Bücherbestand charakterisiert und gegliedert, den wir in den Verzeichnissen über konfiszierte Bücher am häufigsten vorfinden. In einem weiteren Teil werden dann die Formen der Reaktion der römisch-katholischen und des Staatsapparates auf Funde ketzerischer Literatur sowie Möglichkeiten der Resonanz der wahrscheinlich gelesenen Bücher in erhaltenen Aussagen geheimer und tolerierter Protestanten beschrieben. Am Schluss werden neben Nachklängen in der tschechischen Bibellesertradition im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert auch


MACEK, Ondřej. „… i kdyby sám anděl z nebe přišel … nemohu jinak …“ Bible a náboženská kniha v rukou kacířů 18. století. Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2010, sv. 16, č. 1, s. 73-91.

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Jak můžeme zachovat biblickou věrnost a zároveň číst bibli z pohledu své dnešní situace?


Gerhard Sauter


Zusammenfassung: Wie können wir Schrifttreue wahren und zugleich die Bibel von unserer Situation her lesen? Der Text erörtert das Rahmenthema der Konferenz („Die Bibel in der Hand des Volkes“) und knüpft an den Aufsatz des Autors an: „Die Kunst des Bibellesens“ (EvTh 52, 1992, 347–359). Wie kann man heute die Menschen zum „Leben mit der Bibel“ ermutigen – in einer Kirche, die sich vom Anfang in der Böhmischen Reformation an als ein aus dem Gehorsam gegen das göttliche Wort geborenes Volk Gottes verstanden wusste? In Zeiten der Unterdrückung und in Krisensituationen wurde die Bedeutung des Hinweises auf das „sola scriptura“ immer neu wahrgenommen. Die Schrifttreue bedeutet beides: die Treue der Schrift, der wir trauen. Die Treue gegenüber den biblischen Texten hält sich an ihr „Treuezeugnis“ und an die Erwartung, dass wir durch sie zur Erkenntnis und Erfahrung der Treue Gottes geführt werden.


SAUTER, Gerhard. Jak můžeme zachovat biblickou věrnost a zároveň číst bibli z pohledu své dnešní situace? Studie a texty Evangelické teologické fakulty. 2010, sv. 16, č. 1, s. 92-105.

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